The Great Boofening

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The_boofmesiter's Discord profile picture.

The Great Boofening was a series of trolls carried out by the_boofmesiter (colloquially known as the boof meister or the boof master) on Canvas 41, from the evening of the 1st of November to the early morning of the 2nd of November. The_boofmesiter coined the term "boofing" during The Boofening. The boofs consisted of direct links to Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up, the Troll Song, and a Discord invite to his own server, which contained "Never Gonna Give You Up"


The_boofmesiter was on the side of the trollface Discord volunteers, known by his main account, Popotixovo. He joined on the 17th of October, right at the beginning of the Second Battle of the Trollface, but he has been inactive with just little patches of activity. He would later describe him self as "gone rouge" and say that he wasn't affiliated with the Discord volunteers, but this was mostly used as bait or as a setup for a boof.

The rise of the boof meister

On the 1st of November, his main account got a temporary ban, for what was presumably whitewashing. A couple of hours later, the_boofmesiter was created, notably with an accidental misspelling of meister, which means master in German.

He continued with finishing and defending the trollface, but during that he created an intentionally shoddy decoy server of the trollface discord, called "trollface peaceful protest". On the 2nd of November, he would get permanently banned for using alt accounts. What the_boofmesiter is currently doing is unknown.

Discord server and methods of boofing

The "trollface peaceful protest" consisted of a text channel called "boof-chat" and a voice channel called "boof talk".

Scene of someone being boofed.

When someone joined the server, they would usually be greeted with Popotixovo saying "boofed" or "you've been boofed" followed by a link to "Never Gonna Give You Up". Most of the times his friend, Marvin, would also say "boofed". A total of 32 people were boofed.

The imgur boof.

His main method of trolling was sending an invite link to his Discord server, containing a message about how it has some information about the trollface. Sometimes he would post links leading to notorious videos used for trolling or linked to trolling. Later, he would use an imgur link with a still frame of Rick Astley during the "Never Gonna Give You Up" music video, with underlining text which said "YOU'VE BEEN BOOFED" in the Impact font.


The_boofmesiter would act in cases which were on the fringes of the rules, most of the time in support of the trollface. He would sometimes have fits of insults directed towards members of the Pride Faction, who opposed his views. One case would garner him a temporary chat ban, although the ban would never get to expire, because he got permanently banned for using alternate accounts.