YOIB-NBGM conflict
The YOIB-NBGM conflict was a conflict on Canvas 42 between YOIB and the Navy Blue Grand Monarchy.
The Navy Blue Grand Monarchy (NBGM) was officially revived by pineApple and ioanBG at the start of Canvas 42. They occupied a section in the upper left-hand corner of the canvas, while YOIB occupied a larger space in the center-left end of the canvas.
At a certain point, YOIB claimed a background colony far from its mainland that would immediately cut off the NBGM's expansion southward despite YOIB's background being far from meeting the NBGM.
pineApple, as Monarch of the NBGM, established contact with YOIB leadership (their "Genewuws") for negotiation - attempting to make the case that YOIB should not have built the colony and instead should have naturally expanded their background outward. This argument fell on deaf ears as YOIB Genewuws responded by committing to the colony and asserting that NBGM was not allowed to place over the template.
However, the YOIB colony template had empty spaces in it because it was just being used to outline parts of the colony, not fill them in. The template was also unfinished. So pineApple organized a huge push southward with the cooperation of NBGM placers and offsite volunteers. The push rapidly created a new border line that weaved through the open parts of the YOIB template in an effort to divide it in half and give the NBGM a new corridor from which to expand. The push was based on the idea that YOIB only forbade NBGM from placing on their colony template, but the new border was being drawn through parts of the canvas that were not yet claimed by the template - only partially outlined.
This action enraged YOIB, which placed the NBGM forces on their griefer list in retaliation for the incident. They stated that the colony template was going to be updated soon to fill in the whole area, and not just be used for outlining, which meant that NBGM was not allowed to cut a corridor through their template.