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Revision as of 12:11, 13 November 2020 by (username removed) (c36)

ioanBG is a pxls.space user who made a page about himself in response to positive comeback from pxls-related discords.

Canvas 31

Ioan joined quite late on Canvas 31, after seeing a comment on an r/place video. His first actions involved enlarging a bulgarian flag, resulting in a success, and changing a 69 to 68.9, which resulted in a mild success in getting attention from chat. The canvas reset shortly after.

Canvas 32

Canvas 32 was the first canvas ioanBG made art on, starting by making a tiny tardis at the rear leg of the cat. Right after that, a user suggested making the giant Slovenian flag into a Bulgarian one. Ioan, being a massive patriot, of course accepted. They were quickly stopped by the slovenian faction under the leadership of TheIncredibleHulk21 and decided to make a bulgarian flag elsewhere. The location chosen was near the head of the cat. Each stripe of the flag was made 6 pixels tall. After that, the same user suggested griefing the slovenian flag yet again, this time by making it into a russian. Progress was made until the faction responded and later on griefed the small flag. Ioan then suggested making a brand-new flag, this time with each stripe being 7 pixels tall. This worked on fairly well until ioan's only friend left. His final suggestion was to expand the flag from one end to another. Ioan thought that would be a good propaganda move and so he started the long, hard task all by himself. Around that time he introduced one of his friends to pxls.

At the same time as the flag, he also created some arts, such as 3 star destroyers, a text saying ,,anus" with an arrow pointing at the rectum of the cat that was the canvas, and a dalek with text saying ,,Exterminate!" underneath. All these side projects meant that, despite introducing 2 of his IRL friends at the last day, the flag did not reach the end of the canvas. This however paved the way for canvas 33

On c33 ioan joined actual factions for the first time, starting with France Pxls (which he eventually got ownership of in canvas 38), and even created one, Bulgaria Pxls. In recent canvases, he has used the faction title more symbollically, as it is basically in a state of coma.

Canvas 33

too based

Canvas 34

Canvas 34 started with Ioan joining in late. He quickly tried making a bulgarian flag map, although attacks by KagamiiX stopped him. After that he started making a small pixel art of a star destroyer from Star Wars. It was quickly discovered he was making it over an art piece, however the owner of it allowed it to stay. After making other things he decided to create the infamous Flag Area, a project he became widely hated for. It was an empty box with the text FLAG AREA written on that users could make flags in. The problem of it was that there weren't any set boundaries to it and users just expanded borders however they pleased. This quickly took the attention of other users, who later organised an attack. Ioan, Youj, Unraged and Watermelonely (the main defenders of FA) soon created a discord server. The group was divided after Unraged tried to conduct diplomacy (even though ioanBG was responsible for that) while Youj attacked the taken lands. The arguments soon turned violent and Unraged and Watermelonely soon left the server, leaving only Ioan and Youj. After the defeat of FA the bulgarian map was soon covered by Pink Gang, although it was later rebuilt. The rest of the canvas was spent by helping Youj against griefs and de-fiddling his art. At the end a larger bulgarian map was made over a QR code.

Canvas 34a

Canvas 34a only lasted 24 hours, but in that time ioanBG made a fairly large Austro-Hungarian flag. He also helped with the destruction of the void that formed in the top left of the canvas. Right before the reset the flag was griefed with magenta pixels

Canvas 35

On canvas 35 a version of the bulgarian coat of arms was planned to be built, however, due to the small size of the space available he wasn't able to do it. Instead, he made a small bulgarian flag on the bottom of the cloud part. Some unsuccesfull attempts at making art later he started making Bulgaria Lattice - a lattice made up of white, green and red arranged in a hexagonal manner. He also got quite high up in the leaderboards. After around 5 days a conflict started with ERROR Gang, back then known as Missing Texture Lattice (MTG). Ioan was soon overwhelmed and was forced to surrender. MTG soon covered a giant portion of the lattice and blocked it from expanding further. After lenghtly negotiations a deal was made - Ioan would give MTG all but 1 line of lattice below the main flag, while MTG would return a portion they had occupied. Ioan was happy that the new borders looked good and didn't care that he got less than what he lost. The rest of the canvas was sppent on defense and losing the bulgarian colonies

Canvas 36

Canvas 36 started with the art planned for the previous one being started. Claiming the land was easy and so the work started without troubles. Midway through he and Youj started working on Flag Zone, a continuation to Flag Area. Its main difference was the addition of borders in an attempt to stop the chaos that happened before. A discord invite was also put there for users to join. At the beginning there were 2 rows of flags but 2 more were added later. A fight broke out when new users started expanding the dutch flag, but they were quickly stopped.

Flag Incursion started when tam sought to remove all flags from the canvas. He started voiding FZ with help from ERROR Gang. The fight looked like it would result in a win for tam & company, as FZ had only 4 main helpers and the community wasn't pro-flag. However, as time passed, tam eventually stopped and the damage was reversed.

Other than FZ and the bulgarian art Ioan also made some smaller arts, such as a building and a waving flag.