Dyadic War

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Dyadic War
CanvasCanvas 64-C70
OutcomeChE prevails
Volunteers Chromatic Empire
Ceadog, AMQ13642, McdoodlydoopineApple

The Dyadic War was a sustained period of greifing endured by ChE from C64 to C70. It began as a result of the Knight Raid and Zim Continuation War. Users primarily from the Femboy Café were upset at ChE for the raid and dedicated themselves to greifing ChE after TFC ended its presence on Pxls. The Dyadic War can be said to have truly started on C65. The greifers did not have a specific template anymore and were not highly organized. They attacked over a period of several canvases with varying activity. Because there was no specific goal or template, the greifers technically accomplished their mission of inflicting as much damage on ChE as they could.