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This is a '''list of notable wars on'''. To be included here, the war must:
* Involve one or more [[List of notable factions|notable]] factions,
* Include a period of actual conflict (no "cold wars")
== Canvas 1 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* '''[[France Invasion]]''': German/Ukrainian invasion of France
* [ '''Partition of Poland''']: German/finish invasion of Poland
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[France-Kekistan War|'''France-Kekistan War''']]: French invasion of Kekistan
== Canvas 2 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Russian Bot Wars|'''Russian Bot Wars''']]: Series of battles between the [[The New Pixel Axis|Axis]] and Russia in attempt to defeat Russian bots
* [ '''Void/Axis Wars''']: Series of attacks by [[Void|The Void]] against The Axis
* [ '''Axis Stamp War''']: Placement of a large stamp over Void+allies territory as retaliation for Void attack
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[GL-Ylilauta War|'''GL-Ylilauta War''']]: Ylilauta attempted invasion of GL territory, fought back by GL
* [[Banana War|'''Banana War''']]: PxlsAmerica+Frodo vs Banana Army+Green Lattice
* [[GL Colony War|'''GL Colony War''']]: Green Lattice response to Pink Lattice invasion of a GL colony
== Canvas 3 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Great Spurdo War|'''Great Spurdo War''']]: Coalition invasion of Spurdo Lattice
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [ '''Spurdo Duck War''']: Battle between Void and others over a "Duck-Spurdo" (part of Great Spurdo War) to avoid the creation of black void-root for the Anti-Spurdo Tree
== Canvas 4 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Spurdo Sprinkle Skirmish|'''Spurdo Sprinkle Skirmish''']]: Prolonged low-level conflict between Void rogues and the neighboring "Spurdo Sprinkle"
== Canvas 6 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Cell Lattice-Soul Lattice War|'''Cell Lattice-Soul Lattice War''']]: War between Soul Lattice and Cakey's [[Cell Lattice]]
== Canvas 9 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[First 2ch Invasion|'''First 2ch Invasion''']]: Invasion by the Russian "2ch" imageboard, fought off by several factions
== Canvas 10 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* "[[The Grudge|'''The Grudge''']]": A series of wars between Cakey+supporters and others, including but not limited to the Spurdos (Canvas 6 through Canvas 10)
* '''[[Invasion of the Checkerboards|Checkerboards Invasion]]''': Ukrainian invasion of grylicals' Checkerboards
* '''[[Invasion of Blue Corner (C10)|Blue Corner Invasion]]''': Andrew's Lattice + Ukraine invasion of Blue Corner
* '''[[BL-Greek War|Greece War]]''': Blue Lattice counterattack/invasion against Greek faction
* [[ManePxls Invasion|'''ManePxls Invasion''']]: The new [[ManePxls]], looking for land, invaded OSU.
== Canvas 11 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Woke War|'''Woke War''']]: Coalition invasion of grylical's Woke Reich
* [[Communist Wars|'''Communist Wars''']]: Series of wars led by [ AFIP] and Ukraine against the Communist factions
== Canvas 13 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Anarchotranshumanist Wars|'''Anarchotranshumanist Wars''']]: Series of wars by multiple factions against the Russian Anarchotranshumanist faction (Canvas 12 & Canvas 13)
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Wakanda Colonization|'''Wakanda Colonization''']]: German invasion of "Wakanda" faction after ongoings attacks of it on the German flag
== Canvas 14 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[New Touhou Incursion|'''New Touhou Incursion''']]: Invasion by the second Touhou faction against AFiP, Hamilton, and others
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* '''[[Fall of Abyss|Abyss Destruction]]''': The original friendly Abyss was destroyed by the [[Woke Cells]] and LoL factions
* [[PxlsMaths Voids|'''PxlsMaths Voids''']]: A void group attempted to void PxlsMaths and the surrounding factions on 3 occasions at the end of the canvas. The only successful void was of the LoL faction, where an agreement was reached to only leave the yellow 'L'
== Canvas 15 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Red Blob Invasion|'''Red Blob Invasion''']]: a group from the site FunnyJunk invaded after their primary pixel site was down. They attempted to cover the canvas with red, starting with the Canadian flag, but gave up when they got banned for multis and bots.
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Abyss-Pxls Roads War|'''Abyss-Pxls Roads War''']]: The [[Abyss]] attacked some various arts and [[Pxls Roads]]. The [[Crusaders]] were called in to wipe out the Abyss.
* [[Schopenhauer Campaign|'''Schopenhauer Campaign''']]: The [[Abyss]] attacked and covered the Jägermeister art. A new coalition called the Crusaders retaliated. The user Schopenhauer#9166 then reported himself to a mod and had 3 alts banned at once, crushing the Abyss. Schopenhauer was later criticized for using multiple accounts in the first place.
* '''[[Fall of Purple Lattice|Purple Lattice Invasion]]''': The Woke Cells (formally Woke Reich) invaded Purple Lattice, which would lead to the permanent destruction of PL.
* [[Roach Cookie Crumble|'''Roach Cookie Crumble''']]: After the completion of what came to be known as the Roach Cookie, a small coalition headed a raid to appropriate the area on the basis that it just looked awful.
== Canvas 16 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Manechat Invasion|'''Manechat Invasion''']]: The brony Discord server Manechat joined forces with [[ManePxls]], [[The Cozy Vault|Cozy Vault]] and [[AFIP]] to remove the Grylical monument from the canvas. For the first 12 hours of the attack, the efforts were focused on the areas surrounding the main monument. Then in a final push the remaining part of the monument was taken in just 3 hours. The stamp was completely finished 2 hours later, bringing the total time to 17 hours.
* '''[[Invasion of AFiP|The Invasion of AFIP]]''': A large portion of the community coordinated an attack on AFIP's flag, and In just 3 hours they had completed nearly half of their plans. It ended up taking 18 hours for the invaders to claim victory. The conflict brought the user count above 100 for the first time in over a month, with at least 25 total users fighting for each side. Youtube video showcasing the events:
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[ManePxls-Pixeloid Land Dispute|'''ManePxls-Pixeloid Land Dispute''']]: Early in the canvas ManePxls and the [[Pixeloid]] faction both laid claim to the same area. Eventually ManePxls came out on top. [Note: [[Cirno Embassy]] was also involved for a short time]
* [[The Second Crusade|'''The Second Crusade''']]: Abyss was attacked by the [[Steins;Gate]] faction, backed by the [[Crusaders]].
== Canvas 17 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Second 2ch Invasion|'''Second 2ch Invasion''']]: A war between a large group of members of [[2ch]], and the coalition [[PATO]]. Led to fierce, nonstop fighting until PATO's resistance eventually collapsed.
== Canvas 18 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Third 2ch Invasion|'''Third 2ch Invasion''']]: An invasion where 2ch was able to destroy many smaller factions and got revenge on several PATO members. This ended in major victories for 2ch.
== Canvas 25 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Yellow War|'''Yellow War''']]: Battle between the [[Navy Blue Grand Monarchy]] and [[Yellow Faction]].
* [[Woke Cells-NBGM Conflict|'''Woke Cells-NBGM Conflict''']]: Invasion of [[Navy Blue Grand Monarchy]] territory by [[Woke Cells]].
== Canvas 26 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Hungarian-NBGM Conflict|'''Hungarian-NBGM Conflict''']]: Long-running conflict between the NBGM and Hungarian Lattice (spillover into C27).
== Canvas 27 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Great Bear War|'''Great Bear War''']]: Casino Wheel Builders (+Chalkless) and [[Spurdos]] vs [[Bahamas Lattice]]
* [[Fall of Bahamas Lattice|'''Fall of Bahamas Lattice''']]: The final defeat of [[Bahamas Lattice]] by [[France]] and [[Blue Lattice]].
== Canvas 28 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[TikTok Invasion|'''TikTok Invasion''']]: Invasion by many TikTok users, who griefed several art projects on the canvas.
== Canvas 29 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Danish Invasions|'''Danish Invasions''']]: a series of battles between Denmark and its neighbours, namely Germany, Sweden, Norway and even Scotland and Iceland. Every Peace Deal was violated by rogues which led to Operation "sinkmark" to completely remove Denmark from the Map. After it came multiple Times back but never learned its lesson; a civil war broke out.
* '''[[Legion-Cozy Vault War]]'''
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Danish Civil War|'''Danish Civil War''']]: War between Denmark and apostate Danes under [[Pinkmark]]'s Banner, supported by the UK, Germany and Sweden. The War ended in victory for Pinkmark.
* '''TikTok Invasion''': The Invasion continued onto Canvas 29, where it eventually sputtered out.
== Canvas 30 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Fourth 2ch Invasion|'''Fourth 2ch Invasion''']]: War between the 2nd Pixel Axis + PATO and 2ch. The attack on 2ch was launched on 15.12.19.
== Canvas 34 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[1st War Against Legion|'''1st War Against Legion''']]: A War organized by Chinpachi that involved [[France Pxls]], Frog Village (now [[Rice Feilds]]), Corona Chan and [[Proggity Prog OwO]] to overthrow [[Legion]]. The War ended with France Pxls' art destroyed and the grief of all the frogs made by Proggity Prog OwO on the canvas. The fight lasted less than 2 hours before a clear victor was seen by Legion. Frog Village's art was griefed as well, but the owner, GreenCatKid, apologized on Legion's Discord and saved his art before it could be destroyed.
== Canvas 35 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Anglerfish War|'''Anglerfish War''']]: A war between [[Simian Sculptors]] against [[Veil]] and [[Legion]] over territory in the small [[Canvas 35]]. The war lasted around three days and ended in a ceasefire with both sides, and an agreement to move templates in order to make space for all sides.
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[MTG-Legion War|'''MTG-Legion War''']]: A war between Missing Texture Gang (now [[ERROR Gang]]) and [[Legion]] over territory in canvas 35. The 'mini-war' lasted several hours and ended with a demilitarized zone being constructed to pronounce a border.
