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(filled out the rest of C39 and filled out C40)
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HentaiLover participated in Canvas 39.
HentaiLover participated in Canvas 39.

HentaiLover began by placing for Pink Gang again, placing on the detective Kanna art first and avoiding the Logo again. This was where HentaiLover began to distance themselves slightly from Pink Gang, as they had placed for Pink Gang since they had first formed on C31.
HentaiLover began by placing for Pink Gang again, placing on the detective Kanna art first and avoiding the Logo again. This was where HentaiLover began to distance themselves slightly from Pink Gang, as they had placed for Pink Gang since they had first formed on C31. Their work on the magnifying class was reverted to another design, so HentaiLover's pixels were placed over.
After this, HentaiLover then began to work on [[Atelier]]'s art, taking their time to work on the art, as they were not as committed to the art as others. They did not participate in the disagreements over the art that was going on during this period, only attempting to give unbiased input. This would lead to HentaiLover feeling alienated from the Atelier faction, as they refused to pick a side in the conflict.
Once they had finished with Atelier, HentaiLover moved on to working on various projects around the canvas, like working on Purple Lattice and [[PokePxls]]

=== Canvas 40 ===
=== Canvas 40 ===
HentaiLover participated in Canvas 40.
HentaiLover decided not to work on [[Pink Gang]] for this canvas, only placing a few pixels on the Miku on PG's template towards the middle of the canvas.
They initially opted to work on the Russel Kirsch art, deciding to work on the text, before working on a portion of the background for the text with another user that was eventually banned for an unknown reason, this other user was not associated with HentaiLover. HentaiLover became bored with the Russel Kirsch art, and helped out [[Rainbow Pixels]] with their art, then moving onto working with Faust and their art, yet only working on some outlines, as they did not want to feel as if they were stealing the art from Faust.
HentaiLover then placed several Boos from the Mario franchise around the canvas, they followed this trend for a few canvases afterwards, before eventually dropping this off. They did this, as they found it fun to ask their friends to find the Boos around the canvas.
After the Boos were completed, HentaiLover helped out with the small blue dragon at the top of the canvas near PG, HentaiLover ended up placing about a third of the pixels on this template, they also placed on [[YOIB]], at the very tip of the fox's tail, this was one of the few times HentaiLover placed on YOIB. HentaiLover also helped out with Swffl with their Garfield art, helping repair a grief by a user claiming that the art was 'immoral' due to its sexualised nature.
Following this large detour across the canvas, HentaiLover then decided to move back to the Russel Kirsch art, which had remained largely unchanged after their absence, only being worked on by a few other users. They spent much of the rest of the canvas working on this piece, leaving them with over half of the pixels placed on this template.
Once they had completed the Russel Kirsch art, HentaiLover began to work on [[Lewd Lattice]], which was underneath the Russel Kirsch art, they expanded it along and around various pieces in the area, before several other users began to work on it with them, leading Lewd Lattice to reach its first peak on this canvas.
HentaiLover ended the canvas with almost 32,000 pixels placed, more than they've placed on any other canvas they've been on, they only came close to this number again on Canvas 52, with around 32,000-33,000 being placed.

=== Canvas 41 ===
=== Canvas 41 ===

Revision as of 01:56, 16 March 2022


HentaiLover (formerly Mr.Jaffles) is an Australian pxls.space player who joined on November 5th 9:51AM (AEST), during canvas 29.

They found out about the site through a friend taking part in canvas 29, however they did not participate in the ongoing raid themselves. HentaiLover has been present on almost every canvas since Canvas 29 and places at a rate of about 150,000 pixels per year. HentaiLover is in the top 35 All Time Pixels Placed users, as visible on the pxls.statistics website.

Canvas 29

One of the first arts they worked on was fixing a small sign that read "HENTAI" in all capital letters, below Legion. They expanded this by adding what would become Lewd Lattice and a small red circle above it. This was eventually covered by Legion.

They then moved to Australia in the top left of the country, they created a sign that read "HENTAI", in the same front as the original, but now in white text with the colours of the trans flag behind it. In the process of establishing this they fought off someone creating Pokemon, resembling Jigglypuff art. HentaiLover was able to complete this with help of their friends, most of which have since been banned for multi-accounting. These bans were however due to the users using the same school internet, a not uncommon way of being banned. As of 2021 none of the users have an interest in joining pxls.space again.

Gradually HentaiLover and their friends expanded and finished their sign, then built a rainbow that extended downwards to the lower portion of Australia and to an upper portion. Once completed they constructed an additional rainbow, and then moved on to creating a PPPN - standing for Profit Profit Profit Nope - logo, an inside joke between the group. A bisexual flag with the words "Joe; mama" was also built, as well as more of the lattice that would become Lewd Lattice.

They met resistance at a Homestuck character and were able to progress their rainbow no further, the group stagnated at this point and made little progress. Towards the end of the canvas HentaiLover assisted with the Bob Ross art piece on North America. HentaiLover kept care of the art towards the end of the canvas until the reset, having to stay up to fix a portion of it.

Canvas 30

During this canvas (Canvas 30), HentaiLover devoleped their style, now creating a flag pattern with boxes left blank to allow other users to fill them in with their own flags. However if HentaiLover felt as if they needed to change the flags to better fit the pattern's style, they would. This is also the first canvas that HentaiLover actively made larger art, this was their first interaction with other factions and diplomacy with them.

Initially they began the canvas by making the "HENTAI" sign towards the bottom middle of the left page of the open book. They then expanded downwards, drawing a sign that symbolised their style's second canvas. They expanded outwards and upwards, continuing the rainbow from one end of the sign that was first used on Canvas 29. They expanded this to the left side of Simian Sculptors peacefully, this rainbow would be expanded a few times over this canvas. HentaiLover then expanded upwards, creating the flag of Kuwait and the flag of the Netherlands.

After this, HentaiLover had found a template that they liked and began to work on it, a picture of Tsuyu Asui in the almost exact middle of the canvas. HentaiLover worked on the template for the majority of this canvas, with only one other person helping work on it with them. This art however was situated close to the Pixelstuck faction, who at this time was rather small.

To complete the Tsuyu art, they went to the Pixelstuck faction's discord and negotiated moving the art with them. Eventually they struck a deal, HentaiLover would move one of the Homestuck characters to another area on the canvas and in return HentaiLover could cover up the one in the way of their template. For a while HentaiLover worked on moving the character, halting work on Tsuyu. Once this was complete they continued to work on the Tsuyu art, this was met with some resistance from the original creator of the Homestuck art, however after a brief clarification, HentaiLover was able to continue with the art, finishing it shortly afterwards.

HentaiLover then moved back to their original art and expanded a bisexual flag outwards, eventually hitting the larger flag of Arizona. They were able to move peacefully over the flag, and under the star, creating a more stylised flag. No discussions were held between HentaiLover and the owner of the Arizona flag, no conflict was created in this period of time.

HentaiLover also covered some smaller art that they disliked, as they found it ugly. They then constructed several more LGBTQIA+ flags on the canvas, before expanding upwards and under some more art. More flags were then constructed in the same format as before. Several people added their own flags, most notably a fiddled flag of Texas and a Scottish flag.

Towards the end of this canvas, HentaiLover made an ego, despite only having around 12,000 pixels, it used the same lattice that would become Lewd Lattice, this ego was not easy to read, and was poorly stylised in terms of text colouring. The rainbow coming about the back end of it however tied the two styles together. Finally in the last week of the canvas HentaiLover decided to clean the nearby canvas, removing rogue pixels and unfinished art or small flags.

Canvas 30a

HentaiLover did not participate in Canvas 30a.

