
Revision as of 10:01, 5 May 2020 by (talk) (changed one of the biggest faction to one of the faction, Bahamaland is not big tho)
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Bahamaland is one of the factions on Originally founded on canvas 25 by Timmy with the name of "Navy Blue Grand Monarchy", this lattice changed it's presentation in canvas 27 to a Bahamian inspired lattice and went through a renaissance era in canvas 34, with many of the old leaders and members being overthrown and becoming a much more refined faction as a whole.


Humble Beginnings

It all started when a bunch of friends got bored at a sleepover and decided to play They created their very own faction called Navy Blue Grand Monarchy and started making a navy blue lattice (hence the name) with Timmy taking the role as Leader (or monarch in this case).

Territorial Tensions

As Navy Blue Grand Monarchy grew bigger and stronger, they started to become the enemy of the Yellow Faction and their leader, Flag Union.

The two factions would constantly fight for territory and engage in plenty of battles. Navy Blue Grand Monarchy eventually declared all out war with Yellow Faction. But Yellow faction was strong in numbers and was ultimately the victor. This however would not last forever.

The Fall of Yellow Faction

A high ranking member of Navy Blue Grand Monarchy known as CubicalThinker, known for his brutal sieges and attacks on other peoples art, decided to "join" Yellow Faction claiming "If you can't beat em, join em". This, however, was actually a plan to humiliate and virtually destroy Yellow faction from the inside out.

CubicalThinker conducted this by creating his own face right next to Yellow factions, making it look like the two where conjoined twins. He even made a third face that wasn't connected to the other two, but was distinctively Pea Green. Despite how awful this looked, Yellow faction couldn't do anything because technically CubicalThinker wasn't breaking any of their rules and was simply "adding" to their art. This infuriated Flag Union who was unable to stop this due to the rules he and his faction installed.

After ranting, raging, and just being annoying, Flag Union was banned, not only from his own faction, but from entirely. Chalkless, the new leader of Yellow Faction, decided to move the entire faction somewhere else on the canvas and allowed Navy Blue Grand Monarchy to have all their land. This was a cause for celebration for the entirety of Navy Blue and marked the very first war they have ever won in

Orange Circles Appeared

On the day the canvas was supposed to reset, an Orange Circle lattice went to war with Navy Blue Grand Monarchy. WIP