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Latest revision as of 19:08, 27 February 2025
ManePxls | |||||||
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Leadership | |||||||
Founders | Valra Bellkeys and Danmur15 | ||||||
Leader | TheWaffleLord |
ManePxls is Pxls' resident brony faction, whose aim is to create art from the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and other MLP related media.
All images included in the "Projects" section are cropped. You can visit the Pxls Archives to see the full versions of the canvases.
ManePxls was started by Discord user Valra Bellkeys#3134 on 4/24/18. Discussion about bringing ponies to began in the Manechat Discord server between Valra Bellkeys#3134, danmur15#7448, Siarnaq#4452, and hydroglyphic#4775. ManePxls did not officially begin calling themselves "ManePxls" until after they moved to their secondary location on Canvas 10, originally writing "r/manechat" instead.
Canvas 10
ManePxls started out with big plans to invade osu!'s art to gain a foothold on the canvas. This was okay to begin with but it got a few people angry, in and outside of Pxls, so that plan was cancelled. After helping to repair the original artwork, ManePxls found a home on the right border, where they did not intervene with any other art for the duration of the canvas.

Canvas 11
Now with a more sizeable faction than canvas 10, ManePxls attempted to secure an area all to themselves by working with other factions in the Pxls Discord server. However, they got pushed out of their original spot (to the right of AFiP) and had to squeeze in between two pieces of artwork by Discord user dani26795#0181. As the Canvas progressed, ManePxls branched out into abandoned or empty spaces surrounding the 'core'.
Midway through the canvas, ManePxls took part in a raid against Woke Cells.
It is also to be noted that two new factions came out of this canvas.
Rainbow Lattice
This is the first time Rainbow Lattice was used as infill. At this point it was still a part of ManePxls, but it would soon break off as its own faction.
"Anti Bronie Coalation"[sic]
While an enemy of ManePxls, it is important to note that this was the first canvas where the "Anti Bronie Coalation"[sic] (ABC) began to harass ManePxls.

Canvas 12
Since the canvas was so small, ManePxls only built a tiny Roseluck in the bottom left, and a bit of Rainbow Lattice at the top.

Canvas 13
This was the first canvas where ManePxls had its own designated area. Canvas 13 was relatively uneventful other than attacks from ABC towards the end and users writing funny phrases into the art while working. There was also a tribute to the main factions that ManePxls was allied with at the time, in between the apple and the FiM Fiction logo. These allies included (left to right) AFiP, Flower Lattice, Green Lattice, Red Lattice, Rainbow Road, and Rainbow Lattice.

Canvas 13b

Canvas 14
This was the largest area ManePxls took up across it's time on Pxls up until canvas 71. This combined with a smaller than expected canvas caused more of the community to begin disliking ManePxls. Discord user Glitchdemall#0001 decided to start the message below ManePxls' area which was intended to say "You ponies need to make your area smaller. We want space too. -Pxls Community". However this did not end up this way as it became a meme within the community.
To help appease the community, ManePxls gave up a slot on the left side of their area to the newly formed LoL faction, which later became home to the Fox faction. Also, a cookie was added to the mouth of the grey bat pony "Miss Ping" by request of a few members of the community.
During the construction of the art, the members became worried that it would not be completed due to an increase in artwork size and a decline in active members. From this point on ManePxls would scale down its plans each canvas.

Canvas 15
Instead of mostly art in the ManePxls area on canvas 15, ManePxls members' original characters were used, in the style of the game Pony Town, as a sort of tribute to the members who made ManePxls possible.

Canvas 16
It was originally planned to do a 360x300 piece, but due to a smaller than expected canvas size, this was brought down to 330x160. Later on the "Manechat stamp" was added as part of a collaboration between ManePxls and the Manechat Discord server, marking the first time the two servers had actually worked together since the creation of ManePxls.
On this canvas ManePxls was also the most active, conflict-wise. They technically participated in 5 conflicts, which was double all previous conflicts.

Canvas 17
Since Halloween was slated to take place during canvas 17, the artwork for the canvas was focused mostly around that, such as Derpy in her Halloween costume from one of the Nightmare Night episodes, Flutterbat, Rainbow Factory Rainbow Dash, a pony themed jack-o-lantern, and a tombstone. Canvas 17 was conflict-free, besides a few members independently helping in the fight against the 2ch threat.

