Pxls Refugees

Revision as of 15:28, 20 February 2022 by fandom>Diehleeo
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This is here to troll grylical ignore it
The Refugee's server icon

Pxls Refugees is a Discord group mostly filled with previously banned users or troll users, founded 1/15/2020 and still going on til this page was updated (2/20/2022)

The Refugees have a history of being annoying little pricks and pestering staff of every argument you could think of. Known for toxicity and being a "refuge" for more of the known and infamous banned users. They are by to an extent, an extension of the woke cell lattice faction as they contain many old users from there, and the woke cell is used as a symbol or icon for them, being used in raids and a lot of imagery and poorly drawn memes.

The Refugees took a major role in the infamous Banned Lives Matter art, in collaboration with their friends over at YOIB. It was a very controversial art that lead to it getting nuked by staff, and multiple bans handed out.

Trollface Raids were also supported heavily by the Refugees, with one of their members, Grylical, even taking part in the leadership of it.

There has also been countless other raids or small griefs carried out by them, with way too many to list or even remember.

The leadership of Refugees has been controversial for the group, as many bitch about Diehleeo taking ownership for two years now. It is up for debate because the user Tank originally made the server as a joke, but then gave ownership to Grylical. The server was then unironic and ended up lasting a very long time, and a little under a year in ownership was given to Diehleeo which they all regret and cope super hard about due to some complications with when Refugees was shut down temporarily after being deemed "dead". But on 2/2/2022, it was reopened after a poll in Sanctimonious was posted asking if they would want to revisit it as a late anniversary celebration, and it kicked off and is alive as ever and has been taking action on canvas again, yet to a lesser extent.

A parody of a political cartoon depicting the pxls staff and Dark playing a one sided game of chess against the Refugees and YOIB members