Neuro-sama's Swarm

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Neuro-sama's Swarm
image under construction, have neurofumo for now
ActiveCanvas 81 - present
(Pre-Canvas Coordination + Casual Pixel thread)[1]
PontiffThe Swarm Council

Neuro-sama's Swarm is an art faction founded on Canvas 81 by the Swarm Council. It was formed with the purpose to make Neuro-sama and Neuro-sama related art on canvases.


OTK Canvas

Connor's Canvas

A Pxls Canvas Event was hosted by streamer and YouTuber CDawgVA also simply known as Connor. During this canvas, the official "Swarm Council" was established. The Swarm Council is responsible for art planning, strategy and negotations. The Swarm was very independent from its streamer. With help of the council, actions concerning the faction could be directed. The Swarm had less power than factions of active streamers, however, streamer communities tended to "fall off" the moment the canvas was off-screen. This led to The Swarm being a self-organized, overwhelming force on the canvas thanks to the alliance with osu! and Anny's foxhole support (A faction of the streamer "anny" also known in the community as Neuro's mother), the Swarm was the most powerful and feared faction on the canvas. During the canvas the first, now iconic, pixel Neurofumo was created.

Connor's canvas was most well known for encouraging aggression against other factions and to consistently make new art instead of holding on to old ones. This, of course, led to Connor often creating large pieces of art with administrator powers while targeting old ones, making the osu! logo a primary target. Despite the Swarm's power, it still could only hold at best against Connor's or notably Ironmouse's many hour attacks, resulting in events such as:

  • "Operation giga chad" (Covering the osu! logo with a giga chad)
  • "Family table war" (Destruction of the family table with a Vshojo logo, which lead to a lot of hardships and significant morale drop within the faction)
  • "Vedal speech" (Vedal's speech made to The Swarm during a public council meeting before the inevitable battle against Connor's army)
  • "osu! blackout" (Voiding of the osu! logo by Connor)

Despite all of those events, The Swarm left the last mark on the canvas in the form of Neuro-sama Chainsaw Man art with whopping size of 430x430 pixels.

r/place 2023

The sudden happening of r/place wasn't the best for The Swarm. Both the Swarm Council and common pickle (pixel) placers were exhausted and sleep deprived from fighting in Connor's Canvas which was impacting their starting morale. This and with the additional requirement of having a Reddit account made The Swarm numbers even smaller, additionally with rejection of request to join P3ACE, circumstances were not at all in Swarm's favor. However, by sheer luck and the negotiation power of the Council, the Trinity Alliance was created. It is an Alliance between the Neuro-sama's Swarm, DRG&SoT, and Genshin Impact, as well as the now common alliance with osu!. NeuroFumo was one of the first arts to appear in the canvas. Its placement was difficult due to still somewhat limited manpower, fight over terrain and potential danger from expanding flags. Later on, the Trinity Alliance assured safety of the fumo by claiming chunks around it. First came the "cheese fumo" named due to limited colours during early stage of the canvas, shortly after fumo became "cheesed" due to it looking like it was slapped with a slice of cheese after being attacked by streamer Ohnepixel as a warmup. Next came the "Battle of Donowall", making a wall of green pixels called donowall to stop or at least slow down sudden expansion of the Turkey flag, donowall held just barely enough for osu! support to arrive and Turkey was eventually pushed back. Following this event, the Trinity Alliance agreed on a collab template, implementing parts of other communities on the fumo. The final version of the template included: symbol of SoT gold hoarders faction, a pirat woodleg, DRG driller drill arms and Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun headpiece as well as eventually Hu Tao hat after moving of Factorio. Some other noteworthy events are:

  • Mabe accident: A negotiation between Swarm Council member Violezine and a r/factorio representative. To Violezine's question of "What do you guys think?" in context of moving the Factorio logo, the r/factorio representative replied in the now memed "Mabe". This reply along with misspelled name of the faction as "r/factoro" as well as overall problematic diplomatics with the faction due to their awkward placement increased the ridiculousness of the situation even further. "Mabe" is now used within community as ironic way of saying "Maybe".
  • NeuroErm: Template encouraged on stream by Vedal. Placed on location claimed originally by r/OnePiece, nearly causing an offense by the faction against Swarm. Thankfully Swarm Council managed to reason with r/OnePiece representatives, offering support to help with replacement after completing the NeuroErm, avoiding a catastrophic diplomatic incident.
  • NeuroBell: Art made by r/VTPlace due to their obsession with use of emote "NeuroBell" for important canvas related announcements and alike.

See also