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(Redirected from User:Selio)
Selio's typical profile picture on Discord
Active CanvasesCanvas 29,
Canvas 31 - 54,
a few pixels on Canvas 55 - 57,
Canvas 80 - present
Pixels Placed420,000+
Factions Associated
Stem Place
Crimson Dawn
Pride Faction
League of Factions
Green Lattice
Bag Faction
Femboy Cafe
Black Mesa
Ember Empire

Selio (previously known as CP_Pixels; for Crafter Productions), is a Pxls.Space user who joined on November 13, 2019, under the name someone2342t. They disappeared until January 14, 2020, and created a new account under the new username CP_Pixels (later changed to Selio.) They are one of many users who came from the Pxls Clone "Stem Place". Selio has the highest pixel count out of the users from Stem Place.

Some of their most notable involvements with Pxls over the years (in order) include: Leader of Stem Place (Faction)/Crimson Dawn, Mod in Pride Faction, founding member and Senior Councilor of the League of Factions, Mayo Ofical in YOIB, Co-Leader in Bag Faction, and Leader of the Ember Empire.

Pixels Placed Graph

Pxls Development work

The CSS for the original blue theme

Second version of the blue theme

Third version of the blue theme

Starting in May 2020, Selio made various contributions to the Pxls source code. Some of the more notable additions were:

  • Blue theme (3 versions total, changed to be darker)
  • Donator role and green chat name gradient for donators
  • Separate clearing for heatmap and virginmap, with keybinds
  • Green theme
  • Adding CSS labels for more elements
  • Other various CSS changes and minor backend edits.

They also created a list of dev plans in 2020, most of which have still not been completed.

Selio created the canvas used for Canvas 38, otherwise known as moon canvas.

After Selio came back they started working on more code contributions and also suggested several canvases to staff.

Selio designed Canvas 85.

Affiliated Factions

Faction Position Time Notes
Pinapia Leader Canvas 32 - 33

then Canvas 34 - 39 as

a Stem Place Vassal

Originally had its own server, as a Pxls version of the Stem Place Faction. It was then absorbed into the Stem Place Pxls faction
Crimson Dawn Leader Canvas 32 - 45 Started the faction as a organized group for Stem Placers, and evolved significantly over time
Pride Faction Member Canvas 33 - Present Was a mod in the faction until stepping down at the end of 2020. Afterwards, placed for the faction primarily during wars
Green Lattice Member Canvas 35 - Present Occasionally placed lattice over the canvases and created the Green Lattice faction tag
League of Factions Senior Councilor/Co-Leader Canvas 37 - Present Joined on the first day as one of the founding factions and helped run the LOF as well as assisting in war efforts
YOIB Mayo Oficial (Cornel) Canvas 42 - 46 Participated in ops and fiddle abuse raids, as well as providing some art
Legion Auxiliary; Triarius Canvas 38 - Present Occasionally placed for legion
Bag Faction Co-Leader Canvas 40 - Present Helped make many bags on the canvas, and created a few bags
Black Mesa Leader Canvas 47, 51, 81 This faction, also known as Lambda Complex, created Half Life art on a couple canvases. Although in practice it was really a solo faction by Selio
Femboy Cafe Member/Artist Primarily Canvas 54 Placed a few stacks on prior canvases, but created the main art on c54 and placed more for the faction
Ember Empire Leader Canvas 81 - Present Faction brought over from the Stem Place Pxls Clone, inspired by YOIB and Legion


For the sake of continuity and readability, this section refers to this user as "Selio," despite being known as "CP_Pixels" for the majority of the section.

Canvas 29

Selio joined Pxls with the account someone2342t after Mikarific shared the link. Someone2342t placed 8 pixels, looked around canvas, and then departed.

Canvas 31

On c31 Selio returned to Pxls as CP_Pixels. They began interacting in chat and meeting users (such as Swffl, the first Pxls user Selio talked to), but did not create any art.

