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Created page with "{{Official faction box|owner=Lana|active_canvas=Canvas 47 - present|contact=https://discord.io/leftpxls}} Left Pxls is a coalition of communists, anarc..."
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{{Official faction box|owner=Lana|active_canvas=[[Canvas 47]] - [[current canvas|present]]|contact=https://discord.io/leftpxls}}
'''Join The PXLS Mod Haters Club: https://discord.gg/FJXyfSsMjh'''{{Official faction box|owner=Lana|active_canvas=[[Canvas 47]] - [[current canvas|present]]|contact=https://discord.io/leftpxls}}

Left Pxls is a coalition of communists, anarchists, socialists, and other leftists on pxls.space, with the purpose of defending leftist symbols and making art themed around left wing aesthetics.
Left Pxls is a coalition of communists, anarchists, socialists, and other leftists on pxls.space, with the purpose of defending leftist symbols and making art themed around left wing aesthetics.

Revision as of 21:05, 8 May 2022

Join The PXLS Mod Haters Club: https://discord.gg/FJXyfSsMjh

Left Pxls is a coalition of communists, anarchists, socialists, and other leftists on pxls.space, with the purpose of defending leftist symbols and making art themed around left wing aesthetics.