Blue Corner (Canvas 39)

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The following is taken directly from the first two editions of the pixel piper which are for for Canvas 39 and Canvas 40

Canvas 39

Blue Corner Arrival A new group faced backlash for attempting to revive the /r/place era “Blue Corner” On August 15th, a small group of users dedicated to recreating the “Blue Corner” from /r/place splashed onto the canvas in the bottom right hand corner, covering German and Norwegian flags. The stated purpose of the group was to change its theme every canvas, recreating a new element of the /r/place experiment each time.

Due to the lack of many exciting events on the canvas, the story of the new Blue Corner circulated around quickly, causing many to take sides. Pxls moderator Sidestep was one of multiple users who attacked the Blue Corner with a melon and light blue pattern.

Sidestep cited the lack of originality and annoying behavior of the Blue Corner members as driving reasons for her conflict with them. At the same time, Cursed Clan leader JarJar_Boinks helped the Blue Corner, supporting the idea of making relics from /r/place. He would later go on to abandon the group after realizing that they were not planning on creating anything beyond their plain background.

After being gobbled up by the melon and light-blue pattern, Blue Corner attempted a counterattack but were quickly absorbed by a new faction, “Yellow Corner,” created by shadow_z_az. As Yellow Corner attempted to cement itself in the area, it was attacked by Blue Corner. It quickly joined “THE CORNER,” a united opposition faction that now incorporated melon, light blue, and yellow.

Halfhearted attempts to retake the area claimed by THE CORNER were made, but ultimately Blue Corner resigned itself to change their theme to a different aspect of /r/place due to the intense resistance they were facing. After these events, the faction faded from the limelight until Canvas 40, where they resurfaced to create their corner again.

Canvas 40

With the stated goal of carrying on the legacy of the Blue Corner from /r/place, this group suffered tough times on C39, until eventually deciding just to give up and wait until the reset before starting over. On C40, they started in their usual spot: the bottom-right corner, near Cursed Clan. However, in mid-September, Cursed Clan would eventually replace the Blue Corner with their own blue face pattern, effectively crushing the faction.