
Revision as of 08:43, 9 December 2023 by TheWaffleLord (talk | contribs) (users category)
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Some Facts

  • Newbie (c69)
  • Speak russian
  • Love coding
  • Found method to ban people in factions
  • Got 500sec chatban because called ToeBeans "pedo"
  • Banned and unbanned in 5 mins because accidentally activated "New app instance" trap
  • Since not in the ban because "Furry privilege"
  • Legion helper
  • N̵̗̲̎͝í̵z̵̺̐ř̵͈̗á̷̝͍̕b̷̝̟͛ ̸͈͕̈͝a̷̖̣̾͒l̷̹̄t̸̫̃

Detailed information

Social media

Youtube, Github, Discord (@biches1491)




Reissecup, Nizrab, Senko, Pchela

Main account

There is a theory that this is not one person

Proofs: screenshot 1 (mod perms), screenshot 2 (Joined as Pchela), screenshot 3 (several accounts on youtube), using Nizrab gifs