Canvas 18
After being told that the canvas would most likely be very short, ManePxls held off on their holiday theme until the next canvas so that it would happen during the holiday season. Instead a wide assortment of art was made, similar to earlier canvases. Although there was no conflict with other factions, there was disagreement between a few members of ManePxls as to what the speech bubble should say. The original artwork said "We ponies are totally fuckable", but it was decided to change this to "We ponies are totally snuggable".
Canvas 18 was also the shortest canvas that ManePxls participated in, only taking 16 days as opposed to the usual 35+ days it takes. This short canvas length was mostly due to 2ch filling the canvas very quickly.

Canvas 19
Even though Christmas was almost exactly a month away, Pxls mods assured the community that canvas 19 would last through the holiday season. With this in mind ManePxls began work on their Hearth's Warming Eve themed art, with most of the reference art coming from a holiday special that was released late October called The Best Gift Ever. This was also the first canvas since canvas 13 where Rainbow Lattice was not used as a background, instead using a themed background from the holiday special.

Canvas 20
Taking a different approach to art on the canvas, there was one large piece instead of many smaller pieces. Rainbow Lattice was once again used but they mainly operated as their own faction, since there was no longer a specific box to fill. From this point forward, ManePxls projects no longer took Rainbow Lattice into account, making them essentially autonomous.

Canvas 21
ManePxls were once again not able to find space big enough for a box, and instead two medium sized projects were made, along with a member's OC which was added later. This spot on the canvas was chosen because of how similar Avogadro's project looked to the Crystal Heart in the show.

Canvas 21a
ManePxls constructed a saluting Rainbow Dash in the bottom right of the canvas, while a solo ManePxls member constructed a large Inky Rose on the left which ManePxls as a whole later helped out once the main artwork was complete.

Canvas 22
For ManePxls' first anniversary, a template was designed with the founding members in mind. In the center was the /mlp/ 4cc shield that had become common for imagery of the faction, including the Discord server logo. To the left of the shield was a list of all the ManePxls mods who had helped up to that point. To the right was a list of early members and people who helped out in the early days of the faction. Finally, above the shield was listed the three main founders and admins of the faction.
Besides the tribute, many individual members planned artwork. Shown here are Vinyl Scratch and Twilight pieces, but there were also pieces for Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, and an OC.

Canvas 23
Due to a decline in active members over the last few canvases, focus was shifted from multiple pieces to a singular large main piece, and this canvas was no different. The main piece for this canvas was the new treehouse that was revealed in the season 9 episode "Uprooted."
Besides the main art there was also a large Starlight Glimmer, not pictured here.

Canvas 24
For this canvas, ManePxls built Luna wearing the classic "Rainbow Dash sunglasses." There was also a small Celestia "heart pony" near the bottom of the canvas.

Canvas 25
For this canvas, a giant Princess Twilight was made. Independent of ManePxls, a small artwork of the character "Littlepip" from Fallout Equestria was made next to Twilight.

Canvas 26
Sticking with the theme from the last two canvases, a simple Mane 6 group hug was planned for the canvas. There were some issues with fitting the original image to the Pxls color palette, but they were eventually sorted out.

Canvas 27
Once again, a simple Luna and Celestia project was planned for the canvas. No issues seemed to arise during this time.

Canvas 28
Finally breaking the string of more "simplistic" projects, a Halloween themed piece was planned. The last themed piece was on canvas 19, for Christmas of 2018.
It is also worth noting that this was the canvas where the playerbase for Pxls exploded. First there was a video posted by popular YouTuber RTGame about the original r/place, which boosted site usage a little. The real flood of new users came after a TikTok about went viral, bringing the online users to its highest peak since many of the early canvases (over 2 years earlier). This, in turn, boosted the number of active users in the ManePxls Discord.

Canvas 29
After the spike in new users from the previous canvas, a larger project was able to be planned. In coordination with the recently aired final episode of My Little Pony, the template was based on art about the epilogue.

