Dhilly Propaganda Pxls

Revision as of 17:47, 9 March 2023 by LenEnjoyer (talk | contribs)
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Canvas 60

Dhilly Propaganda Pxls on Canvas 60

This is the only real art produced by Dhilly Propaganda Pxls. Though due to focus on the Space Collab, it didn't have many placers. So LenEnjoyer decided to give all placers an option to have beta access to the game. This ensured the art would be finished before reset. The beta access is yet to be provided as the game isn't in the beta stage yet.

See this art on the interactive map for Canvas 60

Canvas 61

Dhilly Propaganda Pxls on Canvas 61

On Canvas 61, LenEnjoyer made a Dhilly Game 6 link on the top left of The Void. Is this really faction art? who knows.

See this art on the interactive map for Canvas 61

Canvas 63

Dhilly Propaganda Pxls was meant to be part of Video Gaming Artists' collab, however, the art was removed and forgotten about, meaning Dhilly Propaganda Pxls was not going to return until Canvas 64 (maybe).

Canvas 64

Dhilly Propaganda Pxls did indeed return, it's original art was raided by a void faction called The Sky, but it then went next to Miku and More uncontested.

Canvas 65

Dhilly Propaganda Pxls assisted Lesser Kingdom of Magenta in it's attack of a flag.