
Revision as of 16:33, 16 August 2020 by fandom>PineApple1298 (→‎Canvas 27)
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Bahamaland is a faction on Originally founded on canvas 25 by Timmy with the name of "Navy Blue Grand Monarchy", this group changed its presentation on canvas 27 to a Bahamas-inspired lattice before being disbanded. It later returned under the name "Bahamaland" on Canvas 34, going through a renaissance era.

The renaissance involved a transition from simple latticework to actual artwork and a lattice, more benign behavior, and many of the old leaders and members being overthrown, establishing the faction as a much more refined faction as a whole.

The faction's goal is to make art about the geography and culture of the Bahamas, as well as patterns.


Canvas 25

See Navy Blue Grand Monarchy#Canvas 25

Canvas 26

See Navy Blue Grand Monarchy#Canvas 26

Canvas 27

Canvas 28


Canvas 34

Canvas 35

Canvas 36

Canvas 37

Canvas 38

Canvas 39

Organization Structure

Bahamaland uses intentionally puffed-up titles and names.

  • Monarchs: co-leaders of the faction who share final authority in matters related to the Discord server and on-canvas operations.
  • Marshals: Military officers with authority to coordinate movements on-canvas.
  • Officers: Discord moderators with authority on the server and active members of the faction.
  • Archivists: Volunteer officers who record griefs of Bahamaland projects.



Former (reason)

  • Proggity Prog OwO (ended by Progs; griefed by Progs shortly thereafter)
  • Ireland faction (griefed by Ireland after heightened tensions; sparked war)


Bahamas Lattice era

Bahamaland era

  • Irish-Bahamian War: fought between Bahamaland and the Irish faction. Tensions between the factions went back several days, because when Bahamaland sought to start their colony on a raindrop they attempted to build over a large Irish flag, believing it to be a solo project. However, they were unaware that the Irish flag was built by their ally the Irish Republic. They stopped invading after discovering this, but it nonetheless caused tensions despite their repairs to the flag and apologies. Tensions increased as another user was revealed to be an alt sent by the Irish faction to spy on Bahamaland, and things finally melted down when an officer of the Irish faction griefed Bahamaland and claimed it was a rogue member. As a result Bahamaland fought back with extreme severity, invading and destroying the large Irish flag but not destroying the cultural works of the Irish faction. They were griefed in minor ways many times during and after the war but these were suppressed easily. After the defeat of the Irish faction, it collapsed and split apart into the New Irish Republic and EU factions, both microfactions with a couple of members each. The EU faction, a splinter of the original Irish faction, attempted to cover a Bahamian sign with the EU symbol but were beaten back and a peace deal was finally reached with them. Bahamaland allowed the EU faction to build many national flags around their sign.