Canvas 31

On Canvas 31 HentaiLover continued their flag pattern, begging with the "HENTAI" sign and making a large 'F' and '3', to symbolise the third canvas that this style had been on. These signs once again featured the Lewd Lattice pattern behind them, with white text in front of them. Before long HentaiLover stopped worked on this to opt for another piece of their own art.

HentaiLover had decided to re-create the 'Alaska Girl' art that was present on Canvas 29. However first they had to move some art that had been built by a friend of theirs at the time, MegaIDK. They eventually moved the art and was allowed to make the 'Alaska Girl' art. This was met with some brief resistance from Tank and Chalkless, who wanted to cover it as it was 'repeat art'. After about 20 minutes and a further 10 minutes of cleaning, both Tank and Chalkless had backed away, Tank left with a rather bitter opinion of HentaiLover after this altercation. HentaiLover as able to finish the art without further interruptions, other than a few minor griefs every so often.

For a brief period of time, HentaiLover helped out with the large ahegao face on the canvas as this was being constructed by their friend at the time, JoMaCo. They assisted with it up until it was removed. This was the first instance of HentaiLover's pixels being removed by the moderators.

HentaiLover then moved back to the flag pattern, after expanding it and covering up some art that was rather aggressive towards the pattern, they expanded it steadily. Eventually conflict arose and HentaiLover as fighting a one against two fight. More people eventually joined in, notably some Legion members and was able to kick the invaders out. They eventually came back and after a few more days of fighting they eventually won.

At this point a personal issue had struck HentaiLover and they decided to take a break from the site. Over this period of time their art was vandalised and changed, keeping a less uniform pattern than it traditionally had. HentaiLover slowly began to return to the site, deciding to fix some of the issues that were now present with their flags and lattices.

Towards the end of the canvas HentaiLover helped out with what would become Pink Gang in the top-right corner of the canvas, they covered up an ego of someone that they had a dislike for and expanded the pink outwards until the end of the canvas.

Canvas 32

HentaiLover was present on Canvas 32, placing fewers pixels than previously. Pxls.fiddle does not have an accurate count of the amount placed on this canvas, due to a name change from Mr.Jaffles to HentaiLover during this time.

Intitially HentaiLover assisted with the art to honour their friend BlinkDoggo. This was only after they finished their ego, which featured Bi symbols along with the Rainbow also used in earlier projects.

Following this, they moved to finish off a piece of art featuring a greyscale Himiko Toga, this art piece was significantly fiddled at the time, this would become HentaiLover's first time de-fiddling an image as well as using pxls.fiddle. At first they would spend a few hours cleaning the image and making sure that the curves are smooth and still akin to the original image. They would then finish this and continue to use this template for a while.

After HentaiLover completed this art, they would then help Pink Gang, not with any arts, but just helping with some pink background for a while.

HentaiLover would then modify the Himiko Toga template some more, now stylising the over-fiddled lower portions of the art and opting to clean it up significantly. This would become their defiddling style.

Towards the end of the canvas HentaiLover continued to make LewdLattice between the BlinkDoggo art and Nanachi, before a border was formerly established between the owner of the Nanachi art and HentaiLover. They then extended this downwards, opting to make a transition with Pxls Roads and cover some more unfinished art. Once they had become bored with this, they opted to draw a large Trans flag beneath the BlinkDoggo art. This was griefed by Kristians only hours before the reset, which HentaiLover stayed up for to defend, this was at 3AM.

Canvas 33

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 33, with their first art being their ego again, which at this point still read 'Jaffle' as a reference to their recently changed canvas name.

Throughout this canvas, HentaiLover would mainly focus on helping out Pink Gang again, initially focusing on the tea-sipping girl and a portion of her hair, then filling out parts of the Pink Gang logo, before moving on to help draw many the Mandrakes around the Pink Gang area, one of which was sleeping on top of their Logo.

HentaiLover also opted to help out with the Housewives art, in the bottom-left corner, reporting on several griefs to the art and assisting with re-drawing this art.