Canvas 32

On this canvas they became a little more active and created art for the first time. Selio brought over Pinapia (from Stem Place), which was a faction dedicated to making small kawaii pineapples.

Pinapia faction ad

During the middle of the canvas, Pinapia looked like the image below.


At the end of the canvas, the original pineapples were destroyed. However, unbeknownst to Selio at the time, the pineapples were relocated elsewhere.

End of canvas

Relocated Pineapples

Canvas 33

On this canvas Selio and a couple other users from Stem Place built their names in the corner of the canvas, along with a few pineapples.

mid canvas Stem Place Corner

Pride Faction c33 final

On this canvas Mikarific also created Pride Faction. Selio helped the Pride Faction template and participated in defending Pride from aggressors. Because of that (and possibly other griefs?), the Stem Place Corner was destroyed in an operation by YOIB later in the canvas.

Stem Place Corner at the end of the canvas

Canvas 34

For c34 Selio started by making Darth Nihilus from KOTOR. At the beginning there was an overlap with Pixelstuck so there was negotiations and in the end Pixelstuck helped move the Nihilus template outline down several pixels. Hazard contributed a significant amount to the template.

Darth Nihilus (badly fiddled)

Selio additionally made 3 pineapples. They also helped out Pride Faction, who encountered more conflicts this canvas.

Canvas 35

This canvas Selio officially created the Faction "Pxls Stem Place." It was dedicated to making a zone where users from the Stem Place Pxls Clone or other Pxls users could create small art. After the chaos of reset, a place was found below Scrappy Pixels where Stem Place set up.

Canvas 36

Pxls Stem Place expanded quite a bit this canvas. They ran into trouble at the beginning of the canvas because of the canvas shape and a claim dispute with Error Gang. Selio quickly created a template that molded into the canvas and avoided error. The rest of the canvas went pretty smoothly. Pxls Stem Place also created a lattice. Stem Place formed alliances with Bahamaland and Tea N' Tea.

Canvas 37

This canvas Stem Place originally intended to have a dark blue background, but when the canvas dropped Selio realized YOIB was doing a dark blue theme and quickly changed the background color to turquoise.

On this canvas, the faction coalition League of Factions was formed and Stem Place was a founding member. No conflicts happened related to LOF this canvas, and it mainly served as a period where things were getting set up. As there was a need for moderation and help leading the coalition, several councilors were brought on, including Selio. On the last day of the canvas Stem Place had still not finished its background, so many users volunteered their help. Thanks to them, Stem Place finished in time for reset.

Canvas 38

Stem Place used a dark blue background on this canvas, as had been planned for the previous canvas. C38 was a canvas designed and suggested by Selio, so they made a template shaped to the canvas in case staff team picked it, which made claiming at the beginning of the canvas much easier and faster for Stem Place. Later in the canvas Stem Place also had a lattice.

C38 featured a major war between LOF/Pride Faction and YOIB, known as Operation Sugma. Selio fought for LOF and Pride to try and repel YOIB's attack, but the defense was a failure. However, later in the canvas the flag heart was relocated next to Stem Place. Selio also placed for Pride outside of the war.

c38 Pride and YOIB's ahego (Stem Place lattice visible in top right as well)

Pride's relocated pride heart

On c38 they also began helping Legion for the first time, but it wasn't that substantial of a number.

Canvas 39

On this canvas Selio continued running Stem Place and also placed for Pride Faction. The beginning of the canvas was a claim nightmare for Stem Place. There were claim conflicts with YOIB, Pixel Zoo, and Cirno Embassy.

Around this canvas and during the next few, a user called Chinpachi was parading around a emoji called "hap," calling for it to be added to the Pxls server and repeatedly building it on the canvas. Selio vehemently hated hap for whatever reason and developed a bit of a rivalry and spoke out against it.

Canvas 40

This canvas started out with Stem Place doing a different art to celebrate the return of the Pxls Clone. (See Stem Place (Pxls Clone) or Crimson Dawn.)