Canvas 30
During this canvas, ManePxls decided to join a group of several other large factions to create The 2nd Pixel Axis. The Axis designed art with a mixture of several different parts from all of the factions in the alliance.

Canvas 30a
Due to this canvas being much shorter than usual, (It being a gimmick canvas and not a main canvas) ManePxls decided not to make any art until the next main canvas. Partway through the canvas however, the Pxls staff decided to enlarge the canvas, allowing ManePxls room to make a small Luna holding a cookie in her mouth at the bottom of the canvas.

Canvas 31
Seeing as this canvas took place during the holiday season, ManePxls decided to make a winter themed art involving the Cutie Mark Crusaders. On top of this, some small art of the Mane 6 made by Parallel Black was built. (Parallel Black had made a large collection of mini ponies that ManePxls had used throughout the canvases over the years.)

Canvas 32

Canvas 33

Canvas 34
Nearing the end of the canvas, a ManePxls user decided to build several smaller ponies around the canvas; four of which can be seen in the image below. (Princess Cadance, Pear Butter, Moon Dancer, and Vinyl Scratch.)

Canvas 34a

Canvas 35
Due to the canvas being so small, ManePxls claimed one of the raindrops instead of attempting to build somewhere on the cloud.

Canvas 36

Canvas 37

Canvas 38

Canvas 39
For this canvas ManePxls constructed a memorial for Pxls user Spurdot Tulille after it was discovered that he passed away several months earlier.

Canvas 40
ManePxls built a collaborative art piece with Cursed Clan on this canvas after JarJar_Boinks jokingly contacted TheWaffleLord about a possible collab.
The origin for the art in the bottom right can be found here.

Canvas 41

Canvas 42
During this canvas, we collabed with Pixelstuck.

Canvas 43

Canvas 43a
This canvas was quite different than Mane's usual big art piece or two in that there were many small art pieces spread around the entire canvas.
ManePxls also collaborated with Bag Faction and built several bags made to look like the Mane 6.

Canvas 44
On this canvas ManePxls teamed up with Legion to make a collaborative art piece.

Canvas 45
Due to ManePxls' original location being removed by 2ch, they relocated to the outskirts of the canvas.

Canvas 45a

Canvas 46
As part of a truce with 2ch, ManePxls built a pony made to look like the character Alisa from Everlasting Summer which is often depicted as the mascot for 2ch.

Canvas 47

Canvas 48
During this canvas, Defensive Lobster and Pixelstuck assisted ManePxls is the rebuilding of an older art piece that got covered by 2ch on canvas 45 which you can see in the second image. (Apple Cider)
The art was also edited by epicvon to be less St. Patrick's Day themed since the holiday had long passed by that point.

Canvas 49

Canvas 50

Canvas 51
During this canvas, we collabed with Pixelstuck.

Canvas 52
The art epicvon created for this canvas is comprised of a bunch of OC's made by ManePxls members, similar to the art ManePxls made on canvas 15.

Canvas 53

Canvas 54

Canvas 55

Canvas 56
To celebrate the 4th anniversary of the faction, a small art piece was built above Rarity depicting the OCs of all three users who have held the leadership position of ManePxls at one point or another.

Canvas 56a

Canvas 57
During this canvas, we took part in the Fish Collab.

Canvas 58
During this canvas, we collabed with The Galactic Republic.

Canvas 59

Canvas 60

Canvas 60a

Canvas 61
Due to extensive griefs, some ManePxls members only built several small ponies around the canvas unlike the usual singular large project the faction had been doing for several years.
Canvas 62

Canvas 63

Canvas 64

Canvas 64a
ManePxls just bult a small Rainbow Dash at the top, and a tiny Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash on the right.

Canvas 65
Following a large raid from Flandre, a compromise was worked out between the groups to have a slash and damage indicators added around the art using the textures that appear when you attack a character in Undertale.

Canvas 65a
ManePxls built a small Spike head in the top right and added many rings of color around him.

Canvas 66
For this canvas, ManePxls constructed an animated art piece that changed over time, cycling through the 5 main characters in the new generation of My Little Pony.

