Uriel-Lithuania War

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Uriel-Lithuania War
LocationMiddle Far-Left
CanvasCanvas 80
OutcomeOpal & co. victory:
  • Uriel art wins over the territory
  • Minor border clash with Darkhood
  • Sidges' art relocated
  • Opal promises 2,300 pixels to Sidges
  • A cluster of Among Us crewmates is eventually covered by Reissecup's lattice

The Arsonists



Opal had newly reached 400,000 pixels alltime, and to commemorate this milestone, chose to make an ego featuring its OC "Uriel" and the roman numeral CD (400,000). However, owed to how late in the canvas it already was, free room was in short stock. Opal spotted the Lithuania art and the open field which beset it, and saw it was big enough to fit the ego in.

The casus belli was that the Lithuania cutout was uninspired and a flat flag.


The grief began at approximately 23:00 (UTC), 17/06/24. After Uriel's outline was quickly finished, the part of the art overlapping with Lithuania was filled in, along with Uriel's torso concurrently. The whole template was completed by around 04:00. The rest of the square was to be covered by Reissecup's lattice. Most placers on Opal's side had eventually fallen asleep, including Opal; during this period, Lithuania achieved a partial reconquista of its territory, and a spillover event between Reissecup's and Darkhood's backgrounds occurred. After a few hours, the other side's placers woke back up, and started regaining the lost ground rapidly. At 14:30, Sidges, the owner of the Lithuania art conceded, and around 17:00, the entire square covered in lattice.


After the battle, a new spot was arranged to relocate the Lithuania art, and Opal offered a debt of 2,300 pixels to Sidges as reparations for starting the conflict overnight. The lattice in the square would expand south and eventually meet with the rest of Reisse's lattice, covering a large swath of that part of the canvas.