During this canvas, HentaiLover also helped repair IoanBG's Bulgarian flag that stretched across the canvas. However the griefer had more patience and time, so HentaiLover was not able to make up enough ground to fully repair the art.

They also helped out with Pixelstuck's background, following an announcement in Pink Gang's discord server about the background.

HentaiLover ended the canvas placing for Pink Gang and griefing some background art for fun, their ego displayed 42K at the end of this canvas.

Canvas 34

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 34.

HentaiLover's first original art was on this canvas, being a banner with ANRI written on it between the Housewives art and a triangular art piece. The original piece was meant to stretch from one side of the canvas to the other, and have palm trees, suburb-scape and urban plazas in it, to mimic music artist ANRI's Timely! album cover. This was ultimately abandoned, yet it remains as HentaiLover's portion of the Housewives art, which they helped with following their original art.

HentaiLover then went on to help Pink Gang again, first helping with their Neeko art and then moving on to help Pink Gang further with their pink background. This would take up the majority of the canvas for HentaiLover.

Noticing a large free space in the canvas where nobody had yet built art, due to confusing around Legion's art, HentaiLover opted to use a Waluigi art piece that they had defiddled and was unused. They were able to establish a portion of the outline, yet didn't get to finish it, due to Legion now placing their art there. HentaiLover placed a few pixels for Legion this canvas.

During this canvas, HentaiLover gained the assistance of PJG and several future ERROR Gang members on order to cover Youj's flag map of Poland. This lasted two days and ended in a stalemate, with Youj eventually reclaiming their art.

Canvas 34a

HentaiLover helped out on Canvas 34a.

HentaiLover used chat to pose as other users, both to their advantage and amusement.

HentaiLover opted to help out with Pink Gang again this canvas, yet placed minimal pixels. They also helped grief some of Baba's art this canvas, replacing it with a lattice instead.

Canvas 35

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 35, reluctantly.

HentaiLover once again helped out Pink Gang on this canvas, as they were a member of this faction, to which they first helped first with the Logo and background. Feeling a little burnout, HentaiLover only placed slowly on this canvas and spent more time doing other things instead, rather than pxls.space. This meant that HentaiLover had only placed ~12,000 pixels on canvas 35.

HentaiLover placed a few pixels on the PinkLanders art.

HentaiLover helped out with some of YOIB's background towards the end of the canvas, due to a lack of free space.

Canvas 36

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 36.

They first decided to help out Pink Gang, initially with the writing on the logo, before working on the outline to some of the holes in this canvas. Following this, they decided to help out with Magenta Squad and their mascot - Maggy. This sparked a short period of time helping Magenta Squad in their future ventures, HentaiLover considered Magenta Squad to be their secondary faction.

This canvas saw slightly less of that burnt-out feeling, with HentaiLover now opting to help out Pink Gang some more, along with Error Gang as repayment for their service they had done HentaiLover in the previous canvas against Youj.

Following the completion of Pink Gang, HentaiLover helped out on various art pieces, notable Scrappy Pixels and Dark's Void, which ended with HentaiLover helping out Scrappy Pixels finish their background before the reset.

Canvas 37

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 37.

HentaiLover decided to get over their burnout during this canvas, and instead of working on Pink Gang's background, they decided to work on art instead, helping with a piece directly to the left of the Logo, to which they placed the majority on. HentaiLover then helped out with the logo, placing on more than just the logo this time.

They then moved on to place on the Kanna art and some more on the art with the rabbits. This left HentaiLover with a slightly less burntout feeling, as they now realised that it wasn’t worth placing on backgrounds and lattices right away, and that its more fun to place on art. Following this, HentaiLover placed on Proggity Prog OwO's Tsuyu Asui art again.

HentaiLover placed on other various arts on the canvas, like Rocketman's Astolfo and some pride flags at the top of the canvas, before placing more for Pink Gang on their background again.

Canvas 38

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 38.

