
Revision as of 18:47, 7 February 2021 by fandom>Teamugs77
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Moge-ko, aka teamugs77, is a player, notoriously known for owning Big, Fat, Voluptuous, Round Anime Tiddies faction.

Pxls Appearance

Canvas 2

Moge-ko made her first appearance on canvas 2, where she built along with a bunch of users from a VK public page named "CRUNCH!". The group managed to claim a fairly significant territory, filling the background with pink and relentlessly destroying anything that came in their way. Neither pixel counts, nor accounts were a thing at the time, so Moge-ko left the site before the reset occured.

Canvas 4

Moge returned at the end of canvas 4, where she attempted to draw a sprite of Moge-ko, a character belonging to the Funamusea universe, which was also the origin of her nickname. Unfortunately, the canvas reset before she managed to get it completed.

CRUNCH! territory.

Canvas 5

On canvas 5, Moge has built several projects, mostly related to J-RPGs. This is also when she joined the Discord.

Canvas 6

Canvas 6 was huge, so Moge-ko went big as well. A total of seven projects were promoted by her alone, including two notably big ones - Flandre Scarlet from Touhou and a gross and dithered Stella from the Funamusea-verse. She also joined Dani's Bizarre Adventures, a faction under the leadership of dani26795, contributing a fair amount of time and pixels to planned projects.


While positioning Flandre, Moge had a collision with haykam's project, even though no one placed a pixel on it in a fair while. In the end Moge-ko has won the support of several users, and the project was built anyway.

Moge-ko also got attacked by FrodoFraggins in retaliation for defending dani's art from griefing. That conflict will then last throughout several canvases.

Canvas 7

Canvas 7 was initially a 200x200 square, so Moge-ko went with a really tiny project, after which she resorted to helping the faction. But after the canvas expanded and people started working on the global template, she placed a Funamusea character into each expansion and worked on them as soon as said expansions were being added.

Canvas 8

The canvas where Moge-ko decided to start her own faction dedicated to building Funamusea-verse characters, along with other J-RPG-related art. The faction lasted a few days and only gained a total of 4 actual placers, after which Moge decided that the fandom was way too niche to dedicate a faction to it. Still, the members manages to build a few decent projects before it got discarded.


Canvas 9

The only notable project made by Moge-ko on that canvas was the knife.


Moge-ko had been defending other people's projects from Frodo's griefs, which led to inevitable retaliation on her project. The conflict eventually subsided fully after a short talk with Frodo in the discord.

Canvas 10

Canvas 11

After spending some time helping DBA and solo-ing a small project, Moge-ko burned out and left for a few months.

Canvas 15

Moge made her grand return, however, no solo projects were built that canvas.

Canvas 16

Canvas 17

Aside from helping others, Moge-ko made her own lattice. It wasn't the most creative idea, but she managed to cover a fair bit of territory with the help of other users. Before the reset occured, she decided to quit again, this time making it a bit more than a year.

C17 lattice.


Moge-ko has fought alongside PATO during the Second 2ch Invasion.

Canvases 30 - 31

Shortly after she came back again, Moge-ko joined YOIB. This is where solo projects have stopped entirely. She became a high rank within one canvas, after which quit once again at the beginning of canvas 31.

Canvas 43 - present

Since canvas 43, Moge-ko is back in YOIB as a Genewuw and is currently placing for them.


Old Spam Gang

Chaos is my home

Moge-ko was a majority shareholder of #spam channel in pxls Discord until (and after) The Haykam's Purge. People notably cut down on spamming when she started talking in the channel like it was a second #general. The Old Spam Gang, how we currently like to call it, consisted of Moge-ko herself, filipus098, Etos2, TETRUS, The_Rebel_G0D aka Socc, and Netux - basically all the active #spam chatters.


Pxls is a very addictive game, and the swamp of addiction will drag you down, unless you do something entirely stupid, like building Banned Lives Matter, and staff will respond in an entirely stupid way too by permabanning you.


Here is a bunch of totally reliable and factually correct opinions on Moge-ko:

  • "Coming at only 4'8'', I always saw Mugs more as a chihuahua than a pxls player. Small, cute, but always yapping. Well their art is good at least." - Anonymous user ("THAT'S NOT FACTUALLY CORRECT I'M 5'8" FUCK YOU" - Moge-ko)
  • "You're very sociable, and although you call yourself shy, it's very easy to talk and have fun with you. I think that you're always looking to better yourself, and I can really see you doing great things because of your motivation." - Atomic10
  • "insomniac and teal haired" - DHXT
  • "unstable queen of spam" - Nya
  • "gamer girl who doesn’t know how to react to compliments" - Sevev
  • "sus female" - ioanBG