Nutshack Pxls

Revision as of 01:27, 24 December 2022 by fandom>SunTFTL
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Nutshack Pxls is a one-off joke faction created for Canvas 63 by Juralumin and co-owned by Nizrab. It exists to grief DreamPXLS with art based on one of the worst cartoons of all time - The Nutshack. The faction pretends to unironically like the show to wind up the people they're griefing.


Nutshack Pxls was a direct response to members of DreamPXLS being extremely rude to members of Eggbox on Canvas 62. Many griefs were attempted by Eggbox on said canvas but the only somewhat successful one resulted in a giant letter E being left over their template. Afterwards, Jura and a few members of Eggbox had the idea to grief DreamPXLS again if they were present next canvas. A few choices for art were thrown around but they quickly settled on artwork depicting Nutshack character Tito Dick.

The Raid

See Nutshack Sweep.