HentaiLover once again placed for Pink Gang this canvas, initially opting to place on Pink Gang, mainly on their Helltaker art first, before moving back to the main art to work on the lemon girl. Unlike previous canvases, HentaiLover did not opt to work on the Pink Gang logo as they had previously done.

Later on in the canvas, HentaiLover assisted with the Atelier art, yet only on a small part of it. Following this, HentaiLover was asked to join the private Atelier faction founded by themann, which at this point was not open to the public. The reasoning for this was largely due to HentaiLover being a somewhat decent defiddler at the time and helping with the Atelier template. HentaiLover would become part of the original Atelier, or 'Atelier 1' as it was dubbed later. HentaiLover chose not to be too involved with Atelier at this point, and stayed largely silent in the server, only chiming in every now and then to give their thoughts or add to the conversation.

This canvas, HentaiLover reached 100,000 pixels placed, with their 100,000th pixel being placed near the border between Scrappy Pixels and Pink Gang.

HentaiLover ended the canvas by placing along the border between Pink Gang and YOIB.

Canvas 39

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 39.

HentaiLover began by placing for Pink Gang again, placing on the detective Kanna art first and avoiding the Logo again. This was where HentaiLover began to distance themselves slightly from Pink Gang, as they had placed for Pink Gang since they had first formed on C31. Their work on the magnifying class was reverted to another design, so HentaiLover's pixels were placed over.

After this, HentaiLover then began to work on Atelier's art, taking their time to work on the art, as they were not as committed to the art as others. They did not participate in the disagreements over the art that was going on during this period, only attempting to give unbiased input. This would lead to HentaiLover feeling alienated from the Atelier faction, as they refused to pick a side in the conflict.

Once they had finished with Atelier, HentaiLover moved on to working on various projects around the canvas, like working on Purple Lattice and PokePxls

Canvas 40

HentaiLover participated in Canvas 40.

HentaiLover decided not to work on Pink Gang for this canvas, only placing a few pixels on the Miku on PG's template towards the middle of the canvas.

They initially opted to work on the Russel Kirsch art, deciding to work on the text, before working on a portion of the background for the text with another user that was eventually banned for an unknown reason, this other user was not associated with HentaiLover. HentaiLover became bored with the Russel Kirsch art, and helped out Rainbow Pixels with their art, then moving onto working with Faust and their art, yet only working on some outlines, as they did not want to feel as if they were stealing the art from Faust.

HentaiLover then placed several Boos from the Mario franchise around the canvas, they followed this trend for a few canvases afterwards, before eventually dropping this off. They did this, as they found it fun to ask their friends to find the Boos around the canvas.

After the Boos were completed, HentaiLover helped out with the small blue dragon at the top of the canvas near PG, HentaiLover ended up placing about a third of the pixels on this template, they also placed on YOIB, at the very tip of the fox's tail, this was one of the few times HentaiLover placed on YOIB. HentaiLover also helped out with Swffl with their Garfield art, helping repair a grief by a user claiming that the art was 'immoral' due to its sexualised nature.

Following this large detour across the canvas, HentaiLover then decided to move back to the Russel Kirsch art, which had remained largely unchanged after their absence, only being worked on by a few other users. They spent much of the rest of the canvas working on this piece, leaving them with over half of the pixels placed on this template.

Once they had completed the Russel Kirsch art, HentaiLover began to work on Lewd Lattice, which was underneath the Russel Kirsch art, they expanded it along and around various pieces in the area, before several other users began to work on it with them, leading Lewd Lattice to reach its first peak on this canvas.

HentaiLover ended the canvas with almost 32,000 pixels placed, more than they've placed on any other canvas they've been on, they only came close to this number again on Canvas 52, with around 32,000-33,000 being placed.

Canvas 41

Canvas 42

Canvas 43

Canvas 43a

Canvas 44

Canvas 45

Canvas 45a

Canvas 46

Canvas 47

Canvas 48

Canvas 49

Canvas 50

Canvas 51

Canvas 52

Canvas 53

Canvas 54
