Third 2ch Invasion

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The Third 2ch Invasion was a major campaign throughout Canvas 18 run by 2ch. It faced significantly less resistance than it did during the Second Invasion, and as a result was able to destroy the projects of multiple factions who resisted them during the previous Invasion.

Their "Yoba Lattice," consumed multiple projects and minor lattices, becoming a nearly-unstoppable force that was never truly defeated during the Invasion. This Invasion was considered the height of 2ch's power on Pxls, and by the next canvas, their presence had been accepted with only limited threat from PATO or any others. Indeed, it was considered the most successful invasion of the Pxls canvas ever attempted.


Destruction of Ocean

Blue Lattice War (western front)

Destruction of AFIP and Cozy Vault

Bloodlust plan

Battle over Lil B's Lattice

Green Lattice War

Other conflicts