Pxls Art Enjoyers

Revision as of 22:59, 20 April 2024 by Revengebuzz (talk | contribs)
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Pxls Art Enjoyers was created on Canvas 64 by revenge666 and Naenaeskurt. Its only real conflict was a raid on its art during canvas 64 by Flandre and Mcdoodlydoo after Revenge griefed the Etos crash machine right before the reset. The faction was also griefed on canvas 66 by Left due to it being a collab with VGA which was unorganized at the time. It is very small and is one of the core Magenta Coalition factions. We do a little trolling :3

The name "Pxls Art Enjoyers" was done under the request of LenEnjoyer and later changed to Pxls Art Emporium, although it goes by either name.

The faction's Discord server can be found below:
