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Operation "Phase 5" War

Revision as of 17:35, 24 February 2021 by Titeiiko (talk | contribs) (Fixed a bit of info and added more)

Operation Phase 5 is a plan of YOIB to attack Hall of Flags. The reason for this is because YOIB isn't a big fan of flags being classified as "artwork" and HoF being one of their main targets. The plan was to replace HoF with a Bread Anime girl which can be argued that it represents SenkoBread's profile picture. In addition, they added the lattices of Woke Cells, Inverted Anarchist (skinny cells) and the Mushroom Cells from the north. It wasn't confirmed if Woke and Inverted actually called out their own men to fight in the war but the template did include their lattices.

On 2/24. YOIB starts the operation with a bonus of 2x operation points for every operation point that was placed. After almost 3 hours of fighting, YOIB will win the area. YouJ, leader of HoF, will backoff and refuse to rebuild it or attempt to fight back.

After the war:

  • Woke Cells and Mushroom Cells will have a minor border conflict. Woke Cells will agree to give up a bit of their land.
  • Inverted Anarchist will be recognized by YOIB. Giving them diplomatic prestige.
  • HoF will probably never be revived against because of YOIB's dislike of the artwork.