Yellow Corner (C41)

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The Yellow Corner, also unofficially but widely referred to as the Piss Corner or Yellow Corner was a proto-faction on Canvas 41. In this article, it will be referred to as the Yellow Corner, as ioanBG claimed it was a successor state of the Canvas 39 Yellow Corner, and because its legal name may cause controversy.

Background and creation

The bottom-right parts of any canvas, especially the ones with well-defined corners have always been an active zone of conflict if not covered by art, especially because of people wishing to revive the legacy of the Blue Corner of r/place, either by claiming they are continuing it, or by making their own spinoffs. On canvas 41, there were defined corners and soon the strip between the right side of the canvas and Changed Pxls's art became the battleground of several attempts at creating a plain corner, of which notable are the purple and blue pro-factions, with the purple one managing to hold around 100-200px at the corner itself. However, the yellow group by the name of Yellow Box managed to hold about 1000 pixels before being overran by blue forces and toofu's fractals, with swffl creating a small trollface over the mess. There was an unsuccessful attempt to remove the fractals, which resulted in them being filled in completely, thus effectively destroying the Yellow Box.


In this environment, ioanBG decided to "clean up this mess" and restore the Yellow Corner of c39. Knowing toofu was an active placer, he decided not to attempt an invasion of the fractals, which by this point had covered most of the actual corner and had spread out, instead choosing to simply block their expansion. The remaining non-fractalised parts of the Yellow Box were cleaned of stray pixels, and a mauve text reading "Piss" was made, which remained as a symbol of the faction. The yellow was expanded northward, mostly respecting already placed pixels and backgrounds.

Green Corner Invasion

Green Corner invasion
Result Yellow Corner victory
Yellow Corner Green Corner
Commanders and leaders
ioanBG unknown

On the 21st of October a small force operating as the Green Corner attacked the fractals and the Yellow Corner and later started expanding from its northernmost areas. Their forces were quickly crushed despite only facing ioanBG, and they established themselves in the inner triangles of the fractals. Later, an attempt by another group to establish a purple corner was stopped, and during negotiations they were given several other triangles.

This state of balance, with different colours located in different triangles, with the corner itself not belonging to one, but instead to the fractals, that also served as a border between the other colours and the Yellow Corner was protected by ioanBG, as it allowed him to guard attempts at creating another corner faction without it spilling onto the YC itself. This policy of policing the fractals remained in place until the Second Fractal Aggression, after which the previous coloured triangles and the fractals were destroyed by other forces, and ioanBG felt he could protect YC without buffer states.

First Fractal Aggression

First Fractal Aggression
Result Initial ioanBG victory, followed by a toofu victory and withdrawal
Yellow Corner Fractals
Commanders and leaders
ioanBG toofu

The day the Green Corner raid's damage was fixed was when toofu decided to expand his fractals into YC. After a several-hour long 1v1, ioanBG managed to reverse his gains in the first half of the conflic, going as far as pushing south to the bottom of the canvas, expecting that toofu wouldn't waste his time fixing the damage. However, not long after he had gone inactive, toofu had renewed his expansion, and without any resistance managed to inflict heavy damage on the Yellow Corner. Fortunately for ioanBG, he stopped and effectively left canvas activities, allowing ioanBG to rebuild and expand the corner.

Expansion and post-FFA recovery

In between the many brief raids, the Yellow Corner had expanded northwards, largely between a line of grey pixels placed by Epic and Change Pxls's art, without it actually touching the canvas's edges as far north as Xscape's ego near PokePxls. There was also a wide range of destruction caused by toofu's fractals, which ioanBG sought to remove, with the exception of the triangles owned by the Green and Purple corners, who ioanBG attempted to take, but through the complaints of the Purple Corner's creator decided not to, as he did not want another enemy. Taking the fractals and filling in the remaining space would almost double the size of the Yellow Corner, however it would take several days before most had been finished. A fairly disorganised area was left for pink0crusader, the de jure leader of the Piss Republic, to cover, as a measure to prevent him from expanding further north, which would've created problems with PokePxls after an agreement between them and ioanBG to halt expansion and leave space for a lattice. This left the YC with around 8000 pixels, covering most of the area east of ChangedPxls and south of the incomplete Pulp Fiction art.

Pxlsfiddle records show an attempted return of the fractals, however it is not certain if that was a returned toofu. What is known is that during this brief attack, Youj made a polish and ukrainian flag at the bottom left of the YC territory, later denying it being intentional and claiming he "did not know it was ioanBG's area".