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Do Push

Do Push is a faction that was created by Netux on canvas 13 that creates a small button on the canvas for users to "press" by changing several pixels on the top to "press" or "unpress" the button.

"Whenever you have nothing to do and get a 6 stack, you can waste them on switching this little button off and on again." -Netux


Canvas 13

Canvas 14

CaptainCyberHook, leader of the Transhumanists faction, built their own version of the Do Push button since Netux built the first button on canvas 13 next to their art.

Canvas 16

Canvas 17

Canvas 18

For this canvas, instead of using the same button design again, Netux created "Do Push mini".

Right at the end of the canvas, Do Push was griefed and replaced with "fish".

Canvas 73

The faction was revived by TheWaffleLord.

Nearing the end of the canvas, Kino removed Do Push and replaced it with their own art. Shortly after, CharlieApples built their own version of Do Push directly above the artwork.

Several users wrote their own text around the first version of Do Push.

Canvas 74

To fit in with the Halloween theme of the canvas, "Boo Push" was created as a variation of Do Push with the arrows being replaced by ghosts.

Canvas 75

Canvas 76

Since the canvas was active during Christmas, the button was made Christmas themed.

Canvas 77

Canvas 78