
Revision as of 06:27, 20 February 2024 by Nizrab (talk | contribs) (Fix name)
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Nizrab is a member of the Chromatic Empire's council of representatives, and his presence on Pxls now revolves around managing the Chromatic Empire as a close ally of Liam.


Originally an affiliate of someone so controversial they can't be mentioned on this wiki, Nizrab's faction got destroyed by Flandre on Canvas 60, making him rethink everything and become a Chromatic Empire advocate. His faction "Mechanical pxls", a faction puppeted by the aforementioned controversial person was rebranded to the Metallic Monarchy. He later went to form the Elemental Confederation (a subject of ChE) and became a member of the Chromatic Empire's council of representatives alongside IButter and Eve.

"perm" Canvas Banned

While playing around with the pxls JavaScript console, Nizrab accidently triggered it's anti-cheat by typing in "App.doplace()". While pxls considered this a permanent ban, it was done automatically and was reverted after extreme begging from Nizrab, LenEnjoyer and others. He is no longer a banned user on pxls. A while after this incident he got shadow banned as well for creating a new Websocket instance, but he was immediately unbanned by vanilla.

Discovered XSS exploit

While looking into the Pxls source code, he found an exploit that allowed users to insert JavaScript scripts into faction names. this was quickly patched due to how dangerous it was.