Canvas 21a

Revision as of 10:05, 29 October 2021 by fandom>TheWaffleLord37
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File:Pxls Canvas 21a initial.png
File:Pxls Canvas 21a.png

2019/04/01 - 2019/04/04

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Canvas 21a was an April Fools canvas. The canvas used "50 Shades of Gray" as a palette, allowing for well-shaded greyscale arts to be built.

In addition, the cooldown between being able to place pixels was reduced to 25%, which for most of the canvas meant a 7-8 second cooldown. The last half hour of the canvas had a fixed cooldown of 3 seconds.

-snip- mode was enabled for this canvas.

The size of the canvas is 750x750 and all of the 562,500 total pixels are placeable.


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