User talk:Neurofumo

Latest comment: 25 July by Neurofumo in topic time to dump this text
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@Temriel sup Neurofumo (talk) 14:29, 22 July 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

ping jumpscare Temriel (talk) 14:37, 22 July 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

time to dump this text

Running MediaWiki involves several steps that range from downloading the software to configuring it for your specific needs. **MediaWiki** is a free and open-source wiki software that allows you to create and manage your own wiki site. To get started, you need to download the MediaWiki software from the official website. Visit the [MediaWiki download page]( and choose the latest stable release. Once you have downloaded the tarball, you need to extract it to your web server's root directory. You can do this using a command like `tar -xvzf mediawiki-*.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/` in your terminal. **Make sure** your web server has the necessary permissions to read and write to the MediaWiki directory.

Next, you need to set up a database for MediaWiki. MediaWiki supports several database management systems, including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. For most users, MySQL or MariaDB is the preferred choice. *You can install MySQL or MariaDB* on your server if it is not already installed. Once the database system is ready, create a new database and a user with the appropriate permissions. For example, you can use the following commands in MySQL: `CREATE DATABASE wikidb;`, `CREATE USER 'wikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';`, `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wikidb.* TO 'wikiuser'@'localhost';`, and `FLUSH PRIVILEGES;`.

After setting up the database, you need to configure your web server. MediaWiki can run on various web servers, but Apache and Nginx are the most common choices. If you are using Apache, make sure you have the `mod_rewrite` module enabled. You can enable it by running `a2enmod rewrite` and restarting Apache with `systemctl restart apache2`. For Nginx, you need to configure your `nginx.conf` file to handle PHP and rewrite rules appropriately.

With your web server and database ready, navigate to your MediaWiki directory in your web browser to start the installation process. The installation wizard will guide you through the steps needed to configure MediaWiki. You will be asked to provide the database name, database username, and password you created earlier. Additionally, you need to set up an administrator account for your wiki. This account will have full access to all the administrative functions of MediaWiki.

    • During the installation**, you will also be prompted to configure some basic settings for your wiki, such as the site name, main page name, and email settings. It is important to provide accurate information here, as these settings will affect how your wiki operates. Once the installation is complete, the wizard will generate a `LocalSettings.php` file, which contains your configuration settings. You need to download this file and place it in the root directory of your MediaWiki installation.

Now that MediaWiki is installed, you can start customizing it to suit your needs. MediaWiki is highly extensible and customizable, with thousands of extensions and skins available. Extensions add functionality to your wiki, such as enabling rich text editing, adding new content types, or integrating with external services. Skins change the appearance of your wiki, allowing you to match your site's design to your preferences.

To install an extension, download the extension files and place them in the `extensions` directory of your MediaWiki installation. Then, add the required configuration settings to your `LocalSettings.php` file. For example, to install the VisualEditor extension, you would download the extension, place it in the `extensions` directory, and add the following lines to `LocalSettings.php`:

```php wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' ); $wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 1; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'visualeditor-enable'; $wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = array(

   'url' => 'http://localhost:8142',
   'prefix' => 'localhost',

); ```

Similarly, to change the skin, you can download the skin files and place them in the `skins` directory. Then, update your `LocalSettings.php` file to use the new skin. For example, to use the Vector skin, add the following lines to `LocalSettings.php`:

```php wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' ); $wgDefaultSkin = 'vector'; ```

