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Canvas 28

Revision as of 14:55, 9 July 2020 by fandom>TheWaffleLord37 (added canvas list infobox)
File:Pxls Canvas 28-0.png
File:Pxls Canvas 28.png

2019/10/15 - 2019/11/01

Previous Canvas

Next Canvas

For canvas 28, another canvas contest was held for users to submit their designs to become the canvas.

Only two users ended up submitting a canvas for the contest; Renatm and TheWaffleLord.

Renatm's submission was chosen by the Pxls staff to become the next canvas.

Waffle's submission can be seen below:

During the canvas, a user by the name of Flromp created a TikTok discussing pxls.space that went viral, causing a large influx of users to join the site.

The TikTok in question can be found here: https://www.tiktok.com/@flromp/video/6753210226800954629

Sources: https://pxlsfiddle.com/pxlsarchive/canvas28/