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Communist Wars: Difference between revisions

Created page with "{{War|previous = Woke War|next = Anarchotranshumanist Wars|result = AFiP-CZVLT successes|side1 = AFiP The Cozy Vault|side2 = Communist factions}}"
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{{War|previous = [[Woke War]]|next = [[Anarchotranshumanist Wars]]|result = AFiP-CZVLT successes|side1 = [[AFiP]]
{{War|previous = [[Woke War]]|next = [[Anarchotranshumanist Wars]]|result = AFiP-CZVLT successes|side1 = [[American Flag In Place|AFiP]]

[[The Cozy Vault]]|side2 = Communist factions}}
[[The Cozy Vault]]|side2 = Communist factions}}

Revision as of 18:49, 9 October 2020