    • Security is an important consideration** when running MediaWiki. You should regularly update MediaWiki and its extensions to ensure you have the latest security patches. You can check for updates on the [MediaWiki download page]( and the [Extension Distributor]( Additionally, it is important to configure proper file permissions for your MediaWiki directory to prevent unauthorized access. For example, you can set the ownership of the files to your web server user and set the appropriate read/write permissions.
    • Another critical aspect** of maintaining a MediaWiki site is regular backups. You should regularly back up your database and MediaWiki files to prevent data loss. You can use tools like `mysqldump` to back up your MySQL database and copy the MediaWiki files to a secure location. For example, you can use the following commands to back up your database and files:

```bash mysqldump -u wikiuser -p wikidb > /path/to/backup/wikidb.sql tar -czvf /path/to/backup/mediawiki-files.tar.gz /var/www/html/mediawiki ```

  • In addition to backups*, it is important to monitor the performance of your MediaWiki site. MediaWiki can be resource-intensive, especially for large wikis with many users. You can use tools like `top`, `htop`, and `vmstat` to monitor your server's performance and identify any potential bottlenecks. Additionally, you can enable caching in MediaWiki to improve performance. MediaWiki supports several caching mechanisms, including file caching, memcached, and Redis. You can enable caching by adding the appropriate settings to your `LocalSettings.php` file.
    • Another important aspect** of running a MediaWiki site is user management. MediaWiki has a robust user management system that allows you to control who can access your site and what they can do. You can create user accounts, assign user groups, and configure permissions to control access to different parts of your wiki. For example, you can create an administrator user group with full access to all administrative functions and a user group with limited access to view and edit pages. You can configure user groups and permissions in your `LocalSettings.php` file.
  • Managing content is another key aspect* of running a MediaWiki site. MediaWiki provides a rich set of tools for creating and managing content, including a built-in editor, templates, and categories. You can create new pages, edit existing pages, and organize content using categories and templates. Templates allow you to create reusable content that can be included on multiple pages, making it easy to maintain consistent formatting and content across your wiki. Categories allow you to organize pages into groups, making it easy for users to find related content.
    • To keep your content organized and up to date**, it is important to regularly review and update your pages. You can use the RecentChanges feature in MediaWiki to track changes to your wiki and identify pages that need attention. Additionally, you can use the Watchlist feature to keep track of changes to specific pages you are interested in. You can also use the PageProtection feature to protect important pages from unauthorized edits.
    • MediaWiki also provides tools** for collaborating with other users. You can use the Discussion pages associated with each page to communicate with other users and discuss changes. Additionally, you can use the UserTalk pages to communicate directly with other users. MediaWiki also supports email notifications, allowing you to receive notifications when changes are made to pages you are interested in.
  • Another useful feature* of MediaWiki is its support for multilingual content. MediaWiki supports multiple languages and provides tools for creating and managing content in different languages. You can enable multilingual support by configuring the language settings in your `LocalSettings.php` file. Additionally, you can use the Translate extension to create and manage translations of your pages.
    • To enhance the functionality of your MediaWiki site**, you can integrate it with other tools and services. For example, you can integrate MediaWiki with external authentication systems like LDAP or OAuth to provide single sign-on for your users. Additionally, you can use the API provided by MediaWiki to integrate with other applications and automate tasks. The API allows you to perform actions like creating and editing pages, managing users, and retrieving content programmatically.
  • To further customize your MediaWiki site*, you can modify the source code. MediaWiki is written in PHP, and you can modify the PHP files to add new features or change existing functionality. Additionally, you can create your own extensions and skins to customize the appearance and behavior of your wiki. MediaWiki provides extensive documentation and resources to help you get started with development.
    • Another important consideration** when running a MediaWiki site is compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Depending on your location and the nature of your wiki, you may need to comply with data protection regulations, copyright laws, and other legal requirements. It is important to familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations and ensure that your wiki complies with them. For example, you may need to provide a privacy policy, obtain user consent for data collection, and ensure that your content does not infringe on copyright.
  • To support your users and community*, it is important to provide documentation and support resources. You can create a help page on your wiki to provide information on how to use MediaWiki and perform common tasks. Additionally, you can create a community portal to provide a space for users to communicate and collaborate. You can also use the built-in forums and mailing lists provided by MediaWiki to provide support and communicate
with your users.
    • Running a MediaWiki site requires ongoing maintenance** and administration. You need to regularly update the software, manage users and content, monitor performance, and ensure security. Additionally, you need to engage with your users and community to ensure that your wiki remains a valuable resource. By following best practices and leveraging the tools and resources provided by MediaWiki, you can create and maintain a successful wiki site.
  • In conclusion*, running MediaWiki involves downloading and installing the software, setting up a database and web server, configuring the wiki, installing extensions and skins, ensuring security, performing regular backups, monitoring performance, managing users and content, collaborating with other users, supporting multilingual content, integrating with other tools and services, customizing the source code, complying with legal requirements, providing documentation and support, and performing ongoing maintenance and administration. By following these steps and leveraging the extensive resources and documentation available, you can create and maintain a successful and valuable wiki site using MediaWiki.