* [[Irish-Bahamian War|'''Irish-Bahamian War''']]: A war between the Ireland faction and [[Bahamaland]], in which Bahamaland decimated a flag of Ireland and built a sign over it.
== Canvas 36 ==
==== '''Minor wars''' ====
* [[Flag Incursion|'''Flag Incursion''']]: A griefing campaign by tam and other volunteers to erase flags from the canvas. It achieved mixed success.
* '''[[Battle of the YOIB Coffin]]''':''' '''A long battle initially launched by YOIB (and some allies) who tried to retaliate against known griefer xxxxx99 by covering their art, the Coffin Sans meme. However, they were faced by massive opposition from various volunteers. After that, once the art was secured again, some people tried to write "Yoib" on the coffin, to mock their defeat. It was widely defended by [[The Thargoids]] and [[Coffin Gang]], as well as other volunteers, which spread to a chaotic multi-sided battle. Many factions each wanted to write their own thing on the Coffin, with others opposing them. The battle lasted almost 2 weeks and the canvas ended with no text on the Coffin.
== Canvas 37 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Pride Fist Invasion|'''Pride Fist Invasion''']]: A short war between [[Kekistan]] and its allies and the [[Pride Faction]]. Resulted in victory for the Pride Faction as the Pride Fist was restored.
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Battle of Eliasville|'''Battle of Eliasville''']]: A long-running skirmish between [[Proggity Prog OwO]] and volunteer forces against the small freehand faction eliasville and its volunteer supporters. Resulted in victory for eliasville as they restored their territory, and a ceasefire between the two sides.
* [[Chicken Hunt|'''Chicken Hunt''']]: A Prog attack on the [[Minecraft Pxls]] faction's chicken template, citing their reason for attack as its fiddle-abused appearance. MC Pxls successfully defended against the attacks, and a peace deal between the two factions was reached after about 5 hours.
* [[Cursed-Cell War|'''Cursed-Cell Wars''']]: Several wars involving [[Cursed Clan]]. The wars began when Cursed was invaded out of the blue by Cell Lattice. Later, near the end of the canvas, Cursed attacked Green Lattice but was fought back by a GL-Cell invasion with brief assistance from Veil. Eventually, Cursed reached a border with GL and Veil but Cell Lattice continued to attack until the canvas reset.
== Canvas 38 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Operation Sugma|'''Operation Sugma''']]: Major battle over territory near [[Pride Faction]] between two faction blocs. Resulted in a ceasefire and the moving of Pride Faction's template.
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[ELT Conflict|'''ELT Conflict''']]: Conflict between [[Eliasville]] and the "Eastside Legal Team" group.
* [[Vaktovian Campaign|'''Vaktovian Campaign''']]: Refers to the fairly extensive griefing campaign run by the [[Vaktovian Empire]].
* [[Banhammer War|'''Banhammer War''']]: Battle over what to put in the nuked area of what was once [[Banned Lives Matter]]. Resulted in a second version of BanLM being built over the spot.
* 420, 420 War: A green pixel at the coordinates 420, 420 gets replaced by a yellow one as a joke and multiple other users try to replace it with another color by discussing which color it should be in chat.
== Canvas 39 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Blue Corner War|'''Blue Corner War''']]: A longstanding conflict between the new Blue Corner and many volunteers who opposed it.
* [[Starry Night War|'''Starry Night War''']]: A conflict in which the Starry Night Lattice eroded [[YOIB]]'s borders, and in response, [[Legion]] and YOIB counterattacked towards the end of the canvas to restore them.
== Canvas 40 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* '''[[2ch Incursion (Canvas 40)]]''': The surprise return of [[2ch]] (ongoing) which attacked two factions.
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* '''[[Fall of Cell Lattice]]''': The final defeat of CL at the hands of [[Woke Cells]]
* '''[[War of The Waves]]''': A conflict where the new Turkey faction attacked several groups
* '''[[Operation Kahlenberg]]''': A raid against [[KAYC]] conducted by the newly-reformed Woke Cells
== Canvas 41 ==
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* '''[[Troll Face War]]'''
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Crafton vs Alea|'''Crafton vs Alea''']]: New users built Alea over Matt Crafton. A peace agreement was reached and they relocated.
== Canvas 42 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[Хуй-Legion conflict|'''Хуй-Legion conflict''']]
<br />
== Canvas 43 ==
* [[C43 War]]
== Canvas 43a ==
=== '''Minor Wars''' ===
=== '''Major Wars''' ===
* [[Anti-YouJ League vs Polonium]]: When a group of people disliked YouJ's actions and personality so a mass coalition was created to go to war with him.
== Canvas 44 ==
=== '''Minor wars''' ===
* [[The Battle of the Turtle]]: When volunteers of a certain group defended their turtle against Woke Cells.
=== '''Major wars''' ===
* [[Operation "Phase 5" War]]: YOIB went to war with [[Hall of Flags]].


