Yellow Lattice

Revision as of 12:58, 4 February 2021 by fandom>TheBlake12345
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I hope you like novels, because this is gonna be LONG!


Yellow Lattice is a lattice created on Canvas 43, and has been progressively growing on Canvas 43a. This is W.I.P. too, I will add more info when I need to.


One sunny and hot morning, a user by the name of 'blake' had just reached 1,000 pixels. And, if you didn't know, when you reach 1,000 pixels, you get to make a faction. This faction would soon grow to be a good, healthy lattice with no conflicts or wars (so far).

Blake decided to make a lattice, but what KIND of lattice?? He looked around Canvas 43, and saw that there wasn't a Yellow Lattice. So, he made Yellow Lattice.

Later that day, the canvas ended. So, he went and decided to add the Yellow Lattice to Canvas 43a. He did. At first, his 1st try at YL ended horribly, because The Friendly Void took it over. He tried again, and it worked. The picture on the right shows it's current state. Also, this is W.I.P. so if anyone wants to add info (no griefing), go ahead!

YL being taken over on Canvas 43a.


  • VERY small conflict that broke out against The Friendly Void
  • On Feb. 3rd, 2021, YL was taken over by an unknown lattice. YL fought back, and eventually got it back.

Fall of YL

I'm planning ahead, ANYTHING can happen!!