Steven the Cat
Steven, otherwise known as :welldone:, is a legendary emoji spread by Jen in late 2022. Since then the emoji has invaded many Pxls-related Discord servers and was even added to Pxls itself.

We love Steven.
The History of :welldone:
The origins of :welldone: date back to September of 2022, when Twitter user @CatsHeld uploaded the greatest cat image of all time. This image was discovered by Jen, who unleashed it upon her friends before adding it as a sticker and emoji to their Discord server.
It was later spread to the dms of Temriel and subsequently the Chromatic Empire, which lead to Steven appearing on Canvas 63 after the Nutshack Sweep. For a while, there was only one welldone, but this changed after March 2023, when more welldones were produced and spread to Flandre. Initially they were all Stevens, but eventually more animals were welldoned and turned into emojis.
Thanks to Steven spreading around Pxls, he appeared on multiple canvases, listed below. If you're reading this, consider welldoneing your animals and making them into emojis.
Canvas Appearances
Steven first appeared on Canvas 63 after the Nutshack Sweep was resolved.
This canvas saw the debut of the Steven Lattice, which has only been used during wars.
Steven later appeared on Canvas 67 during Flandre's war against Pixelqiwi Group.