Revision as of 20:40, 14 July 2021

This is a list of notable wars on To be included here, the war must:

  • Involve one or more notable factions,
  • Include a period of actual conflict (no "cold wars")

Canvas 1

Major wars

Minor wars

Canvas 2

Major wars

Minor wars

  • GL-Ylilauta War: Ylilauta attempted invasion of GL territory, fought back by GL
  • Banana War: PxlsAmerica+Frodo vs Banana Army+Green Lattice
  • GL Colony War: Green Lattice response to Pink Lattice invasion of a GL colony

Canvas 3

Major wars

Minor wars

  • Spurdo Duck War: Battle between Void and others over a "Duck-Spurdo" (part of Great Spurdo War) to avoid the creation of black void-root for the Anti-Spurdo Tree

Canvas 4

Minor wars

Canvas 6

Minor wars

Canvas 9

Major wars

  • First 2ch Invasion: Invasion by the Russian "2ch" imageboard, fought off by several factions

Canvas 10

Minor wars

  • "The Grudge": A series of wars between Cakey+supporters and others, including but not limited to the Spurdos (Canvas 6 through Canvas 10)
  • Checkerboards Invasion: Ukrainian invasion of grylicals' Checkerboards
  • Blue Corner Invasion: Andrew's Lattice + Ukraine invasion of Blue Corner

