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Blake is a random guy who wanted to build pixel art, so he did it here. His latest art is on the right, but it isn't finished, so you'll have to wait.


Canvas 43

On Canvas 43, blake helped The Friendly Void, and basically claimed the whole top of the canvas. After, blake came up with an idea to make Yellow Lattice. Afterwards, he came up with the basic design and waited for Canvas 43a. But, at the moment, he had no idea what snipmode was. (Basically, everyone's name is -snip- to everyone but the mods.)

Canvas 43a

On canvas 43a, blake got started right on YL. The Friendly Void / Inverted Anarchists / Skinny Lattice took over the beta version, though. After, he made another YL in another spot, and added "YL" in the middle. After, people started making fun of it, and then IoanBG took over YL. Sad. Anyways, the mods abused the canvas and made a memorial out-of-bounds. After, blake quit for a while.

Canvas 44

On Canvas 44, he wanted to work on a fiddled blender and was glad that the -snip- era was over. As a result, he ended up harassing a mod that was still named "-snip-" and this resulted in him being permanently chat-banned due to being chat-banned many times before. Then, he quit for a while.

Canvas 45

After quitting for a while, he came back and made some "Blake was here" art. Then, IoanBG vandalized it. Come on! (Also, I can't upload files, since the freaking FANDOM thing won't sign me back in!) The "Blake was here" got vandalized and it said, "Blake wasn't here." It was later fixed.


Quotes from 'blake' (and his friends/enemies) are listed here.

  • "its name is despacito"
  • "Sure I don't like you, but I don't hate you." -ioanBG
  • "this man has been in my hot tub for 5 days"
  • "yellow lattice is cool"
  • "die"
  • "-snip- sucks"
  • "WANNA PLAy kaho0t"
  • "what"
  • "i love you"
  • "no"
  • "What the f*ck did you just say to me??"


  • The account 'blake' is chatbanned.
  • This account was created on Canvas 43.
  • This person's favorite song is "Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy.
  • I live in the U.S.

This is W.I.P. because I am lazy. I will add LOTS more soon. Bye!