Canvas 67

Canvas 67a

Canvas 68

Canvas 69

Canvas 70

Canvas 71
From this canvas onwards, the art ManePxls made had a massive increase in size due to many users from the r/place bronies Discord server being made aware of Pxls' existence after having just finished filling another r/place clone event with ponies.
The previous pixel count record for ManePxls' art template was 89,302 pixels on canvas 14, this canvas crushed that with a staggering 142,106 pixels!

Canvas 72
During this canvas, we collabed with Polonian Pxls.

epicvon (Guard, Chrysalis),
Tihan (Changeling drone, Queen Poland touchups, Cadance&Shiny&Flurry)
Canvas 73

dasheroni (Applejack's autumn, SugarMac),
epicvon (Bright Mac & Pear Butter, Fancy Applejack),
Lukaat (Leaves background, Bright Mac & Pear Butter touchups, other minor touchups)
Canvas 74

epicvon (Zecora),
Tihan (Zecora touchups),
DragonM97 (Toothless)
Canvas 75

epicvon (Earth filly, Trixie, Sleepy Woona, Trixie filly),
Tihan (Doctor Hooves & Derpy),
DragonM97 (Toothless, Lou),
Lukaat (Space background),
Pebble (Downscaling epicvon's art)
Canvas 76

JoeyDR (40y anniversary art),
epicvon (Pipp stocking, Touchups on 40y anniversary art),
Chssam (Various touchups),
DragonM97 (Spyro),
Kflash2814 (Autumn Blaze, Lunar Coat of Arms, Luna in Flight),
Lukaat (Touchups on Autumn Blaze),
Tihan (Pixel Palette, Train),
lilou41 (Tree centerpiece)
Canvas 77
During this canvas, we collabed with Bag Nation.

weird_kit (Ponyville),
Tihan (A bunch of the bags, town sky),
Defensive Lobster (Mane 6 bags),
DragonM97 (Toothless, Night Flare, other dragons, dragon lattice),
lilou41 (lilou OC, Void pony),
JoeyDR (Green Byte OC)
Canvas 78

Tihan (Sombra, Void pony),
dasheroni (Songbird),
epicvon (Mistmane, Flutterhoodie),
lilou41 (lilou OC),
Lukaat (Lattice),
TheWaffleLord (Little Mac)

epicvon (Vinyl, Flurry, Pinkie, Sweetie),
Lukaat (Touchups on most of the art),
DragonM97 (Johanna),
lilou41 (lilou OC)
Canvas 78a

Lukaat (Pinkie),
DragonM97 (Toothless, OC),
epicvon (Ponyville flag),
Kflash (Sunset),
lilou41 (lilou OC)
Canvas 79
During this canvas, we collabed with Objectified PXLS.

Tihan (Pixel Palette Paint Attack, Twilight Magic Blast, Rapidash Twilight, Paintbrush, Picnic, Banners, Derpy & Price Tag),
weird_kit (Four, Picnic),
JoeyDR (Derpy & Price Tag, Green Byte OC, Puffball),
lilou41 (Grian Mending, Eclipse, lilou OCs, Void Pony OCs, Downscaling Pinkie Umbrella (OG art is from Desktop Ponies)),
DragonM97 (Grian Mending, Grian Help, Bluey),
Lukaat (Test Tube, Grian Help, Background),
Manwaffles (Pontiac Sunbird),
Kilgorio (Pizza Pony OC (Made with
Canvas 80

Tihan (Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pipp, Pixel Palette, Trixie, Tihan, Littlepip, Luna, touchups on Green Byte, palette conversion for Chrysalis (Original art from Desktop Ponies)),
JoeyDR (Green Byte, Littlepip),
DragonM97 (Spyro, Toothless, Night Flare, Luna, Spike, Simba),
Lukaat (Lattice, Luna, Starlight, Applejack, Rarity, Derpy, Discord, Star Flurry, Sweetie, Jesus, touchups on Dropout Bear pony),
lilou41 (lilou OC, downscaling Protogen, void pone, Summer Ray OC, Marekisser, Celestia, Derpy love letter, Big Mac head),
Kflash (Sunset, NLR emblem),
Butter Honse (Minuette Pillow),
Rusty (Protogen),
Manwaffles (Flora),
firenze (Dropout Bear pony (Made with,
Cloudpuff (Pear Butter head),
cloudyhan2400276900 (The Survivor),
YukiaTendo (Crewmates),
Dragon2075 (Hollow Knight arts),
Chssam (Pony Life pony, Mouse)
Canvas 81

