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Bahamaland is a faction on The faction's goal is to make art about the geography and culture of the Bahamas, as well as patterns.

Originally founded on Canvas 25 by Timmy with the name "Navy Blue Grand Monarchy", this group changed its presentation on Canvas 27 to a Bahamas-inspired lattice before being disbanded. It later returned under the name "Bahamaland" on Canvas 34, going through a renaissance era.

The renaissance involved a transition from simple latticework to actual artwork and a lattice, more benign behavior, and many of the old leaders and members being overthrown, establishing the faction as a much more refined faction as a whole.


Canvas 25

See Navy Blue Grand Monarchy#Canvas 25

Canvas 26

See Navy Blue Grand Monarchy#Canvas 26

Canvas 27

Having rebranded itself as Bahamas Lattice, the faction started on the inside edge of the central black circle on Canvas 27. However, it soon found itself hobbled as it had started on the territory of a huge "Casino Wheel" template that spanned the entire inside edge of the circle, and their route of expansion north was blocked by a "pedobear" template being built by cub and other Spurdos. With nowhere else to turn, Bahamas Lattice launched simultaneous incursions into the Pedobear template and Casino Wheel territory.

The greatest extent of the Bahamas Lattice assault during the "Great Bear War"

While the attack was initially successful, the builders of the Casino Wheel counterattacked at the same time that Spurdo reinforcements began rebuilding the pedobear. The war was discussed widely in Pxls chat, bringing it to the attention of several old enemies of the Navy Blue Grand Monarchy, who joined forces with the Casino Wheel and Spurdos. Soon, Bahamas Lattice was completely enveloped. However, pro-war sentiments continued running high, resulting in a brutally persistent blue voiding campaign against the pedobear (whose Spurdo builders comprised most of the counterattacking group) after the war. Later, Bahamas Lattice restarted more towards the center of the circle.

It made fairly rapid expansions, cementing itself as the biggest lattice within the circle. Following a major battle between the German and French factions within the circle, France was defeated, and moved their artwork south, directly on top of Bahamas Lattice territory, smothering its size and reducing it to only scattered bits of lattice. Soon, Blue Lattice would invade from the west, gradually gobbling up Bahamian territory until a desperate peace treaty was agreed upon. However, it was soon violated, and Blue Lattice faced only minimal resistance as they invaded in tandem with France and Germany's opportunistic invasions of Bahamian territory. At the end of the canvas, no Bahamas Lattice remained.

Canvas 28

Following the series of defeats on Canvas 27, interest in Pxls had waned past the point of no return. A Bahamas Lattice was attempted on the westernmost fringes of Canvas 28, but with only one placer, it died out quickly, starting a 6-canvas hiatus from Pxls.


Canvas 34

Bahamas Lattice returned near the center of Canvas 34, an area heavily populated by lattices with little art to cover them. However, Bahamas Lattice boasted higher numbers than most lattices in the region, and were able to explode onto the canvas and become a dominant faction in the area. Rolling over two American flags within hours of returning to the site, and allying with the nearby ValcoLattice, it wasn't long before Bahamas Lattice had solidified itself safely at the center of the canvas. Around this time, the name of the faction was changed to Bahamaland to emphasize a focus on lattices and artwork. Not much else happened on Canvas 34, aside from an invasion (and subsequent total destruction) of the nearby "Blue-Green Lattice," and the canvas ended just as Bahamaland's background approached Blue Lattice and VE1L's background.

Canvas 35

Canvas 36

Canvas 37

Canvas 38

During this canvas, Bahamaland constructed a large postcard template in the eastern section of the map. It also built satellite templates including a Bing logo, a LOF logo and a Bahamian Knight. It was surrounded by Green Lattice and the attempted Conch Republic faction (later absorbed by GL) during this canvas.

Canvas 39

Due to the small size of the canvas, Bahamaland rested on Canvas 39.

Canvas 40

Bahamaland took part in the League of Factions collab on Canvas 40, where it was represented by a Bahamian flag.

Canvas 41

WIP (the canvas is ongoing!)

Organization Structure

  • Monarch: Leader of the faction with the highest level of power and diplomatic authority.
  • Marshals: Military officers with authority to coordinate movements on-canvas.
  • Officers: Discord moderators with authority on the server and active members of the faction.
  • Archivists: Volunteer officers who record griefs of Bahamaland projects.



Former (reason)

  • Proggity Prog OwO (ended by Progs; griefed by Progs shortly thereafter)
  • Ireland faction (griefed by Ireland after heightened tensions; sparked war)


Bahamas Lattice era

Bahamaland era