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Canvas 16

(Redirected from C16)
The initial canvas
The final canvas
The canvas timelapse

2018/09/08 - 2018/10/07 (29 days)

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Canvas 16 was a Letter-aspect canvas which saw several conflicts, especially between pixelers defending a tribute to a controversial Discord user who got banned from the pxls.space Discord from attacks by ManePxls, and supporters/detractors of AFIP (American Flag in Place) defending/attacking the American Flag.


This canvas was designed by Andrew.

The size of the canvas was 767x982 and 751,370 of the 753,194 total pixels were placeable. (99.8%)

An interactive version of this canvas showing the names of factions and where they were located can be found here.

More detailed info such as a pixel activity timelapse, the final virginmap, and more can be found on the official pxls.space archives.

Major Events

  • Manechat Invasion: The brony Discord server Manechat joined forces with ManePxls, Cozy Vault and AFIP to remove an artwork from the canvas. For the first 12 hours of the attack, the efforts were focused on the areas surrounding the main part of the art. Then in a final push the remaining part of the art was taken in just 3 hours. The stamp was completely finished 2 hours later, bringing the total time to 17 hours.
  • The Invasion of AFIP: A large portion of the community coordinated an attack on AFIP's flag, and In just 3 hours they had completed nearly half of their plans. It ended up taking 18 hours for the invaders to claim victory. The conflict brought the user count above 100 for the first time in over a month, with at least 25 total users fighting for each side. YouTube video showcasing the events: https://youtu.be/FO3GaJkUSpM

Minor Events




#announcements in the Pxls Discord server