Tihan (Twilight's shotgun, Pixel Palette painting invite, Daybreaker propaganda poster, Tihan),
epicvon (Fluttershy cats),
dasheroni (Rain Shine),
DragonM97 (TwiDash, Littlefoot, Basil),
Kflash (NLR graffiti),
lilou41 (lilou OC, downsizing PrinceWhateverer),
Lukaat (Lattice, Pinkie heart, Rambley's background),
TheWaffleLord (Cocoa Bittersweet),
JoeyDR (Green Byte, Rambley),
InfDelta (Cobalt),
Sallbet (PrinceWhateverer),
YukiaTendo (Philippine pony),
Chssam (Angel Bunny, Izzy),
alectra (Fox with 2-bit chainsaw),
Dragon2075 (Hollow Knight art),
Crungymunch (Winking pony)
Canvas 82

Tihan (Vinyl,
Helldivers 2 art #1 (Original pixel art by @Vicious13337 on Twitter), Tihan made the text pixelated, converted the art to the Pxls palette, and extended the art),
Helldivers 2 art #2 (Original pixel art by @Morde_Emperor on Twitter), Tihan converted the art to the Pxls palette and extended the art),
Samus Dread Suit (Original pixel art by @RitaMal_ on Twitter), Tihan converted the art to the Pxls palette), Grimm,
Helldiver bag with mini Rover),
DragonM97 (Lattice, Hitch, Balto, background behind Balto, Equestria Games Ponyville team, Oliver, Trapinch, Alolan Vulpix, Vulpix, Yanma, Cyndaquil, Train station, Toothless bag),
Pebble_ (lilou OC),
Kflash (Royal sisters battle, Arstotzka),
dasheroni (Izzy),
epicvon (Lyra, Chrysalis),
lilou41 (Pinkie celebrate, Ukraine pony, Void pone, planes and smoke behind Equestria Games Ponyville team, socc bag, Palette converting The Binding of Rainbow Dash (original by Sanio46),
Sapphic Horses (Shining Armor & Cadance),
JoeyDR (IndigoPxls, Rambley),
Chssam (Bored Twilight),
alectra (Alectra, Woona, carrot),
Manwaffles (Ford Thunderbird),
YukiaTendo (Among Us "Protect" icon),
Endorsed (Peeking OC),
Haku (Dragon ego),
Selio (Chrysalis bag)
ManePxls was part of the Gremlin Collab.

Canvas 83

DragonM97 (Small Twilight, Dragon area, Lou, Night Flare, Lion King memorial, Rockruff [Palette conversion], Flygon [Palette conversion]),
epicvon (Vinyl, Ember, Rarity&Starlight),
dasheroni (Fluttershy),
Haku (Big Twilight),
lilou41 (lilou),
Tihan (Tihan, Pixel Palette),
Manwaffles (Flora)

lilou41 (Sweetie Bot, Neuro pony)
Canvas 84

dasheroni (Mayor Mare),
DragonM97 (Lou, Lakeside Moonrise, Turtwig, Flutterbat, Aria, Sombra, Kevin, Borgar Twilight, Rainbow Dash Reading, Phantump, Fink, Typhlosion),
Tihan (Lattice, Sci-Twi heart, Manticore, Twilight and Owlicious, Fluttershy, Discord, Tiny Tihan, Tiny Changeling Derpy, Beta Shedinja, Midnight Lycanroc, Lakeside Moonrise tweaks/expansion, Pixel Palette Wheeze, Twilight Views, Izzy Stand),
lilou41 (Static Void, Drider Rarity, Applejack Smoking, Hanging Chrysalis, Tiny Lilou, Train),
Manwaffles (Nyx),
Chssam (Sad Spring Parade),
Mal (Unown/Ponyta fusion),
Helium (Unown A),
Changeling Derpy (Killa, Midnight Lycanroc),
Selio (Pinkie Pumpkin)
Canvas 85