The template finished fairly quickly which left a lot of time for Selio to help with random things. c40 featured a large LOF Collab between member factions. Selio was one of the Collab artists and worked to help organize it.

LOF collab. Selio fire wolf can be found at the top left of the desk.

Besides the LOF Collab, Selio also placed for Legion and Pride Faction.

Canvas 41

C41 was the first canvas to feature a LOF safezone. Stem Place participated and built the Mandalorian, abandoning the old faction formula due to frustration from Selio. There was a claim issue with hazard, so Stem Place helped move his art up a bit.

During this canvas the major Troll Face War took place where Pride Faction's template was erased. However, the troll face was later destroyed in Operation Crux/Jabroni and the Gyarados Raid. Selio helped lead the LOF and Pride Faction defense against the Trollface Coalition.

Selio and Cazy_Man along with Stem Place did a raid on small repeat pixel arts with a grill emoji.

During this canvas Selio also helped build Stem Place member ScoutOrion's personal art piece.

Canvas 42

On this canvas Stem Place made a few medium sized arts, after a minor claim conflict.

The big event of this canvas was the 2ch Pride Raids where 2ch repeatedly attacked Pride Faction. Along with the LOF, Selio helped defend Pride Faction in the war, but also during peacetime.

During this canvas Selio joined YOIB officially. Their decision to join YOIB is odd in the context of the rest of their history, as YOIB was often opposed to factions Selio was in. Aside from taking interest in the faction concept and operation point system, a couple reasons for joining were to participate in fiddle abuse raids and form warmer relations with yoibers (which payed off in the future). They avoided helping anything related to banned users. Because of past coincidences and LOF-YOIB collaboration they started off with a few OP Points already. Placing during peaceful periods, Selio quickly climbed the ranks.

Dark Grey YOIB

Additionally, Bag Faction was formed, though bags had already been present on Pxls for a while.

Canvas 43

Stem Place rebranded to Crimson Dawn and switched to a model of building a custom art piece each canvas. On c43 they built Vader's Castle.

Throughout the canvas Selio also placed a significant amount for teal YOIB.

Without a doubt the biggest event on this canvas was the C43 War between LOF and 2ch. It comprised of many battles all over the canvas. 2ch was also occasionally joined by other factions. It resulted in Pride Faction, Winter Starlight, and Harry Potter Pxls being destroyed, but also a peace brokered between LOF and 2ch that lasted for a couple canvases. Selio led several operations to defend LOF factions, and helped with others.

Canvas 43a

On c43a Crimson Dawn made a small art, but Selio primarily placed for YOIB this canvas. They also suggested/defiddled a few arts for YOIB.

Crimson Dawn c43a

Khaki YOIB

Selio did not majorly participate in the Legion invasion of Canvas 43a on any side (I think), but aided LOF mobilization efforts as a councilor.

Canvas 44

Crimson Dawn created a piece based off the Siege of Mandalore and Selio helped manage the LOF safezone.

They additionally placed for YOIB and 2ch (-as part of a CD fiddle abuse raid, and repayment to 2ch.)

During c44 Crimson Dawn ran into a situation where 2ch was considering raiding the faction's art. (Read more about it on the faction page.) This resulted in several very tense days where the LOF-2ch piece was almost broken. Crimson Dawn and the LOF managed to broker an agreement with 2ch, partially thanks to Selio and Pogtato's YOIB membership. It involved Crimson Dawn members placing for 2ch to repay for damages.

Orange YOIB

Canvas 45

On c45 Crimson Dawn created Embo and a lattice. This was also the last canvas the faction was active on.

Cazy_Man and Selio raided the Hall of Flags because of a disdain for flags and rivalry with the faction owner.

Selio also participated in the First Siege of Trollge and Second Siege of Trollge. They placed a bit for YOIB this canvas as well, but way less than the last couple canvases.

Canvas 45a

Selio placed for YOIB, Legion, and a few pixels for Pixelstuck. They mainly placed the color orange this canvas, with a small amount of medium grey.

Canvas 46

Selio did not have any personal art on c46 and instead spent most of the canvas focused on the Second 2ch–LOF War (good read). They also placed a bit for YOIB and Legion. Selio slowed down on placing for YOIB around this point due to a variety of reasons.

The war was triggered by Mikarific's comments about Russian culture not being great. The second LOF 2ch war was long and grueling, comprised of many battles lasting all canvas. Selio placed for Pride Faction and the LOF and led a couple phases of LOF's operations during the war. The war ended with a 2ch victory in most territories. Both 2ch and LOF gained a significant amount of power during the war, which was much larger than the first. The two main theaters can be seen below.

What once was the LOF Safezone

Pride-GSm collab, attacked by 2ch

Canvas 47

This canvas Selio created a new faction called The Lambda Complex to make Half Life art. It made a Gordon Freeman and a head crab in the top of the canvas. Hazard contributed a lot of pixels to this template, much like the Darth Nihilus from long before.

They also participated in the Corner War this canvas, which ended with the 2ch nuke. Selio then participated in LOF training exercises to prepare for any potential future action, and helped a bit with Pride Faction and the LOF Safezone. They also helped a couple YOIB operations.

LOF c47

Canvas 48

Selio was not very active this canvas due to real life events , but they did place a bit for LOF.

Canvas 49

Due to a change in life circumstances, Selio became significantly less active for the next couple years. This canvas they placed a handful of pixels for LOF aligned factions. They also participated in discussions where LOF was negotiating.

Canvas 50

While still keeping some tabs on Pxls happenings, Selio did not place much on this canvas (I literally can't remember, but some pixels were definitely placed for LOF.)

Canvas 51

This canvas they decided to create another piece under The Lambda Complex. This was possible thanks to a bit more time being open IRL. After that was complete, they took interest in Femboy Café and joined, placing a few pixels for them.

Lambda Complex c51

The Femboy Café in question

Canvas 52

Once again, Selio's activity went back down. Pixels placed this canvas (probably a couple hundred) were likely for Femboy Café.

Canvas 53

On this canvas they placed a bit for Legion. As a LOF councilor, Selio also monitored the growing D2 faction.

Canvas 54

Due to a more stable IRL situation, Selio was able to put a bit more time to Pxls. They designed the main art for Femboy Café this canvas and placed a bit for it.

Canvas 55

Probably placed a few pixels for LOF's counter D2 operations, Femboy Café, and NBGM. (I'm really not sure)

Canvas 56

Placed for Pride Faction's r/place thank you art and LOF.

Canvas 57

Selio placed a few stacks for the Fish Collab and LOF. They considered reviving Crimson Dawn to add a small art to the collab, but other CD admins voted against it.

Fish Collab c57

Canvas 58

Few stacks placed (likely for LOF factions or Femboy Café.)

Around this canvas Selio stopped playing Pxls altogether due to more IRL events.

(Selio note: data shows I placed on a few canvases in my absence but I don't remember them at all.)

Canvas 80

After checking the Pxls Discord ever but slowly more during the beginning of 2024, Selio started chatting in the Pxls Discord again after the Mikarific situation caught their attention. After it was over, Selio reminisced about past experiences on Pxls and desired to return, acting as a catalyst for renewed interest.

On c80, Selio started placing again- mainly in stacks- for Green Lattice. They also got a name change on the site. Meanwhile also started rejoining some Pxls factions servers and becoming active in those again as well.

Canvas 81

This canvas Selio brought back the Lambda Complex as Black Mesa and placed a substantial amount of pixels. Selio placed over 30k on c81, more than any canvas before. They started re-establishing diplomatic relationships with Pxls factions and catching up on what they had missed in the previous couple years.

Art outlined in azure belongs to Black Mesa

Aside from Black Mesa, Selio had a canvas long crusade against fiddle abuse. Many different instances of fiddle abuse were either wiped or defiddled. Due to this, the final canvas is devoid of any fiddle abuse. The Black Mesa template itself expanded to cover three medium size fiddle abuses. The Nihilanth (top left) was assisted by members of The Chromatic Empire in exchange for Selio helping out with their lattice. A couple images of other raids are below.