Canvas 11

Major wars

  • Woke War: Coalition invasion of grylical's Woke Reich

Canvas 13

Major wars

  • Anarchotranshumanist Wars: Series of wars by multiple factions against the Russian Anarchotranshumanist faction (Canvas 12 & Canvas 13)

Minor wars

  • Wakanda Colonization: German invasion of "Wakanda" faction after ongoings attacks of it on the German flag

Canvas 14

Major wars

Minor wars

  • Abyss Destruction: The original friendly Abyss was destroyed by the Woke Cells and LoL factions
  • PxlsMaths Voids: A void group attempted to void PxlsMaths and the surrounding factions on 3 occasions at the end of the canvas. The only successful void was of the LoL faction, where an agreement was reached to only leave the yellow 'L'

Canvas 15

Major wars

  • Red Blob Invasion: a group from the site FunnyJunk invaded after their primary pixel site was down. They attempted to cover the canvas with red, starting with the Canadian flag, but gave up when they got banned for multis and bots.

Minor wars

  • Abyss-Pxls Roads War: The Abyss attacked some various arts and Pxls Roads. The Crusaders were called in to wipe out the Abyss.
  • Schopenhauer Campaign: The Abyss attacked and covered the Jägermeister art. A new coalition called the Crusaders retaliated. The user Schopenhauer#9166 then reported himself to a mod and had 3 alts banned at once, crushing the Abyss. Schopenhauer was later criticized for using multiple accounts in the first place.
  • Purple Lattice Invasion: The Woke Cells (formally Woke Reich) invaded Purple Lattice, which would lead to the permanent destruction of PL.
  • Roach Cookie Crumble: After the completion of what came to be known as the Roach Cookie, a small coalition headed a raid to appropriate the area on the basis that it just looked awful.

Canvas 16

Major wars

  • Manechat Invasion: The brony Discord server Manechat joined forces with ManePxls, Cozy Vault and AFIP to remove the Grylical monument from the canvas. For the first 12 hours of the attack, the efforts were focused on the areas surrounding the main monument. Then in a final push the remaining part of the monument was taken in just 3 hours. The stamp was completely finished 2 hours later, bringing the total time to 17 hours.
  • The Invasion of AFIP: A large portion of the community coordinated an attack on AFIP's flag, and In just 3 hours they had completed nearly half of their plans. It ended up taking 18 hours for the invaders to claim victory. The conflict brought the user count above 100 for the first time in over a month, with at least 25 total users fighting for each side. Youtube video showcasing the events:

Minor wars

Canvas 17

Major wars

  • Second 2ch Invasion: A war between a large group of members of 2ch, and the coalition PATO. Led to fierce, nonstop fighting until PATO's resistance eventually collapsed.

Canvas 18

Major wars

  • Third 2ch Invasion: An invasion where 2ch was able to destroy many smaller factions and got revenge on several PATO members. This ended in major victories for 2ch.

Canvas 25

Minor wars

Canvas 26

Minor wars

Canvas 27

Minor wars

Canvas 28

Major wars

  • TikTok Invasion: Invasion by many TikTok users, who griefed several art projects on the canvas.

Canvas 29

Major wars

  • Danish Invasions: a series of battles between Denmark and its neighbours, namely Germany, Sweden, Norway and even Scotland and Iceland. Every Peace Deal was violated by rogues which led to Operation "sinkmark" to completely remove Denmark from the Map. After it came multiple Times back but never learned its lesson; a civil war broke out.
  • Legion-Cozy Vault War

Minor wars

  • Danish Civil War: War between Denmark and apostate Danes under Pinkmark's Banner, supported by the UK, Germany and Sweden. The War ended in victory for Pinkmark.
  • TikTok Invasion: The Invasion continued onto Canvas 29, where it eventually sputtered out.

Canvas 30

Major wars

  • Fourth 2ch Invasion: War between the 2nd Pixel Axis + PATO and 2ch. The attack on 2ch was launched on 15.12.19.

