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(Redirected from Osu! Logo Builders)

While officially named osuplace, the faction is colloquially referred to as just osu! after the rhythm game of the same name.

The faction was originally created for Reddit's r/place April Fools experiment in 2017 under the leadership of emanfman, LittleEndu, and a few other dedicated osu! players.


Canvas 56

Due to osuplace's assistance and friendship with pxls.space during the Reddit r/place April Fools experiment of 2022, the pxls staff made the initial canvas a 1,727 diameter osu! cookie.

Canvas 66

User emi started a solo project at canvas reset revolving around osu! assets and was contacted by LittleEndu shortly after to make the project officially under the osuplace faction.

With the help of a handful of dedicated osu! players, osuplace built a new osu! cookie design along with osu!taiko's mascot don-chan and an extensive lattice.

Due to her previous experience with pxls and extensive help with artwork for the canvas, emi became somewhat of a leadership role within the faction and was later officially offered the role of Architect.

Canvas 67

During c67 osuplace teamed up with Gura's Supermarket to create a fairly large artwork of Neuro-sama, and AI Vtuber, and another Vtuber named Camila. This collab, at the bottom center of the canvas, was immediately neighboring the Chromatic Empire and Flandre who each had their own sizable pieces of art. Because of this the 4 factions coordinated with each other to create a grassy background that helped to tie all the artworks together. This was informally referred to at the Southern Collab due to its location on the canvas.

Canvas 68

osuplace claimed a spot on the bottom edge of the canvas to build a background image from the game showing 3 of the mascots on a wooden sailboat.

Unofficial works

Canvas 65 and 65a

User emi built solo projects for the osu! cookie and some game assets.