Errata Wars

Revision as of 16:52, 2 January 2023 by fandom>TheWaffleLord37 (Avenoel -> Noeliste)
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trollege war cry

The Errata Wars are a number of successive conflicts that emerged on Canvas 63; initially pitting the Errata faction against Bi Pxls, it later expanded to include various factions such as the Trollge Confederacy, Noeliste, Schizophrenia, Flandre, x190, Pride Faction and Frog Pixels United.

This is the Main flag that was the cause of the war and as i am writing this it is in its trans form.

Beginning: The conflicts began with Bi Pxls art being griefed by Errata and replaced with a yoba face. Bi pxls later tried to fight back and had help from many members of the community but after about 5 hours of fighting against Errata and some Trollge members, Bi kitties ¨negotiated¨ a ¨peace deal¨. The deal stated that yoba would stay and Bikitties art would be relocated with Erratas help. However, Bikitties was never built as the only place bikitties could move without going over art was occupied by a player who did not give the space up. a few days later the Yoba face would be griefed by Flandre and many volunteers and was replaced by 4 small trans flags, a chansaw dog, and a frog pixels united lattice. Spag ( a member of Errata) would later have his art griefed by a poo emoji and a massive rainbow flag and smaller varying pride flags. A few days after this, the first events of the flag war would happen when 2 members virevoltan64 and Moulinavent would attempt to go over a recently constructed trans flag with green lattice. When asked why the two were doing this, virevoltan replied ¨because we are transfobes¨(yes it was spelled like that). This was quickly met with retaliation by Flandre and many community members and the flag was quickly fixed and emoji art made by virevoltan and moulinavent was beginning to be griefed and covered with green lattice.

Grief that was used to cover yoba face

This is where the war begins to escalate as Errata and Trollge begin to fix the art and start griefing the trans flag. Said flag was fought over for about two days while even Schizophrenia would join in on the fight. Next, a large french flag would be turned into a trans flag and in response, Errata and Trollge would begin to turn that flag and the first flag Into french flags. After days of fighting, both flags are currently in their Trans state and the emojis and Noeliste were also griefed with little to no resistance. It seems as though Errata and Trollge have lost as neither factions has art on canvas at the time of writing and both trans flags are still standing as well as the grief on yoba. Small attacks have happened but none seem coordinated and are mostly the work of Hilderos.