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Canvas 6

The initial canvas
The final canvas

2017/10/06 - 2017/12/27 (81 days)

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The 6th canvas brought with it a new game mechanic: pixels could only be placed next to immediately adjacent pixels (above, below, to the left, or to the right). This forced players to draw outlines of their images fully, without being able to simply set up corners and claiming territory that way. Claims were still made - primary on Discord - and although it seems as though this mechanic would slow factions down, it almost made them go faster as each player could quickly see the other players' pixels being placed right behind theirs.

Another mechanic that was brought back several times was a reduced cooldown between placing pixels. This let players place many more pixels in a given time frame than they could otherwise, and led to spurts of growth.


The size of the canvas was 2000x2000 and all of the 4,000,000 total pixels were placeable.

An interactive version of this canvas showing the names of factions and where they were located can be found here.

More detailed info such as timelapses, the final virginmap, and more can be found on the official pxls.space archives.

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