Magenta Squad

Revision as of 22:59, 30 May 2020 by (talk) (YOIB shit)
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Magenta Squad is a faction first formed on Canvas 34. Initially, it started as a joke, but began creating art on Canvas 35, led by swffl, but due to feeling stuck in a theme, they ended up stepping down from faction leader. It was also announced that chriichrii would take over starting Canvas 37.

They have a mascot of a magenta and lavender maggot, as well as its personification affectionately dubbed Maggot-chan


For some reason, they are disliked by YOIB founder 4us, and have been griefed by members of YOIB. YOIB have called them pedophiles, stating magenta is an acronym for "Minor Attracted GENTlemAn".