Tree built over album cover fiddle abuse. The raid was supported by an operation in Ember Empire

A fiddled butterfly art was manually defiddled on site by Selio. Admittedly low effort due to limited time.

Built over a small fiddled logo

Canvas 82

This Canvas Selio brought over (along with the help of pogtato) the faction Ember Empire, which was the largest faction on the Stem Place Pxls Clone. It did have an operation on the previous canvas, but the server was still being restructured. Selio and other members had initially planned to bring the faction to Pxls around c46, but 2ch-- and later-- life events, got in the way. This canvas Ember Empire built a faction ad on the canvas before fully starting. After it was complete Selio helped Legion finish their template.

Medium red outline is official Ember template

Bag Faction Revival

On this canvas they brought back Bag Faction along with a new combo template to easily make bags. Selio spent the majority of the canvas making bags, attempting to set a new record for number of bags present on a canvas.

Canvas 83

Selio was not able to create their own art before the canvas began so they began the canvas by placing for Legion. After the main art was complete, they started making Legion's lattice.

Halfway through the canvas The Ember Empire began a raid on an abandoned fiddled artwork made by dema and co.

By the time Ember finished there was still a few days left of the canvas, so Selio placed for ManePxls for the rest of the canvas.

Canvas 84

When reset was announced, Selio rushed to get together a template for Ember Empire. They went with a pink theme for this canvas and it is also the first instance of Ember doing the colored background. Selio also sent the Leviathan art to Legion which they ended up using on this canvas. A couple days into the canvas Selio proposed a collab between ManePxls and Ember so that Mane would have more presence on the canvas. (They scrapped most of their plans for the canvas during the chaos of reset.) Part of the Ember template was replaced with a Pinkie Pie collab.

Selio placed for Ember Empire most of the canvas. When the template was nearly complete, Ember conducted a raid on a fiddled Jerma in Green Lattice territory. After all of Ember's templates were done, Selio helped Legion finish up. After that, they placed for VGA/osu!'s background. When that was also done, Selio created a small pixel farm that they used for the rest of the canvas. They also joined {:}, a faction of 12 fast placers that occasionally builds things.

  • Ember Empire

  • Ember colony/raid

  • Legion

Canvas 85

Selio designed the canvas for C85. Prior to the canvas starting, Selio was approached by Sohiimfine about claiming their factions templates together. This turned into the r4nd0m alliance, comprised of FURU, The Ember Empire, Lunes, Charlie Zone, and Fisk at its inception. The member list has been the same ever since. Selio prepared a r4nd0m combo template in the event of the leaf canvas being picked, so reset went very smoothly. Ember had a teal theme this canvas and a goal of beating their largest template size from the Stem Place Pxls clone. The starting template was larger than any of Selio's initial templates for any faction (~80k pixels). This canvas was largely inconsequential in terms of events. Ember's solid teal background was made the r4nd0m background as well, allowing Ember to keep expanding. Ember's final template size was a staggering 176,394 pixels, beating the largest template size they had achieved on Stem Place.

Canvas 86

On this canvas, FURU and Ember set up a collab together. Sohiimfine defiddled the main art piece and the background color maroon was chosen. Selio once again claimed for r4nd0m. Due to the canvas' strange shape, none of the 4 prepared arrangements worked, so Selio worked tirelessly for a fews hours to finalize an arrangement and fix claim conflicts. Miraculously no arts were cut, though the collab art was slightly overlapped with Charlie Zone. Things went smoothly for a few weeks, and then Sohi initiated a raid on Place Trees (north of ember). Selio did not want to involve Ember in the flame template, though Selio themself was eventually tempted to help complete the flames. Ember started an operation to build an oni mask over an expansion area of Place Trees that Selio did not like. It completely very quickly, and negotiations begun about reverting the flame raid. The main Place Trees template was restored and a new border was established to contain their freehand art expansion. Next, Ember raided a duplicated art from the previous canvas, establishing the "EE2" colony, which was apple themed. During this canvas there had been constant discussions about raiding the GRID. This was due to its extremely slow speed and disliked concept. Eventually Ember launched a raid on it with a flying skull art. The template was handily completed and Selio gave advice to the GRID on how to avoid a similar situation in the future. Next, an operation was launched to cover a sexual fiddled art made by Bobbybobby in Swarm territory. A chef cat was placed on top with no resistance. The rest of the canvas was relatively calm, with two other abandoned fiddle abuse arts near the main template getting covered. Once again, the final Ember Empire template beat the previous size record. Maroon was the third most placed color on the canvas, only behind white and black. Additionally Selio achieved the milestone of 50k canvas pixels for the first time.

