
Revision as of 13:30, 12 April 2022 by fandom>TheWaffleLord37 (added history section with c10 and c11)
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TheWaffleLord (Waffle) is a moderator for Pxls that joined on canvas 10, and is currently the leader of the factions ManePxls and Global Template.

To see a spreadsheet of my pixel stats including the exact numbers of pixels placed, undos, averages for those stats, and placemaps, click here.

To see a graph of the number of pixels I've placed during my time on Pxls, click here. To see a graph of my pixels excluding mini-canvases, click here.


Discovering Pxls

WIP something something LittleshyFiM

Canvas 10

The first thing I did after creating a Pxls account on canvas 10 was seeing a post on the subreddit of someone wanting to start a void which I helped by placing around 20 pixels before moving on, then I helped make grylical's checkerboard pattern which later got destroyed. After that I helped various projects until the canvas reset.

WIP add pics

Canvas 11

My first full canvas. Before the reset I looked through the posts in the #plans channel on the Pxls Discord to find a project I could help with once the canvas reset. I cut it down to two choices: Doki Doki Pxls Club or Team Pxls. I ended up choosing Team Pxls and helped make their art during canvas 11.

The final state of Doki Doki Pxls Club's art for canvas 11.
The final state of Team Pxls' art for canvas 11.

WIP add manepxls info

Canvas 12



(All times are in PST and all dates are M/D/Y)

Joined Pxls Discord: 4/20/2018 3:49 PM

Created Pxls account: 4/21/2018 3:36 PM

Reached 100,000 pixels placed: 9/19/2018 9:06 PM

Promoted to Pxls trial moderator: 10/7/2018 2:56 PM

Promoted to Pxls moderator: 10/13/2018 1:02 PM

Left Pxls Discord for a break: 12/1/2018 12:21 AM

Rejoined Pxls Discord: 1/10/2019 5:03 PM

Reached 200,000 pixels placed: 2/10/2019 4:02 PM

Reached 300,177 pixels placed: 6/17/2019 8:51 PM

Reached 400,000 pixels placed: 10/14/2019 7:07 AM

Re-promoted to Pxls moderator: 1/15/2020 3:03 AM

Reached 499,999 pixels placed: 6/22/2020 8:23 PM

Reached 600,000 pixels placed: 7/17/2021 3:03 AM


Waffle created many art pieces for ManePxls which you can see on the ManePxls wiki.

Canvas 13

On this canvas, Waffle built his first piece of art; an ego in the shape of a waffle.

Canvas 14

During this canvas, Waffle constructed the emote :rooHappy: from the popular Twitch streamer AdmiralBahroo.

Canvas 16

For this canvas, Waffle created some art for the Team PXLS faction using the character Neo.

Canvas 21

On this canvas, Waffle constructed another Roo, this time using the :rooAwwt: emote.