Pain, Dithering and Fiddle Abuse
Pain, Dithering, and Fiddle Abuse (PDFA) is a faction that has existed since July 7th, 2022 (Canvas 59). It makes fiddle abuse and is a rather small faction - it has collabed on every canvas it has been on except for Canvas 60a. Originally it's goal was to cover fiddle abuse with fiddle abuse, however it has not pursued this.
Canvas 59
Furrypxls and first piece
PDFA was founded on Canvas 59 by HentaiLover/SenkoBread. It began following a message by Chalkless that read "PSA: the loroose has rejected this fiddle abuse", this message included a picture of the then half finished piece by Furrypxls, that was fiddle abuse. Furrypxls had been contacted several times before regarding defiddling the piece, all of which were declined. The continued declination of assistance spawned the then well-known line, 'its called dithering my man', in defence of fiddle abuse being on canvas.
Following backlash over Furrypxls's refusal to defiddle the image, HentaiLover then deliberately created a fiddle abused piece to put on canvas. On discord they claimed that "[They] did lots of dithering :))))))" when posting the proposed piece. The piece - which had no name/title - was reprocessed several times to be roughly the same size as Furrypxls's piece. In the pxls discord server, their proposal received a positive reaction from several users, which then spawned PDFA, named after the text at the bottom of their first piece.
This first piece was completed with little resistance from Furrypxls, who contacted HentaiLover via discord, claiming that they would no longer put fiddle abuse on canvas. PDFA's first piece was completed shortly after the template was created, with the help of many users.
Gura's Supermarket Collab
GSM leader, gaudi999, approached HentaiLover via discord with the proposal for a collab, the new piece was a fiddle abused picture of a then recently retired Vtuber, Sana. HentaiLover accepted their proposal and made an announcement in the newly made PDFA discord server and submitted the new template that would cover the original (pictured) piece. PDFA and GSM would continue to work together, PDFA is also inspired by several of Gaudi and other GSM placers' ideas for a 'sin' faction, this is where PDFA's exaggerated and often non-serious faction invites and announcements stem from.
Canvas 60
PDFA had no real plans for Canvas 60, however an announcement was made in the PDFA discord server that contained a small, fiddle abused '7'. Nothing else notable happened to PDFA during this canvas.
Canvas 60a
PDFA was present on Canvas 60a. This canvas was a gimmick canvas, where each user had their username replaced with -snip-, which lead to many hijinks in the on-site chat. PDFA was supported by GSM this canvas.
An anonymous user claimed that PDFA had been present since day 1 of Canvas 60a, despite actually only starting to place on day 3 of the canvas, this lead to several users attempting to debunk this, yet the anonymous PDFA user insisted that they were there from the start. Another incident was when an anonymous PDFA placer would argue in chat with Anti-PDFA users, who would at one point say, "Lav, post this in the discord", to which a user named BushkuLaver would post a screenshot of the on-site chat in the pxls discord server. The anonymous PDFA user would then continue to say "Lav, post this in the discord", and continue to address "Lav" throughout the duration of the canvas.
Throughout the canvas, PDFA was in a constant struggle with the other pieces that were overlapping PDFA's template. This lead to several users deciding to dedicate themselves to removing PDFA's art, to which they were largely successful. At one point, a user was even banned for suspicion of botting due to odd placing behaviour. Eventually PDFA folded and decided to move the arts to other spots on the canvas, despite this, other users continued to go against PDFA on canvas, despite them moving the overlapping pieces.
Towards the end of the canvas, PDFA began to speed up their placement and eventually finished their piece once the canvas ended.
Canvas 61
PDFA collabed with Pxlsomori on Canvas 61, using a piece created by Mandrake that featured a character from Omori labeled with the text "Help I Got Got Fiddled". PDFA made slow progress at first, as HentaiLover was committed to raiding ManePxls with How to take an L: 101. This would lead to Arkatar - a Manepxls placer - placing against PDFA with their a retaliatory template called 'Yellow Square', which would totally void PDFA's template. Initially PDFA would not seek any help, and several users - mainly Mandrake and HentaiLover - would place against Arkatar for PDFA's template, progress on the template was slow.
Eventually HentaiLover would approach ManePxls and request that they contact Arkatar and ask them to stop placing against PDFA. ManePxls staff would say that they were powerless due to Arkatar not being in the Manepxls discord server anymore. HentaiLover persisted, before proclaiming that they would dedicate PDFA to wiping any and all ManePxls pieces off future canvases, unless ManePxls would help defend PDFA's piece. ManePxls would accept and would then help PDFA throughout the canvas to defend their art, some ManePxls users would even help out with PDFA's template once Arkatar had left.
Once Arkatar stopped placing against PDFA, following a prolonged period of griefing, PDFA's template would soon be finished.