Canvas 87

For this canvas, Ember picked the color Navy. It was decided to have a smaller starting template because of the chaos during the previous reset. Selio claimed for r4nd0m again, which went perfectly because the canvas turned out to be a 3 million pixel rectangle. The copious amounts of free space caused Selio to find more art to claim in nearby spots, including a second full defiddle. This canvas Selio made 2 defiddles for Ember instead of the typical 1; Ember-San and maid cat boy Shoto (VTuber). Selio was part of the {:} (Pincus) ego collab of c87, and helped build it. This canvas was long, but free of a lot of Ember related drama. The only special operation they had was to cover one of their own arts, because it was built before on a previous canvas. Midway through the canvas Ember prevented Reiss' nyan cat rainbow from passing through Ember's core territory. A couple days later Selio participated in the Cell Lattice raid, which was initiated by Sohi and {:}, with Swarm later joining in. At this point, Ember still had a lot of background to cover, so Selio focused on that for the rest of the canvas. There were discussions about raiding Bobbybobby's latest fiddled art, but ultimately nothing happened. Ember beat the previous canvas' template size by 40k pixels, totaling in at 223k pixels. Navy was the most placed color on this canvas, at 415k pixels of navy, and nearly 150k more than second place. Selio also reached 64k canvas pixels, a number which will likely be their all-time best canvas pixel count.

Canvas 88 (Current)

Because of the long stretches without action on c87, Selio decided to make Ember's starting template very small with the aspirations of doing more raids, colonies, and special operations for more fun. Ember chose to use Forest as the background color and Sohiimfine claimed for r4nd0m this canvas. Early on, Bobbybobby was called out for his latest sexualized pixel art and subsequently disappeared from the canvas. 8 days into the canvas, Selio, TheMatsValk, and TheFallenAngel started a 2 piece raid on this art. It was the start of Ember Empire's first colony, but since the bottom art was not defiddled yet, an official operation didn't begin. The top art completed in about a day. A week later, Selio finished the defiddle on the bottom and the Ember Raid template was posted. It pulled in even more users who helped finish the 10k art in about a day. After this, another round of expansions were posted for the main template. Plans also began to expand the colony to the left and include a text label. Plans for another rock art were scrapped when a Philippines area was built in the open space. The backup plan involved building a plant cat instead. However this would cover user Wisteria's cat art. The raid plans were okayed and an operation to complete the first colony started.

Other Facts

Name Etymology

Not anticipating sticking around, Selio signed up as "someone" on both Stem Place and Pxls. Since the name was taken on Pxls, they just added random text to create "someone2342t".

After a bit, Selio starting using the name "CP_Pixels." It was derived from "Crafter Productions," which was the name of a YouTube channel they ran until the end of 2019. That itself was derived from "FireCrafter" which was the username Selio came up with for Minecraft as a young child.

In early 2021, they began looking for a new name due to having a bad acronym. They came up with "Selisoweli," meaning "fire animal" in the colang Toki Pona. Cazy_Man suggested shortening it to "Selio." Soon after they took it on as their Discord name. Despite this, Selio was still "CP_Pixels" on the Pxls site until May 2024 when they finally asked for a name change.

Allies, Friends, and Related Users






