Sigma Confederacy

Revision as of 00:11, 14 August 2022 by fandom>ChaeTits (Larp Shit.)
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The Sigma Confederacy is a faction created by Jabo on Canvas 53. It was known as the Anti-Degeneracy Faction, Anti-Dyel Faction, and Pepega Confederacy before taking on its current identity.


Owner: Jabo

2nd in command: Greencatkid

Admins: Lad Enclave, Xpiss, GreencatKid


Canvas 59

On C59, Lad Enclaved griefed the works of BobLeftBean of Frog Pxls. As a result, Bob contacted Jabo to settle this. Due to the failure of the settlement, BobLeftBean launched a surprise raid onto Sigma Confederacy due to lack of communications and failure to agree with the terms. During the war, BobLeftBean managed to collect pictures of Taafy's association with Sigma Confederacy which caused the majority of the community to support Frog Pxls for the war.