Canvas 13

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The initial canvas
The final canvas

2018/06/02 - 2018/07/03 (31 days)

Previous Canvas | Next Canvas

Canvas 13 started as a tall blue rectangle, roughly of ratio 1 to √2.

The canvas was briefly interrupted as the server had to be moved to a different computer, resulting in Canvas 13b to be temporarily set as the active canvas before returning to Canvas 13.


The size of the canvas was 840x1190 and all of the 999,600 total pixels were placeable.

An interactive version of this canvas showing the names of factions and where they were located can be found here.

More detailed info such as timelapses, the final virginmap, and more can be found on the official archives.

Major Events

Minor Events

  • Wakanda Colonization: German invasion of "Wakanda" faction after ongoings attacks of it on the German flag



#announcements in the Pxls Discord server