```mediawiki Running MediaWiki: A Comprehensive Guide

Running MediaWiki involves several steps that range from downloading the software to configuring it for your specific needs. **MediaWiki** is a free and open-source wiki software that allows you to create and manage your own wiki site. To get started, you need to download the MediaWiki software from the official website. Visit the [MediaWiki download page]( and choose the latest stable release. Once you have downloaded the tarball, you need to extract it to your web server's root directory. You can do this using a command like `tar -xvzf mediawiki-*.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/` in your terminal. **Make sure** your web server has the necessary permissions to read and write to the MediaWiki directory.

Next, you need to set up a database for MediaWiki. MediaWiki supports several database management systems, including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. For most users, MySQL or MariaDB is the preferred choice. *You can install MySQL or MariaDB* on your server if it is not already installed. Once the database system is ready, create a new database and a user with the appropriate permissions. For example, you can use the following commands in MySQL: `CREATE DATABASE wikidb;`, `CREATE USER 'wikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';`, `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wikidb.* TO 'wikiuser'@'localhost';`, and `FLUSH PRIVILEGES;`.

After setting up the database, you need to configure your web server. MediaWiki can run on various web servers, but Apache and Nginx are the most common choices. If you are using Apache, make sure you have the `mod_rewrite` module enabled. You can enable it by running `a2enmod rewrite` and restarting Apache with `systemctl restart apache2`. For Nginx, you need to configure your `nginx.conf` file to handle PHP and rewrite rules appropriately.

With your web server and database ready, navigate to your MediaWiki directory in your web browser to start the installation process. The installation wizard will guide you through the steps needed to configure MediaWiki. You will be asked to provide the database name, database username, and password you created earlier. Additionally, you need to set up an administrator account for your wiki. This account will have full access to all the administrative functions of MediaWiki.

    • During the installation**, you will also be prompted to configure some basic settings for your wiki, such as the site name, main page name, and email settings. It is important to provide accurate information here, as these settings will affect how your wiki operates. Once the installation is complete, the wizard will generate a `LocalSettings.php` file, which contains your configuration settings. You need to download this file and place it in the root directory of your MediaWiki installation.

Now that MediaWiki is installed, you can start customizing it to suit your needs. MediaWiki is highly extensible and customizable, with thousands of extensions and skins available. Extensions add functionality to your wiki, such as enabling rich text editing, adding new content types, or integrating with external services. Skins change the appearance of your wiki, allowing you to match your site's design to your preferences.

To install an extension, download the extension files and place them in the `extensions` directory of your MediaWiki installation. Then, add the required configuration settings to your `LocalSettings.php` file. For example, to install the VisualEditor extension, you would download the extension, place it in the `extensions` directory, and add the following lines to `LocalSettings.php`:

<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' ); $wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 1; $wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'visualeditor-enable'; $wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = array(

   'url' => 'http://localhost:8142',
   'prefix' => 'localhost',

); </syntaxhighlight>

Similarly, to change the skin, you can download the skin files and place them in the `skins` directory. Then, update your `LocalSettings.php` file to use the new skin. For example, to use the Vector skin, add the following lines to `LocalSettings.php`:

<syntaxhighlight lang="php"> wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' ); $wgDefaultSkin = 'vector'; </syntaxhighlight>

    • Security is an important consideration** when running MediaWiki. You should regularly update MediaWiki and its extensions to ensure you have the latest security patches. You can check for updates on the [MediaWiki download page]( and the [Extension Distributor]( Additionally, it is important to configure proper file permissions for your MediaWiki directory to prevent unauthorized access. For example, you can set the ownership of the files to your web server user and set the appropriate read/write permissions.
    • Another critical aspect** of maintaining a MediaWiki site is regular backups. You should regularly back up your database and MediaWiki files to prevent data loss. You can use tools like `mysqldump` to back up your MySQL database and copy the MediaWiki files to a secure location. For example, you can use the following commands to back up your database and files:

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> mysqldump -u wikiuser -p wikidb > /path/to/backup/wikidb.sql tar -czvf /path/to/backup/mediawiki-files.tar.gz /var/www/html/mediawiki </syntaxhighlight>

