
Revision as of 18:29, 18 September 2023 by Shape (talk | contribs) (made the page, added history for c71 and final image)
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Shape (/ ʃɛ́jp /, / SHAYP/) , known as Shapes (/ ʃɛ́jps /, / SHAYPS /), is a user who joined on August 23rd, 2023 (during Canvas 71). He is fairly active in the Pxls chat.


Canvas 71

Shape as he appears on Canvas 71's final form. He is next to Peppino, a Tank Barrel and a Caterpillar.

Shape joined during Canvas 71 and started to make his art shortly after. His art is a pixelised version of his avatar, in the style of the Danganronpa Pixel Sprites.