
Revision as of 07:46, 18 June 2022 by (talk) (fixed a small error calling the purple empire "the the purple empire")
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E-Aria, also known as Eia, is a pxls user who joined on the 4th of January 2022. She is known to be a big fan of Candies 'n Curses. She is the highest level player in the game, as well as one of, if not the biggest fan of the game overall. Eia also really likes the colour purple, as evidenced by her allegiance to The Purple Empire.

Eia wants to put at least one Candies 'n Curses art on every canvas she is active on.


Canvas 52

Eia joined canvas 52 quite late, so she didn't place much. When she first joined, she helped fill in part of the background of an art of Suwako Moriya. Later, she decided it's time to to place down her own project, an art of Molli Pop from Candies n Curses. However, she had the brilliant idea of doing this without a template, and she ended up miscalculating the space her art took and it would have gone over like two art pieces. She selected a purple section to place her art down, thinking it was just background (foolishly, since it was actually The Purple Empire's territory). Of course, this quickly caught the attention of the Empire's leader Temriel. Eia apologized for the situation, explained what happened, and offered to move the art pieces. Unbeknownst to either of them, this was the start of an strong friendship that would last for canvases and still lasts to this day. After Eia fixed up the mess (which took some time because she accidentally moved one thing incorrectly and then had to move it again), she finished her Molli art. Later on, she drew a small candy from the game next to Molli, as well as the Candy Burst charm further down on TPE's territory. The rest of her time was spent filling in TPE territory and helping other arts.

Canvas 53

This canvas was undoubtedly Eia's most active canvas, where she placed down over 35k pixels. Eia started this canvas strong with an ambitious plan for a 21k art piece, a cutscene from the game Candies n Curses. She did a large majority of this art solo, but ultimately ended up accepting a little help.

Later she did small arts of Olly and a Wraith; Zeke; the Wing Charm; an art of the Phantom King on NBGM territory, (which was her first major communication with them); and the Photograph.

When not working on her personal projects, she was helping out TPE (in fact, the Wing Charm art was made for TPE specifically) As thanks for their kindness last canvas, Eia offered her large art to be used as a base for a colony when needed. If her art wasn't placed near or on a pre-existing faction bg or lattice, she often surrounded them with purple, which was the case with the Olly art and the Photograph art, leading to another TPE colony.

Considering how much she placed for the TPE, she took part in the same conflicts.

In the Komi-San War, she first witnessed Legion destroying the Komi art, and assuming there's nothing that could really save it after it was Legion who destroyed it, she suggested TPE fill in part of the section so her large art would have a full outline. She was originally fine with the 2 Lattice cutting off TPE's expansion there, but she drew the line at them trying to destroy what was already placed. She ended up spending several hours defending the already placed purple from 0Shelky and occasionally their friends, but oftentimes 1v1. Oftentimes they would be fighting over a singular pixel. Eia describes this as "a not fun game of whack-a-mole". Eventually the decision to redraw Komi, de-fiddled and in a larger size was made, and when TPE territory was no longer being griefed, she helped build it. Afterwards, there was some minor bickering about the outline on the Komi-San art, which she observed closely, in case something else were to break out. Fortunately, it didn't.

TPE may consider this conflict a loss, but to her, it was a win. Even if her art didn't get a full thick outline, art got improved, she got to showcase her dedication to the TPE, and in the end the Empire got a bunch of the area around there anyways.

During the Splatoon 2 partition fiasco, (that time when NBGM planned to destroy a fiddled Splatoon 2 logo because it didn't look very nice), when Eia learned off the territory TPE was offered, she suggested not to actively grief the logo, and merely fill in the area near it instead, as she thought attacking would be a bad idea especially considering the war that had just concluded. This ended up being the right choice, as the logo was later rebuilt in a de-fiddled state.

During the conflict with ImperialGuard and his Trump project, Eia happened to be helping someone out with a nearby art of rainbow skulls while Imperial started placing the Trump art. She didn't really like it, as it was heavily fiddled, didn't really fit size-wise and overall looked kinda ugly in her opinion, but she tolerated it. However, as soon as Imperial and his friends started going over the outline of the previously mentioned skull art, she didn't hesitate and went full aggro on the art, as well as rallied others to do the same. Imperial got so desperate as to ask people from an alt right server to help him. When that failed, due to him getting banned from said server, he got into negotiation with Temriel, Evelyn and Eia, where after some heated discussion they managed to come to an agreement, where provided Imperial didn't expand further, his project would be allowed to stay.

None of this ended up mattering, however, as when she and Temriel woke up the next day (they share time zones) they found someone else had almost completely destroyed the art. They finished up erasing the few pixels that remained, and decided to place down a pixel art of a purple E, which Eia herself drew the art for. The E was a reference to an earlier joke between them, where Eia had noticed someone griefed the text that said "The Purple Empire" to "The Purple E", which they both found a little funny.

Canvas 54

Eia had a very ambitious plan for this canvas, a 32k collage of various art pieces from Candies 'n Curses. This plan almost fell apart, as Eia found herself unable to use pxls due to personal reasons for all of the canvas except for the very start, and the very end. Fortunately for her, this collage was officially a TPE art, so various TPE members helped out with making it. Furthermore, Legion was on break this canvas, and a lot of Legion members decided to help out with the collage. Thanks to both of these factions, her art was finished rather swiftly. She made sure to thank all of them personally when she was able to return to the site.

Canvas 55

This canvas, Eia set up four arts for TPE. The Phantom King Omega, Phantom Churra, Discovery Charm and a Heart Lollipop. She also helped a little with pink gang's final art. Outside of that, she either filled out purple for TPE or helped with defending from griefs.

Canvas 56

This canvas was the first canvas of the Chromatic Empire. Quite a special event, especially for someone who's as passionate about TPE as Eia is. However, Eia didn't place much this canvas, for either TPE or ChE, the former due to TPE not having it's own section in the Chromatic Empire, and the latter because she thought the ChE lattice was mid. Instead, Eia made an art of Molli far away from ChE territory. Later on, she joined up with a small faction, the Spooky Squad, to work on another art of Molli, this time on her bike, as well as helping them finish their art of Beetlejuice. She later added in an art of the Bubblegum Charm. Outside of this, she helped other arts, mainly ones within LoF, as her first Molli art ended up in the LoF zone.

Canvas 56a

This Canvas, Eia made an art of a slime. Then, she decided she didn't like where the slime was located and moved it elsewhere. This is Eia's least active canvas, even if you take into account that it was shorter than others due to being a gimmick canvas.

Canvas 57

This canvas Eia made a drawing of Molli wearing the Omega costume, which was her own sprite edit. Outside of that, she helped the TPE again, now that it had a section that didn't have the ChE lattice (which, although different from C56's, Eia still found mid). She also placed a little for the fish collab.

Canvas 58

This canvas is currently active, and will have a proper section made once it is finished. But you know, something something Candies 'n Curses, something something TPE and maybe a something something ChE.


Candies 'n Curses 'n Pixels

Her main, one woman faction. The faction mainly exists so Eia has a cute faction tag, but this is the name under which she considers all of Candies 'n Curses arts to be made. Anyone who's ever placed anything for one of her CnC arts can consider themselves a member if they'd like.

The Purple Empire

Her "true" main faction. Thanks to her and Temriel's meeting in Canvas 52, and her strong liking of the color purple, she ended up joining. She's been a pretty active placer ever since, granting her the rank of Major there.

Chromatic Empire

Since TPE is part of ChE, and Eia is part of TPE, Eia is part of ChE. She's a representative of TPE there.