  • In addition to backups*, it is important to monitor the performance of your MediaWiki site. MediaWiki can be resource-intensive, especially for large wikis with many users. You can use tools like `top`, `htop`, and `vmstat` to monitor your server's performance and identify any potential bottlenecks. Additionally, you can enable caching in MediaWiki to improve performance. MediaWiki supports several caching mechanisms, including file caching, memcached, and Redis. You can enable caching by adding the appropriate settings to your `LocalSettings.php` file.
    • Another important aspect** of running a MediaWiki site is user management. MediaWiki has a robust user management system that allows you to control who can access your site and what they can do. You can create user accounts, assign user groups, and configure permissions to control access to different parts of your wiki. For example, you can create an administrator user group with full access to all administrative functions and a user group with limited access to view and edit pages. You can configure user groups and permissions in your `LocalSettings.php` file.
  • Managing content is another key aspect* of running a MediaWiki site. MediaWiki provides a rich set of tools for creating and managing content, including a built-in editor, templates, and categories. You can create new pages, edit existing pages, and organize content using categories and templates. Templates allow you to create reusable content that can be included on multiple pages, making it easy to maintain consistent formatting and content across your wiki. Categories allow you to organize pages into groups, making it easy for users to find related content.
    • To keep your content organized and up to date**, it is important to regularly review and update your pages. You can use the RecentChanges feature in MediaWiki to track changes to your wiki and identify pages that need attention. Additionally, you can use the Watchlist feature to keep track of changes to specific pages you are interested in. You can also use the PageProtection feature to protect important pages from unauthorized edits.
    • MediaWiki also provides tools** for collaborating with other users. You can use the Discussion pages associated with each page to communicate with other users and discuss changes. Additionally, you can use the UserTalk pages to communicate directly with other users. MediaWiki also supports email notifications, allowing you to receive notifications when changes are made to pages you are interested in.
  • Another useful feature* of MediaWiki is its support for multilingual content. MediaWiki supports multiple languages and provides tools for creating and managing content in different languages. You can enable multilingual support by configuring the language settings in your `LocalSettings.php` file. Additionally, you can use the Translate extension to create and manage translations of your pages.
    • To enhance the functionality of your MediaWiki site**, you can integrate it with other tools and services. For example, you can integrate MediaWiki with external authentication systems like LDAP or OAuth to provide single sign-on for your users. Additionally, you can use the API provided by MediaWiki to integrate with other applications and automate tasks. The API allows you to perform actions like creating and editing pages, managing users, and retrieving content programmatically.
  • To further customize your MediaWiki site*, you can modify the source code. MediaWiki is written in PHP, and you can modify the
PHP files to add new features or change existing functionality. Additionally, you can create your own extensions and skins to customize the appearance and behavior of your wiki. MediaWiki provides extensive documentation and resources to help you get started with development.
    • Another important consideration** when running a MediaWiki site is compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Depending on your location and the nature of your wiki, you may need to comply with data protection regulations, copyright laws, and other legal requirements. It is important to familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations and ensure that your wiki complies with them. For example, you may need to provide a privacy policy, obtain user consent for data collection, and ensure that your content does not infringe on copyright.
  • To support your users and community*, it is important to provide documentation and support resources. You can create a help page on your wiki to provide information on how to use MediaWiki and perform common tasks. Additionally, you can create a community portal to provide a space for users to communicate and collaborate. You can also use the built-in forums and mailing lists provided by MediaWiki to provide support and communicate with your users.
    • Running a MediaWiki site requires ongoing maintenance** and administration. You need to regularly update the software, manage users and content, monitor performance, and ensure security. Additionally, you need to engage with your users and community to ensure that your wiki remains a valuable resource. By following best practices and leveraging the tools and resources provided by MediaWiki, you can create and maintain a successful wiki site.
  • In conclusion*, running MediaWiki involves downloading and installing the software, setting up a database and web server, configuring the wiki, installing extensions and skins, ensuring security, performing regular backups, monitoring performance, managing users and content, collaborating with other users, supporting multilingual content, integrating with other tools and services, customizing the source code, complying with legal requirements, providing documentation and support, and performing ongoing maintenance and administration. By following these steps and leveraging the extensive resources and documentation available, you can create and maintain a successful and valuable wiki site using MediaWiki.

``` Neurofumo (talk) 16:34, 25 July 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]