DragonM97 (Dragon Mane 6, dragon Starlight, pony Spike, Night Flare, pony Toothless, Race car),
Tihan (Lattice, Dragon Tihan, dragon Pixel Palette),
Lilou (Dragon Lilou, dragon Void, dragon Nova),
Changeling Derpy (Sleepy Lucario),
Toebeans (Snoopy/Maggie riding pony)
Canvas 86

epicvon (Giftgiver Lyra, Caroling Apple Bloom, Storytime Sisters, Skating Starlight),
dasheroni (A Hearth's Warming Tail group),
DragonM97 (Niko, background),
Chssam (Pixel Palette Ponkmas, background behind Pixel Palette),
BirbNerd17 (Magpie Dusklight)
Canvas 87

epicvon (Princess Skystar, Nurse Redheart, Older Nyx),
dasheroni (Vapor Trail),
DragonM97 (Tia Blep, Kion, Fly),
Tihan (Lattice, Pixel Palette Spin),
kilgorio (Lucy Violetmane),
JoeyDR (Derpy, Mane 6 cake)
Canvas 88
This canvas is currently active. More information about it will be added once it resets.
ManePxls invading osu!, Canvas 10
The newly formed ManePxls attempted to invade osu!, but surrendered due to community backlash. Afterwards, ManePxls members assisted osu! in rebuilding their art.

Destruction of Woke Reich, Canvas 11
A coalition of ManePxls, AFiP, Cozy Vault, and a few other factions worked together to wipe out the Woke Reich, which was renamed to the Woke Cells.

