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Solvernia (formerly the Margraviate of Solvernia), is a general art faction centered around video game and history projects. It makes lattices and art. It was established by _Etta on Canvas 59.


Solvernia succeeded an earlier faction created by Etta, known as Lilac Lattice. The goal of Solvernia was to more or less be the opposite of the Chromatic Empire, which Etta had briefly clashed with on Canvas 58. Solvernia was dedicated to making elaborate and unique lattices each canvas along with a central art piece. This goal of being the anti-Chromatic Empire (which _Etta viewed as oversized, boring, and overprotective of their solid colour backgrounds) was rather ironic as Solvernia's original name was inspired by members of the Empire.

Following Canvas 59, Solvernia began to make art pieces along with their backgrounds, which grew larger and more elaborate with each canvas.


Canvas 59

_Etta returned halfway through Canvas 59 and took the original Lilac Lattice faction tag and renamed it to the Margraviate of Solvernia, the Margraviate part of the name inspired by some members of the Chromatic Empire using faction names that make them sound like countries. Despite this inspiration, _Etta's goal was to be the polar opposite of ChE, and after initially trying to build in the middle of Idle Slayer's lattice, Solvernia began making an elaborate grayscale background next to Grayscale Pxls, the pattern chosen as a thank you to drake for helping her find a new location that she could fit Solvernia's logo. This canvas was extremely uneventful for Solvernia, with the faction having next to no interaction with anybody and _Etta making the lattice entirely by herself until the last day of the canvas, when a handful of users helped on the lattice until reset.

Canvas 60

Canvas 60 was another uneventful canvas for Solvernia, with Helislothic helping out with making Hivolt and the initial diamond, with _Etta expanding on her own until Shimanas from the Geometry Dash faction helped her out in the later part of the canvas after helping her build a solo art piece depicting part of a Geometry Dash level. He would go on to join Solvernia later that canvas and help out towards the ends of future canvases. While Solvernia wasn't directly involved in the Flandre-Foxhole War, _Etta helped Flandre take over Foxhole's main art toward the end of the initial offensive and helped repulse Foxhole's counterattacks. This led to _Etta being invited into Flandre and the two factions later becoming Allies.

Canvas 60a

Solvernia's start on Canvas 60a was extremely rough, and they were attacked by an unknown griefer that was able to stay anonymous due to the canvas' -snip- gimmick hiding all names, forcing Solvernia to quietly relocate to a different square below Green Lattice and make decent progress on their coat of arms before the griefer attacked them again, this time being successfully repulsed. _Etta's initial suspicions of the griefer being lord, a member of Foxhole, Can, or Ewastaken, two users that _Etta griefed multiple times on Canvas 60, were debunked through tracking the change in their pixel counts while fighting the griefer. After the griefer was repulsed, Solvernia made a very small background around their coat of arms that was designed to mesh with Green Lattice, and planned to take a break for the rest of the canvas as _Etta disliked the -snip- gimmick. This didn't last long as when the Crucible War began, multiple small pieces of art were partially or fully covered by Legion's grief on the Chromatic Empire. Solvernia stepped in to help defend the Shinmy, King's Brand, and Spiny art and to help relocate the Koishi art after ChE took the area that it originally occupied from Legion. Solvernia helped relocate the Spiny when the original creator agreed to move it and relocated the King's Brand a couple hours later after Legion turned their attention to it and completely destroyed it, but successfully helped defend Shinmy from Legion and a brief attempt from ChE to cover part of her with the tip of the tentacle from their jellyfish.

Canvas 61

Solvernia got off to a rough start on Canvas 61, with the small canvas forcing them to relocate twice and preventing Flandre from creating their part of a duo art collab with Solvernia and push their art back a canvas. Solvernia got help from zalgy while building Remilia during the first part of the canvas, and once they moved on to making the lattice Solvernia helped destroy a lightsaber that overlapped with FURU's Cult of the Lamb art when the lightsaber's creators began griefing the lamb. Outside of this short grief Canvas 61 was extremely uneventful, with _Etta once again mostly soloing Solvernia's background until a handful of members of the Geometry Dash faction helped finish the lattice near the end of the canvas.

Canvas 62

Solvernia struggled to find space for their template at the start of their canvas, and while they planned on collabing with PokéPxls and the High Church of Luigi, this ended up not happening as Schizophrenia's Rouge art forced Solvernia to split off from the collab and attempt to find a space not claimed by a larger faction. They were nearly forced to scrap their art on this canvas due to the only large unclaimed areas, most of the leaves, were slightly too small for the canvas, but Lunes' unexpected abandoning of their plans right as the canvas started allowed for Solvernia to take their claim for themselves. Outside of the chaos while seeking a place for their template, Canvas 62 was mostly uneventful for Solvernia, with FrodoFraggins and LoafKingHue helping with the Meloetta art and Shimanas helping with the lattice towards the end. Flandre's main art of Flandre Scarlet was initially meant to go with Solvernia's Remilia Scarlet art on the previous canvas, but had to be delayed a canvas, and Solvernia helped with the building of both Flandre and the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and helped defend Flandre against Schizophrenia. Solvernia's art on Canvas 62 dwarfed anything they had made before, with their total size being 20,000 pixels larger than their Canvas 60 territory, which was their previous largest canvas. Upon finishing their lattice Solvernia officially sided with Idle Slayer and helped them defend the giant from Schizophrenia in the Schizo War.

Canvas 63

Solvernia once again struggled to find space for their template, with attempts to find a location resulting in overlapping with multiple large factions. A final location was eventually found on the purple square in exchange for helping move IWBTG Pxls' small sprite out of the way. While there were initially no plans for a lattice due to _Etta planning on placing much more slowly than on the previous canvas, help from Zombie812 and Senko, who alone placed roughly half of Solvernia's art, led to a lattice being started later during the canvas. The planning for this lattice was extremely rough and haphazard, with the lattice being much too large to be built before reset without a decent amount of outside help and _Etta failing to take account the significant drop in placing speed due to being on vacation during the last week of the canvas. Despite this, the entire lattice was completed with the help of various users, most notably hazard12100 and reissecup, and Solvernia was even able to expand to fill in the last remaining area of the purple square before reset. After being defeated by the Trollge Confederacy, Bi Faction attempted to relocate onto the dormant outline of a personal project of _Etta's, but was repulsed and her personal project was added to Solvernia's main template. By the end of the canvas, despite Solvernia's intention to go significantly smaller than their territory on Canvas 62, their territory ended up being more than 5,000 pixels larger than on the previous canvas. This was also the first canvas where _Etta didn't place more than half of Solvernia's template.

Canvas 64

_Etta's involvement in the Schizo War came back to bite her, with notEnough and for a time Caxap griefing Solvernia for the entire duration of the canvas. This resulted in many different people, many of whom were in Flandre, to help with defending and building, and Mcdoodlydoo took on much of the task of defending, allowing Solvernia to work on their lattice without much difficulty. Solvernia was forced to expand their lattice in two tendrils due to Touhou Project Pxls creating a lattice directly below Solvernia and a rainbow lattice being created directly in their expansion path. Despite the extra help and _Etta's significantly increased activity during the canvas, Solvernia ended up being slightly smaller than their territory on Canvas 63. Notably, this was the first canvas where the Margraviate of Solvernia used a lattice that was not created by them, instead using a simple lattice that was started by a random user on the top edge of their art. While negotiations with notEnough and Schizophrenia were attempted, nothing came from them.

Canvas 64a

Canvas 64a was mostly uneventful for Solvernia, building a miniaturized version of their coat of arms in the top left of the canvas. _Etta's focus was primarily on building Starry Night lattice, a project that was considered separate from Solvernia.

Canvas 65

Solvernia started quite late on Canvas 65, with _Etta spending much of the first week griefing art due to conflicts on the previous canvas. Finding a spot next to Pixelstuck, Solvernia would build 4 Sylveon fusion sprites from Pokémon Infinite Fusion. notEnough would return to griefing Solvernia, with various people, most notably fisk, helping Solvernia defend from the griefing. _Etta would end up desigining a lattice for Pixelstuck, and while Solvernia initially didn't plan on using it themselves due to already being nearly surrounded by two lattices, Senko initiated the takeover of much of these lattices. this would prompt Solvernia, with the backing of many Pixelstuck members, to invade both lattices, taking over much of the area around their art with minimal resistance. Unlike on Canvas 64, Solvernia would end the canvas with a couple of griefed pixels on their art.

Canvas 65a

Canvas 65a was more eventful for Solvernia, with Solvernia's S.D.M.G. and coat of arms being griefed early on, but outside of this Solvernia and _Etta had minimal activity this canvas.

Canvas 66

Solvernia would have a very rough start, unable to find a spot due to the extremely small canvas, but would find space upon YOIB being forced to cancel their collaboration with Poképxls and once again leave pxls. Solvernia would quickly claim YOIB's former territory, and following a territorial dispute with Dudemanguybruh are able to cement their claim. Their art would progress slowly due to it's large size, and by the time of it's completion, Senko's stripes background was behind much of the art, and Grayscale's lattice was quickly expanding on the other side of their art. This would lead to Canvas 66 being the first time that Solvernia would not build a lattice. After not being griefed for nearly the entire canvas, notEnough would finally return in the last few days of the canvas and continue griefing Solvernia, with Solvernia ending the canvas with a griefed pixel.

Canvas 67

At the start of the canvas, Solvernia decided to not build any art, with _Etta focusing on Flandre's large art piece, anticipating that it would take most of the canvas to complete. Once Flandre's art was completed partway through the canvas, Solvernia would attack multiple fiddled art pieces in order to make a small art piece and later a lattice. notEnough would once again grief Solvernia, with _Etta being so tired and fed up with the conflict that she briefly griefed Schizophrenia in the hopes of forcing some sort of negotiations, which does happen. After discussion with Brot, _Etta would agree to defiddle an art piece for Schizophrenia, finally ending the nearly half year long conflict. Solvernia would continue to be griefed by Zqfmgb, whose art was destroyed by Solvernia, but would end the canvas intact.

Canvas 67a

Solvernia would be absent from Canvas 67a, with _Etta exclusively building Starry Night on the canvas and forgetting to organize an art piece for Solvernia.

Canvas 68

Solvernia would get off to a strong start, getting a moderate amount of support with their art and finishing relatively quickly. Moving onto their lattice halfway through the canvas, Solvernia would get an increasing amount of help as the canvas went on, leading to Solvernia's territory expanding rapidly and latticing over a significant portion of the canvas. This expansion would lead to a couple of conflicts, with the first being over a handful of among us outlines, with the creator Wulfstrex starting a #blame_etta campaign, something which was quickly embraced by _Etta as she, along with many pxls users, found very funny. Wulfstrex would begin attacking various art pieces with Solvernia's lattice, trying to get people to attack them, but nothing amounted from this and Solvernia would just fix the griefs immediately after. Solvernia gave minor support to the initial griefing of Beandip's fiddled Yiik art, and would destroy it a second time upon it's relocation, with _Etta not believing it was worth keeping around. Facing initial resistance, Beandip eventually conceded and let the remainder of the art be removed. The last conflict on this canvas would be due to _Etta objecting to eve building a friendly in Solvernia's lattice. upon being unable to build it, eve would take the #blame_etta meme and turn it into an anti-_Etta faction, pissing _Etta off, and the situation was "defused" by _Etta threatening to heavily grief MikuAM next canvas and with some pressure from pineApple. By the end of the canvas, Solvernia's territory was by far the largest out of all the canvases they had been on.

Canvas 69

Canvas 69 would mark a turning point for Solvernia, with _Etta becoming significantly more busy IRL and having less time to play pxls. This would result in Solvernia expanding much slower than usual despite having moderate help with their lattice, using Starry Night lattice but this time officially as part of Solvernia's area. Expansion would rapidly speed up in the last few days of the canvas, with Solvernia rapidly filling in the empty area near them. They would go on to invade Senko's large magenta background, initially facing no resistance, but expansion would later halt and eventually they would start to be slowly pushed back until the canvas reset.

Canvas 70

Solvernia's invasion of Senko's magenta background would very quickly come back to bite them, with Senko starting to grief Solvernia shortly after the canvas started. For much of the canvas, Solvernia would have no more than a few hundred correct pixels on their template, with Senko successfully destroying all pixels placed every night for close to 40% of the canvas. Eventually, Solvernia would start getting help from various people, finally managing to make progress and finishing their template relatively quickly, though still being griefed by Senko. By this point in the canvas, Solvernia was rapidly being hemmed in by the Chromatic Empire's and Legion's lattices, leading to them opting to use Legion's lattice around their art. This would result in the area around Solvernia being the only part of Legion's lattice with the red pixels filled in.

Canvas 71

Canvas 71 would start of extremely uneventful for Solvernia, with Senko dropping their griefing campaign and no claim disputes for the faction. Things would go slowly for Solvernia, with _Etta placing almost entirely alone for most of the canvas. _Etta had anticipated that the canvas would last around 30 days, and had chosen a template that would take her roughly that long to place solo, but Canvas 71 brought in a large influx of people from Osu! and ManePxls, causing the canvas to fill up much quicker than usual. Around 2/3 of the way through the canvas, Solvernia's art was a little over halfway completed and increasingly looking like it wouldn't be completed by reset, but many ManePxls members would jump in and finish Solvernia's art overnight. ManePxls members along with Osu! members would continue helping Solvernia, leading to Solvernia's lattice expanding very rapidly even though Solvernia initially didn't plan on making a lattice that canvas.