Canvas 34

Minor wars

  • 1st War Against Legion: A War organized by Chinpachi that involved France Pxls, Frog Village (now Rice Feilds), Corona Chan and Proggity Prog OwO to overthrow Legion. The War ended with France Pxls' art destroyed and the grief of all the frogs made by Proggity Prog OwO on the canvas. The fight lasted less than 2 hours before a clear victor was seen by Legion. Frog Village's art was griefed as well, but the owner, GreenCatKid, apologized on Legion's Discord and saved his art before it could be destroyed.

Canvas 35

Major wars

  • Anglerfish War: A war between Simian Sculptors against Veil and Legion over territory in the small Canvas 35. The war lasted around three days and ended in a ceasefire with both sides, and an agreement to move templates in order to make space for all sides.

Minor wars

  • MTG-Legion War: A war between Missing Texture Gang (now ERROR Gang) and Legion over territory in canvas 35. The 'mini-war' lasted several hours and ended with a demilitarized zone being constructed to pronounce a border.
  • Irish-Bahamian War: A war between the Ireland faction and Bahamaland, in which Bahamaland decimated a flag of Ireland and built a sign over it.

Canvas 36

Minor wars

  • Flag Incursion: A griefing campaign by tam and other volunteers to erase flags from the canvas. It achieved mixed success.
  • Battle of the YOIB Coffin: A long battle initially launched by YOIB (and some allies) who tried to retaliate against known griefer xxxxx99 by covering their art, the Coffin Sans meme. However, they were faced by massive opposition from various volunteers. After that, once the art was secured again, some people tried to write "Yoib" on the coffin, to mock their defeat. It was widely defended by The Thargoids and Coffin Gang, as well as other volunteers, which spread to a chaotic multi-sided battle. Many factions each wanted to write their own thing on the Coffin, with others opposing them. The battle lasted almost 2 weeks and the canvas ended with no text on the Coffin.

Canvas 37

Major wars

Minor wars

  • Battle of Eliasville: A long-running skirmish between Proggity Prog OwO and volunteer forces against the small freehand faction eliasville and its volunteer supporters. Resulted in victory for eliasville as they restored their territory, and a ceasefire between the two sides.
  • Chicken Hunt: A Prog attack on the Minecraft Pxls faction's chicken template, citing their reason for attack as its fiddle-abused appearance. MC Pxls successfully defended against the attacks, and a peace deal between the two factions was reached after about 5 hours.
  • Cursed-Cell Wars: Several wars involving Cursed Clan. The wars began when Cursed was invaded out of the blue by Cell Lattice. Later, near the end of the canvas, Cursed attacked Green Lattice but was fought back by a GL-Cell invasion with brief assistance from Veil. Eventually, Cursed reached a border with GL and Veil but Cell Lattice continued to attack until the canvas reset.

Canvas 38

Major wars

  • Operation Sugma: Major battle over territory near Pride Faction between two faction blocs. Resulted in a ceasefire and the moving of Pride Faction's template.

Minor wars

  • ELT Conflict: Conflict between Eliasville and the "Eastside Legal Team" group.
  • Vaktovian Campaign: Refers to the fairly extensive griefing campaign run by the Vaktovian Empire.
  • Banhammer War: Battle over what to put in the nuked area of what was once Banned Lives Matter. Resulted in a second version of BanLM being built over the spot.
  • 420, 420 War: A green pixel at the coordinates 420, 420 gets replaced by a yellow one as a joke and multiple other users try to replace it with another color by discussing which color it should be in chat.

Canvas 39

Minor wars

  • Blue Corner War: A longstanding conflict between the new Blue Corner and many volunteers who opposed it.
  • Starry Night War: A conflict in which the Starry Night Lattice eroded YOIB's borders, and in response, Legion and YOIB counterattacked towards the end of the canvas to restore them.

Canvas 40

Major wars

Minor wars

Canvas 41

Major wars

Minor wars

  • Crafton vs Alea: New users built Alea over Matt Crafton. A peace agreement was reached and they relocated.

Canvas 42

Minor wars

Canvas 43

Canvas 43a

Minor Wars

Major Wars

  • Anti-YouJ League vs Polonium: When a group of people disliked YouJ's actions and personality so a mass coalition was created to go to war with him.

Canvas 44

Minor wars

Major wars