The Flood

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The Flood
Commanders and leaders
greenwizard, Naglis

The Flood, later called Principality of Flood after becoming a vassal of The Chromatic Empire, also derisively called the Bootleg Void, was a void faction that existed on Canvas 60 and Canvas 64.

First Flood

The Flood after accidentally placing on Jen, who hadn't made their outline yet.

The Flood began shortly after Canvas 60 started. Naglis and Greenwizard formed the first flood over Jen's artwork but were quickly met with sour feelings from them. After losing their territory, The Flood moved to the upper right-hand side of the canvas.

Second Flood

The Second Flood after being attacked by NBGM due to Naglis's constant griefing of CHE.

After the disastrous first flood, Naglis put out a video in hopes new people would join the faction. However, nobody did, and because of this and persistent griefing by Queo The Flood's main leader Naglis vanished from Pxls to build on another r/place clone. Greenwizard fully took ownership of the faction on Pxls and continued The Flood for a few days before it was destroyed by the Navy Blue Grand Monarchy.

Third Flood

On Canvas 64 the flood reappeared, this time as The Principality of Flood, a vassal of the Chromatic Empire. it was heavily griefed by mcdoodlydoo but due to assistance from ChE it managed to survive.