Official Wiki Rules
- 1. Do not wipe any pages of all their content. (If you are the owner of a faction or the individual a wiki page has information about, you can contact TheWaffleLord#6787 on Discord and request specific sections to be removed, or the page to be removed entirely.)
- 2. Do not enter gibberish/spam into any pages. (Random strings of letters/numbers/symbols, ascii art, etc.)
- 3. Do not harass others or insert any hate speech or slurs into pages. (Racism, sexism, ableism, etc.)
- 4. Do not insert NSFW/NSFL content into any pages or upload any NSFW/NSFL images to the website. (Pornographic images, realistic gore, etc.)
- 5. Do not share anyone's personal information that they do not want shared. (Real names, their location, passwords, etc.)
- 6. You may create a category on Map pages if it can be applied to at least 5 things on that canvas. (Multi faction unions like the Chromatic Empire or League of Factions for example.)