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HentaiLover's Rule Exploitation Factions

HentaiLover's Rule Exploitation Factions were a series of 3 non-serious factions, all created with the purpose of exploiting an existing - or non existing rule - about spamming faction invites to different factions in the #factions channel on the pxls discord server. The three factions were Kongo Pxls, SAPxls and This Faction is NOT Exploiting a Loophole.

The discord servers for all the factions were essentially the same, all had 2 channels, one for information and a #general channel, further highlighting the non-seriousness of each of them.

Following a brief discussion with Nanineye in #general on the pxls discord server, it was revealed that HentaiLover had no plan to release the factions without "being [first] verified by a mod" and that HentaiLover was "not upset" about the ordeal and "just having a lil fun". This would be the end of the three factions.

Kongo Pxls

Kongo Pxls was the oldest of the three factions, lasting for just over half an hour as a faction. The faction was themed around the Kingdom of Kongo and aimed to put a poorly drawn and upscaled recreation of the flag of Kongo on the canvas. This faction also had a little fun with the invite, noting that "At Kongo Pxls we're dedicated to spreading the glorious ways of Kongo across the canvas, whether that be through our beautiful art pieces, incredible arts on canvas, or fantastic pixel art across the canvas!", which is just repeating the same thing three times.


SAPxls was the second faction that was created, themed around adding the HAP emoji to the pxls discord server and pxls chat. The faction claimed that it would create a SAP (Sad HAP) on every canvas until it was added, this art was on a 1-to-1 scale with the actual SAP emoji, unlike Kongo Pxls and This Faction is NOT Exploiting a Loophole.

This Faction is NOT Exploiting a Loophole

This was the shortest lived of the 3 factions, only lasting for about half an hour. This was clearly the faction that had the least amount of effort put into it, as could be seen in the message posted to the #hap-and-other-important-stuff channel on the server, which only had 4 lines of actual writing, much unlike the invite to Kongo Pxls that had several lines. The name of the faction was also a little on the nose too, deciding to specifically address the issue that was being discussed, unlike the other 2 factions that posed as more serious factions.