France Pxls
France Pxls was created during late Canvas 29. It was created when leader Chinpachi realized that no French faction was created yet. It builds French related art on Canvas and is currently led by Chinpachi.
Canvas 29
First active canvas of French Pxls, with the purpose of protecting the two little French islands that were being attacked. France built two little projects:
- French Boat and French IslandFrench Boat and French Island
- Baguette on French Flag
Canvas 30
During this canvas, France Pxls allied with the faction called "Burgeoise". During this canvas they built a flag together. France Pxls also built a French Map Art, hot air balloon and a baguette Nyan Cat.
Canvas 31
On this canvas some small arts were made, notably the Eiffel tower, which had its flag turned into a belgian one shortly before the reset.