Touhou invading AFiP, Canvas 14
A new Touhou faction coming from a Russian imageboard attempted to invade AFiP, but multiple factions including ManePxls helped defend.
Red Blob invading Canada and others, Canvas 15
FunnyJunk users invaded Pxls and attempted to cover the canvas in red, and nearly the whole community helped push them back.
Abyss invading Germany, Canvas 15
ManePxls helped the Crusaders push back the Abyss after they had completely covered some artwork by the German faction.
Land dispute between ManePxls and Pixeloid, Canvas 16
after the reset, the canvas size was much smaller than expected, which caused ManePxls and Pixeloid to both be claiming the same area. ManePxls originally tried to solve the situation peacefully, but Pixeloid was being too harsh in their terms, in ManePxls' opinion, so ManePxls began to fight for the spot. Pixeloid was assisted by a few unaligned Pxls users, and ManePxls was assisted by AFiP. After about a day of fighting, Pixeloid leader Nudl#9532 contacted danmur15#7448 to discuss a cease fire. The terms were as follows:
- Pixeloid will cancel plans for Wildfire.
- ManePxls will assist Pixeloid in making Teto.
- All area previously held by Pixeloid and not taken by ManePxls will be considered free space.
Crusaders and Steins;Gate invading Abyss, Canvas 16
Although majoritively unprovoked, the Crusaders helped Steins;Gate build their art over the Abyss, and ManePxls came to help.
Uno Club invading AFiP, Canvas 16
Many groups came together to remove the American flag made by AFiP, who would later go by a few names, one of which being the Uno Club. ManePxls and Cozy Vault attempted to save AFiP, but they were unable to do more than stall the advance for 2 hours. The art used to cover the flag was completed after 19 hours, but the flag was not effectively covered until a total of 31 hours had passed.
ManePxls invading an artwork, Canvas 16
ManePxls, Cozy Vault, and AFiP with the support of users from a non Pxls-centric Discord known as Manechat, invaded an artwork. For the first 12 hours of the attack, the efforts were focused on the areas surrounding the main part of the art. Then in a final push, the remaining part of the art was taken in just 3 hours. The 'stamp' was completely finished 2 hours later, bringing the total time to 17 hours. Early in the fighting, an attempt was made to counterattack against ManePxls by building the Uno logo over their main artwork, but this failed.
AFiP invading Uno Club, Canvas 16
Other than some minor attempts, AFiP was unable take back the flag that they had lost. After two days of the flag being captured, AFiP, supported by Cozy Vault and ManePxls, began a massive assault to retake the flag. In the first 5 minutes of the assault, it is estimated that nearly 300 pixels were placed by the attacking side. The full retaking of the flag took about 11 hours, which was almost 3 times faster than the original covering of the flag.
2ch invading Pxls, Canvas 17
Although officially taking a break from conflict, many ManePxls members independently helped out the factions affected by the invasion, and the PATO Discord server was officially added to the ally list.
2ch attacks ManePxls, Canvas 45
One of Waffle's messages from a staff channel got leaked by another mod. These messages showed Waffle's want to ban 2ch for "being mostly made up of transphobic, homophobic, and racist people". This resulted in 2ch leading a massive invasion on ManePxls' artwork. A truce was quickly formed under the following conditions:
- The raid on ManePxls would be completed with the two large art pieces being fully covered.
- Waffle will never suggest banning 2ch again and must post an apology to them in their Discord server.
- Waffle/ManePxls aren't ever allowed to grief or insult 2ch.
- A 2ch themed pony art is to be created by Waffle.
Etos attacks ManePxls, Canvas 60a
Due to Waffle's views on whether botting on r/place to protect art should be viewed as fair, some users who disagreed with him began attacking ManePxls due to Waffle being the leader of the faction. This eventually led to Waffle taking some time away from Pxls due to the toxic nature of some users.
- Chromatic Empire [ManePxls is currently a vassal of the Chromatic Empire; in that capacity, it is known as the Principality of ManePxls]
- Toon Pxls
- Neuro-sama's Swarm
- Farm Merge Valley
- Charlie Zone
- Flower Faction
Former [reason]
- Crusaders [Changing diplomatic stance]
- Flower Lattice [Owner banned from Pxls, faction dissolved]
- The Cozy Vault [Left Pxls]
- MinecraftPxls [Unable to reach any faction reps, deemed inactive]
- Awoovement [Deemed inactive, saw messages to support this]
- Green Lattice [Deemed inactive]
- Rainbow Road [Deemed inactive]
- Hall of Flags [Deemed inactive]
- Team PXLS [Deemed inactive]
- Red Lattice [Deemed inactive]
- Tiny Tardis [Deemed inactive]
- Steins;Gate [Deemed inactive]
- American Flag In Place [Deemed inactive]
- Rainbow Lattice [Deemed inactive]
- Second Pixel Axis [Deemed inactive]
- League of Factions [We left the alliance due to the LoF getting targeted by many griefers, and we wished to remain a more peaceful faction]
- Femboy Cafe [Deemed inactive]
Previously collaborated with
- Manechat [canvas 16]
- Second Pixel Axis [canvas 30]
- Cursed Clan [canvas 40]
- Pixelstuck [canvas 42 and canvas 51]
- Bag Faction [canvas 43a]
- Legion [canvas 44]
- Fish Faction [canvas 57]
- The Galactic Republic [canvas 58]
- Polonian Pxls [canvas 72]
- Bag Nation [canvas 77]
- Objectified PXLS [canvas 79]
- None
Former [reason]
- Anti Bronie Coalation (ABC) [Abandoned]
- Anti Brony Coalition (ABC) [Abandoned]
- Saint George's Squad (SGS) [Dissolved]
- Abyss [Changing diplomatic stance]
- Pixeloid [Negotiated peace]
- New Anti Brony Coalition (ABC) [Abandoned]
- 2ch [Users banned from Pxls]
- Pregnant Men [Abandoned]
- How to take an L [Abandoned]
- Flandre [Negotiated peace]
Valra Bellkeys#3134
- Leader, 04/24/2018 to 07/04/2018
- Admin, 07/04/2018 to 10/02/2018
- Leader, 10/02/2018 to 09/06/2019
- Admin, 09/06/2019 to 05/17/2021
- Admin, 04/25/2018 to 07/04/2018
- Leader, 07/04/2018 to 10/02/2018
- Admin, 10/02/2018 to 10/15/2020
Ziggurat Vertigo#9779
- Moderator, 06/02/2018 to 09/06/2018
- Admin, 09/06/2018 to 04/01/2019
- Moderator, 04/25/2018 to 11/05/2018
Xylon『King of Snuggies』#0847
- Moderator, 05/18/2018 to 09/02/2018
- Moderator, 09/06/2018 to 01/12/2019
- Admin, 01/12/2019 to 09/06/2019
- Leader, 09/06/2019 to 11/02/2022
- Moderator, 07/17/2023 to 08/06/2023
- Leader, 08/06/2023 to present
Darky Dash#6886
- Honorary Moderator, 08/14/2018 to 01/03/2024
- Moderator, 10/01/2018 to 11/05/2018
- Admin, 11/05/2018 to 01/01/2019
- Moderator, 10/27/2019 to 06/27/2020
Shadowtrot -BC∞#1843
- Moderator, 02/09/2019 to 09/26/2022
- Moderator, 11/02/2022 to present
- Moderator, 10/20/2020 to 06/06/2023
- Moderator, 01/03/2024 to 06/14/2024
- Admin, 06/14/2024 to present
Green Byte#1188
- Moderator, 04/02/2022 to present
- Moderator, 04/02/2022 to 09/26/2022
- Moderator, 11/02/2022 to 12/18/2024
Rusty Toaster#2222
- Moderator, 09/20/2022 to present
Awards and Recognition
This section is for any awards or recognition given to members of ManePxls for various reasons.
More information on the various roles/awards can be found in the ManePxls Discord server.
The Iron Pony
This award can only be held by one user at a time. It was created in June 2018, and is given to a member who is observed and nominated by staff for exemplary service and time spent supporting ManePxls projects. The recipients in the order received, are;
- Ziggurat Vertigo#9779
- TheWaffleLord#6787
- Shadowtrot -BC∞#1843
- wilwil000#8513
- FlyingSixtySix#4323
- Dragon2075#0006
- epicvon#9196
- ponyceo
- Chssam
Note: the title of this award comes from the My Little Pony Season 1 episode, "Fall Weather Friends"
Cloud Kicker
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in August 2023 under the name "Admirable Equines" but had its name changed in December 2023, and is given to anyone who contributes at least 5,000 pixels to ManePxls on a single canvas. Currently, there are 14 members with this award.
Apple Bucker
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in December 2023, and is given to anyone who contributes at least 10,000 pixels to ManePxls on a single canvas. Currently, there are 4 members with this award.
Party Planner
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in December 2023, and is given to anyone who contributes at least 20,000 pixels to ManePxls on a single canvas. Currently, there are 10 members with this award.
Toaster Repair Pony
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in September 2018, and is given to any member who is either proficient in coding or regularly helps with any issues with bots in the Discord server. Currently, there are 4 members with the award.
Note: The title of this award comes from the My Little Pony fan fiction "Fallout Equestria" by Kkat.
Rarity's Apprentice
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in June 2018, and is given to anyone who displays above average artistic ability in pixel art creation and fine tuning. Currently, there are 20 members with the award.
This award can be held by any number of users at once, with only loyalty based restrictions, but is no longer being given out. It was created in May 2018 as the Verified role, renamed to Citizen in June 2018. It was given to users who showed devotion to helping ManePxls and was given by any staff member who deemed it appropriate. The award may be removed if it was discovered that a user was acting against the interests of ManePxls (inciting unwanted conflicts) or otherwise making efforts to sabotage the faction.
Crystal Heart
On August 9th 2023 the Citizen award was renamed to Crystal Heart and is now given out on request to users who have been in the ManePxls Discord for over a year. Currently, there are 25 members with the award.
Lunar Guard
This award can be held by any number of users at once, but is no longer being given out. It was created in July 2018, but fell out of use by September 2018. It was given to anyone who is on the opposite side of the world from any of the US time zones, so they could be alert for attackers when most were asleep. There are only 5 users with the award.
Note: The title of this award is in reference to Princess Luna's royal guards.
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in November 2019, and is given to anyone who donates any amount of money to the "Team Trees" fundraiser. More information about this fundraiser can be found in the links listed below. There are currently 3 members with this award.
This award can be held by any number of users at once. It was created in October 2021 and is given to anyone who donates any amount of money to the "Team Seas" fundraiser. More information about this fundraiser can be found in the links listed below. There are currently 3 members with this award.