Battle of the Cap

Revision as of 07:58, 26 January 2024 by TheWaffleLord (talk | contribs) (darkhood flagicon)
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Battle of the Cap
Result osuplace art fully restored

Gura's Supermarket



Commanders and leaders
Gaudi999 DiMine
~30 ~20
~50 after a @everyone ping in osuplace

The Battle of the Cap was a conflict near the end of canvas 76. It was a planned attack by GSm on the main art of osu. The battle lasted 5 hours and over the course of it other factions and many volunteers joined on both sides.

Partway through the battle, ioanBG (leader of the Lesser Kingdom of Magenta) and another user placed magenta pixels on the hat for a short time acting as a small third combatant.